Manchester University Personal Statements

These UCAS personal statements have been kindly provided by students applying to The University of Manchester. You can click on one of the links below to view the entire statement and find out if the applicant was offered a place.

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Accounting and Finance Personal Statement Example 1 *****
It was when I earned my first pound at the age of ten washing my mother's car that I became interested in the power of money. Over time it became clear to me that the people who understand the monetary and banking system are capable of understanding the decisions made by governments and the future of society...

Economics Personal Statement Example 3 ***
When moving from GCSE to A Level I approached the two ‘new’ subjects I had chosen with excitement and some trepidation. I now realise taking Politics and Economics was the right choice. My experiences of A Level Economics have shown me the fundamental part it plays in our lives and I am keen to study it in more depth and be able to use my knowledge to complete individual economic based studies...

Politics & International Relations Personal Statement Example 1
I have always taken a keen interest in public affairs, always wanting to know what was happening in the world so studying politics and international relations is a natural attraction for me. I have been encouraged to pursue concentrated study due to my incredible fascination with the impact that political decision making has on humanity...

Mechanical/Electrical Engineering Personal Statement Example
I have always been fascinated by the vast jobs robots are able to perform, and by the way all these cars around us were designed. The problem is, my interest was not satisfied by revolving around the outer appearance of these machines or by how well they achieved their functions, but was constantly demanding to learn more about how they managed to do so, and what inner complexities I was not allowed to meet closely made it capable of attracting my attention...

Politics and International Relations Personal Statement Example 3 *****
Politics and International Relations have always captivated me. Being closely connected to Israel, where political stability and good relations with her neighbours are considered luxuries, I have seen the importance of both politics and international relations for providing a safer future...

Politics and International Relations Personal Statement Example 4
The era in which we live goes through constant turmoil and shifting powers. Not a day goes by without a change somewhere on our planet, which in turn has an effect on yet another change to come elsewhere...

French and Arabic Personal Statement Example
In studying French and Arabic, I am eager to compare two mutually influential languages and cultures, particularly their overlapping history and its cultural representations. I decided to defer my entry to retake my Maths A2 and plan to turn this to my advantage by working and living in France, putting what I've already learnt of the French language and culture into practice...

Biomedical Science/Neuroscience Personal Statement Example
The limitless potential of the life sciences and the opportunity for world-changing breakthroughs are both exciting and compelling to me. Upon hearing about a disease for the first time, I am eager to find out more about the precise ways in which it affects the body, which has led me to spend much time researching the details of various diseases...

Environmental Science Personal Statement Example 1
I must describe as undetermined the moment from which my compassion began to aim predominantly towards the natural environment and all the elements that compose it. With the passing of the years since my existence here on Earth, I have been able to witness behind the transparent glass of “development”, how our relationship with nature is becoming more noxious; on having assumed us with the right to take a big part of our Earth as if it was completely within our jurisdiction...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 8 ****
Psychology encapsulates every aspect of our lives. From childhood, the reasons behind why we do what we do has fascinated me; and when I was disciplined for the type of mischief that one commits at a young age, my reasoning for my actions were always “To see what would happen...

Architecture Personal Statement Example 1
I believe that having a visual stimulus in your environment is important. For example, if I'm walking down the street I want to see an eclectic mix of buildings that I find exciting to look at, rather than rows of uniform houses...

English Literature Personal Statement Example 1
When I saw Gatz, John Collin's eight hour interpretation of The Great Gatsby, I noticed that Fitzgerald changes the colour of Daisy's hair every time he describes it. It is "like a dash of blue paint", "yellowy" like her daughters and then "dark, shining"...

Biomedical Science Personal Statement Example 4 *****
Being recognised as one of the most advanced creatures on earth, as human beings we rely on intelligence and limitless curiosity to sustain our existence in such a complex society. To venture into the realm of science and medicine is to pursue a path of boundless discoveries...

Maths and Actuarial Science Personal Statement Example
Maths is a subject like no other; its complexity makes it a challenging and often frustrating area of study, however the logic behind every problem leaves a feeling of certainty about it. My devotion to the subject has grown exponentially, especially in recent years...

Physics Personal Statement Example 5
With philosophy at its foundation, and mathematics as its language, physics is full of profound insights into the workings of the universe, from the tiniest quantum interactions to the forming of the most distant galaxies...

Biology Personal Statement Example 4 *****
I think snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef is the closest thing to magic I’ll ever have the fortune to experience. The fragile coral beneath the majestic manta rays cannot help but provoke massive curiosity into the complex ecosystems and inspire endless wonder for the natural world...

Anthropology Personal Statement Example 2
My fascination with human behaviour and the motivations behind human actions has existed for most of my adult life, to determine a cause however I would accredit this to the voluntary work I participated in with Crisis Single Persons Homeless charity...

Pharmacy Personal Statement Example 1 ****
I have always had a great interest in Science and Mathematics because of the impacts that both of these have on our daily lives. I have become fascinated by Pharmacy as a career because it brings together Chemistry and Maths and directly effects on the lives of people in the community...

Chemistry/Chemistry with Biomedicine Personal Statement Example
I was told I couldn’t have the opening paragraph I had originally written, so to begin I’ll to describe the scientific processes in my own words as this is what will underlie my degree and hopefully my foreseeable future...

History Personal Statement Example 9 ****
The opportunity to develop and broaden my knowledge attracts me to study history at university. My enthusiasm for history is driven by how past events influence today's political and economic decisions, and how human societies and cultures have gradually developed throughout the years...

Architecture Personal Statement Example 3
Growing up in post-soviet Belarus I wasn't surrounded by the architectural wonders - all the buildings were dull and grey, therefore from early childhood I started drawing and making houses of my dreams...

Biology Personal Statement Example 8
My interest in Biology started at a very young age due to spending a lot of time outdoors. I am intrigued by the functioning of living organisms and how they are all linked; one small change in one species will affect a whole range of others...

Physics & Astrophysics Personal Statement Example
I have always considered Physics to be a captivating area of study, whether it is a question of how aspects of it work, or indeed why they work. As such, I have found deep fascination in studying Physics, as it is able to provide answers (as well as evidence) to such queries...

English Literature & Creative Writing Personal Statement Example 1
'I write for the same reason I breathe- because if I didn't, I would die.' I believe that Isaac Asimov sums up writing particularly aptly. Whilst it could be classed as hyperbole, I feel my sentiments are similar...

Philosophy Personal Statement Example 3 ****
One area of philosophy I find particularly exciting is the philosophy of mind, which I was first introduced to while reading Descartes' 'Meditations'. I was fascinated by the problem regarding how interaction can take place between the mind and body without some sort of supernatural "spirit", which opens up great questions...

Anthropology and Archaeology Personal Statement Example
My interest in culture first started when I began to attend my local Hindu Temple with my friend in primary school. I was highly interested in how her surroundings differed from my own and enjoyed immersing myself in her way of life...

Pharmacology and Neuroscience Personal Statement Example ****
I enjoy studying science because it is a subject that encompasses so much of life's issues and practicalities, and a subject that can be applied and made useful to everyday life. Biological science is fascinating but it is even more exciting when studying abnormal function in medical science, from the facts in pathology to the application in pharmacology...

Economics & Politics Personal Statement Example 1 ****
My perception of the world changed on September the 11th 2001, when I returned home from school to find that a terrorist organisation had attacked the World Trade Centre. The attack destroyed my feeling of security, provoking me to probe and question the world around me in a way I hadn't before and sparking my interest in current affairs...

Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example 1 ****
Modern life is almost wholly dependent on engineering. It is everywhere and it is always changing, and it is this in particular which attracts me to civil engineering. I hope that in this field I can combine my knowledge and skills in physics and maths, two subjects which particularly interest me, and also work in an area which is both diverse and exciting...

Sociology/Social Policy Personal Statement Example
Since starting my A-Level in sociology, I've realised it is a subject I can easily grasp and immerse myself in, and that by pursuing courses based around society, social changes and policies at university, I can further understand and appreciate the inner workings of society and how it can be adapted to meet the ever-increasing diversity of the country we live in...

Geography and Politics Personal Statement Example *****
My interest in geography began when I visited an exhibition on maps from the 1400s up to the present day. They charted the progress of smaller kingdoms and county boundaries into the UK that we know today...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 38 *****
I survived. Born 6 weeks premature, if it wasn't for medicine, I may not have lived. From the earliest stages I have had a fascination with the sciences and my first 'Encyclopaedia of Science' incited an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and understanding of these subjects...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 43 ****
My interest in computers and technology started when I was given a computer as a present, at the age of ten. Since there was nobody to teach me how to use it, I had to teach myself, experimenting with different options...

Physiology and Medical Sciences Personal Statement Example
The human body is arguably the most complex life form that has ever existed. Studying how the body works helps us to comprehend the many processes that maintain health and find better treatment for diseases...

International Physics Personal Statement Example *****
Since infancy, I have been intrigued as to how anything I came into contact with worked; however, the explanations I received were always either too vague or beyond my knowledge at the time, I have came to realize that the keyword for all my questions was physics, where the most complex phenomena of the universe can be explained by fitting small pieces of the puzzle into a structured theory...

English Personal Statement Example 23
My love of literature is rooted in the connection it gives us to centuries of ideas, giving us the ability to converse with ghosts, linking us with the greatest and most eloquent minds in history; as Bovee puts it, “books are embalmed minds”...

Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example 9
Civil engineering is a discipline which is essential in the modern world: roads, bridges, airports, railways, sewage works and power stations all provide the fabric of today's society, and without them the world would be a very different place...

Aerospace Engineering Personal Statement Example 12
The time I first saw an aircraft fly over our house, I was three. Out of curiosity I asked my father about it. To avoid complexity he simply explained that it was like a gigantic flying bus. I was awed...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 43
The ever-evolving nature of medical science and the certainty that we will know more about the many different healthcare practices has inspired me to pursue a career in medicine. My dedication to studying medicine has been confirmed by the experience I have gained in different hospitals and practices and I look forward to the academic discipline and challenges that will arise...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 47
At first, it was all about the interest to know exactly what really brings the voice in to the radio speakers, then as I came across Science in my junior years at school, I started to understand what really is happening in our days, the world of technology...

Geography Personal Statement Example 12
Considering my interests and hobbies, I could have chosen one of any number of subjects as my main area of interest, but there is no other subject which captures my imagination so completely as Geography, and I see links to it in almost every aspect of my life, both within and outside of my studies...

Maths & Actuarial Science Personal Statement Example 1
"It has become a very strange and perhaps frightening subject from the ordinary point of view,but anyone who penetrates into it will find a veritable fairyland"( Kasner E and Newman J).This saying is perhaps the most fitted to describe my enthusiasm for Maths...

Economics and Economic History Personal Statement Example
Over the past few years I have developed a strong interest in the Economic history of the UK. I have become interested in how the UK's economic policy over centuries has built the UK into one of the world's most economically developed countries today...

Anthropology Personal Statement Example 5
I realised that I wanted to study Anthropology in 2005 after picking up a book called ''Mapping Human History'' by Steve Olson. I read the book cover to cover a number of times, and knew that I had discovered a subject that I was not only interested in learning but wanted to investigate for myself...

Chemical Engineering Personal Statement Example 8
From the very first day of college I’ve been gradually developing a great interest in all aspects of Chemistry and Maths. Having recently read, “Beyond the Molecular Frontier: Challenges for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering” I have discovered what an imperative role chemists and chemical engineers play in industry and how, by working together, they contribute to an improved future...

Hispanic Studies Personal Statement Example ****
Despite all the framed photos, I have only one distinct memory of my visit to Madrid as a ten year old: the language barrier. I recall gawking at children my age playing soccer in a side street. Baffled by their freedom to frolic in roads, I was even more mesmerized by the soundsthey produced...

Philosophy, Politics & Economics Personal Statement Example 2 *****
I am very interested in the upcoming election and how the different parties' attitudes to business and welfare will affect the vote and the eventual success of the country. I wish to study a course that will provide me with a thorough insight into the political and economic impact of our national decisions...

Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement Example 13 *****
I grew up as a boy who loves robots and motorbikes very much. Thus, I love things that move especially those that are related to engines. I started to be really passionate about mechanical engineering when I learned about the control system when I was in high school...

Medicine Foundation Year Personal Statement Example 1
Medicine is a combination of care, treatment and research which I am actively interested in. It is a general acknowledgement that good doctors are some of the hardest working and committed people you will meet...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 53
I have asked myself many times what it takes to be a great doctor, but like many questions there is never a straight answer. Keeping an open mind with regards to my career has meant that I have been able to pinpoint the one field which has fascinated me unlike any other, medicine...

European Studies/Modern Language Personal Statement Example ****
"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." Although Wittgenstein was in this case expounding his deterministic philosophy, one can change the context and his statement is a reminder that reaching out to a different language also opens up a different culture, a different history, a different way of thinking about things...

History (Ancient and Modern) Personal Statement Example 1
It is those things we don’t yet know or understand that make history a fascinating, intellectual puzzle. We know a remarkable amount about history and the development of society but new archaeological discoveries, the dedicated efforts of historians, translators and other academics and advancements in areas such as archaeometry mean that the body of historical information is still expanding...

Pharmacy Personal Statement Example 6
Having grown up with parents that were both involved in medicine and pharmaceuticals, I developed a deep interest in their work and the effects it had on their patients and customers respectively. Seeing them at work, and witnessing the help they gave to sick people to regain their health or cope with pain, made me decide that I wanted to be part of this fascinating profession...

English Language Personal Statement Example 2 ****
My decision to study English Language is based firmly on my desire to understand and study comprehensively the language that I and my peers encounter daily. This will give me an insight to society and enrich me personally...

History Personal Statement Example 35
With such a range of different interpretations for any given era, what fascinates me most about History is the opportunity for debate and analysis. Studying the American Civil Rights Movement, it has been interesting to analyse the motives behind the efforts of Franklin Roosevelt and John F Kennedy to improve the lives of African Americans...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 49
My views about computing changed considerably when I heard about Linux. In the late nineties it was a newer operating system and tasks like installing and configuring were considered to be quite challenging in India...

History Personal Statement Example 36 *****
I have always cared passionately about my academic endeavours, from reading as widely as possible in my English and history A levels to carrying out an investigating into the antibiotic effects of indigenous poisonous plants in biology...

Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example 13 *****
The Three Gorges Dam, the 2335m concrete wonder holding back 39.3 cu km of water, powering 9 provinces and 2 cities, slows down the rotation of the earth by 0.06 microseconds. It is testament to the awesome potential of Civil Engineering to reshape the environment, push the boundaries of physical possibilities while making a real impact by solving practical problems and ultimately, engineer awe-inspiring contributions...

Management Studies Personal Statement Example
As a witness to the global financial crises, I was struck by the importance and relevance of organisational management. I first applied bookkeeping and devised marketing plans for my mother’s business at the age of twelve...

English Literature with Italian Personal Statement Example
As a child, I was always intrigued by the idea that other worlds could be held between the covers of a book, providing insight into cultures, times and societies that would otherwise be foreign to us. Continued study of English Literature through to 'A' level has broadened my understanding and enjoyment of literature, greatly improving my ability to read analytically and critically...

Physics Personal Statement Example 11
The mystery of physics has always enthralled me. Whether it is the complex physical phenomena or simple ideas intertwining to form elegant complex theories capable of explaining near all questions of the universe...

Environmental Science Personal Statement Example 3 *****
Nuclear wars, pandemics, asteroid strikes and climate change. What do they all have in common? They could all lead to human extinction. What don’t they have in common? Only one of them is an issue today...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 57
My enthusiasm for the advances of medical science, understanding and technology drive me towards medicine. I yearn to discover further the wonder and complexities of science, and have a greater understanding of the illness' and diseases we face...

English Literature and Sociology Personal Statement Example
Since I have begun to study A Level English Literature, it is the way in which writers use expression within their writing to influence and manipulate the reader's emotions which has most intrigued me...

Biochemistry Personal Statement Example 6 *****
I wish to read biochemistry at university because I want to discover the answers to the most profound and fascinating questions about the very essence of life. Some questions are so important but, paradoxically, can be overlooked by many people, for example, why are men naturally more predisposed to genetic conditions than women? My deepening intrest in my A level subjects (and my frustration at the narrowness of the specifications) confirmed my belief that biochemistry is the subject I have to carry forward...

Aerospace Engineering Personal Statement Example 15
Aircraft is one of the major contributions of all time. The intricate engineering behind aircraft, space shuttle and satellite really captivates me. The work of aerospace engineers is quite challenging as they apply their acquired knowledge of Mathematics and Physics to design such major products to satisfy real world necessities...

Architecture Personal Statement Example 16
I vividly remember the moment when I knew I wanted to be an architect. I had been taken to Barcelona to see ‘the wavy buildings’, at the time I didn’t know anything about Gaudí or his work so I was relatively unenthusiastic...

Finance Personal Statement Example 1 ****
Since my early childhood I was the one playing banker in the Czech equivalent of Monopoly, as my parents (both graduates of economic study) mentioned that I had special smile when I touch, count and distribute money...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 58
My desire to study medicine grew from a young age when my mother was diagnosed with hypertension. The regular visits to the GP gave me a glimpse into the profession but particularly the thirst to learn more about heart disease...

Neuroscience Personal Statement Example 2
The application of scientific knowledge to understanding how humans, and the creatures around us, function and react with each other has always been a source of wonder to me. The opportunity to combine a scientific understanding of processes and structure of the nervous system and brain with knowledge of applications relevant to our own behaviour, including those of a clinical kind, makes neuroscience such an attractive prospect to me...

Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement Example 16
Being born as a son to two former engineers, I was raised in an environment where curiosity is treasured and nurtured. It wasn't surprising that as I became older, my fascination towards science and technology also grew along with me...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 63
My passionate interest in the sciences has been a major influence upon the choices I have made in terms of my academic studies. From a young age I wanted to understand how and why everything worked. In particular, I became fascinated with the sheer complexity of the human body and the way the different body systems work together seamlessly...

Chemical Engineering Personal Statement Example 10
Chemical engineering is a most fascinating field of all the branches of science and engineering. To me it truly reflects human endeavour and spirit through means such as the exploration of unknown substances, and making something of worth and value out of mere raw materials...

Archaeology Personal Statement Example 5 *****
I have had an interest in archaeology for some years which has stemmed from reading about topics such as Troy and ancient Rome. I have always found it very intriguing how the discoveries of sites and artefacts from places like these have raised awareness about the importance and value of archaeology and I am fascinated by how archaic cultures, findings and inventions have influenced our modern lives...

Law Personal Statement Example 77 *****
I am deeply committed to a profession in the legal system, as I pay much interest to issues that affect today's society. Law has many rules for citizens to follow, law shapes economics, politics and society and acts like a third party to resolve conflict between individuals...

Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example 16
Civil engineering is a profession that is growing and evolving at a fast pace. Civil engineers play a major role in the world meeting the high demand for new buildings and improved infrastructure. I am keen to become a Civil Engineer and I believe I have the talents to be successful in this profession...

Maths Personal Statement Example 12
Mathematics dictates our understanding of the universe; the sciences that the world depends on today are founded and dependant on maths. Scientists and mathematicians spend their lives making remarkable discoveries contributing to the development of humanity, the findings we have been making in fields like quantum mechanics would be completely impossible without maths...

History Personal Statement Example 43
I have always wanted to be part of an open-minded society and live in a country where originality is rewarded, so the UK came to my mind as being the best country to read my degree. My passion for the English language has developed over years of studying English at school, where I have been successful in every written and oral exam...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 54
Since my first years of school, my life has gravitated around the questions starting with “Why” and “How”. In the 7th grade I was introduced to physics, which answered some of my questions but also generated more...

Aerospace Engineering Personal Statement Example 19 *****
Having grown up on an International Airport’s flight path, waking up every morning to the sound of turbofan engines squeezing out tens of thousands of pounds of thrust has sparked my passion for aviation...

Politics Personal Statement Example 29 *****
Politics has always enthused me because it allows an exploration of some of the fundamental values of our society: the principles of democracy, good governance and the relationship between the state and individual...

Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement Example 18 ***
Engineers play an integral part in everyday life. They are at the forefront of modern technology and also are at the pinnacle of innovation. Engineering has taken major leaps in many sectors but most noticeably the aeronautics and mechanical sector...

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 16
I have always had a passion and a thorough understanding of the subject of Mathematics. This helped me to progress academically because, unlike a lot of people, I have not had to worry about passing my GCSE Maths exams...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 72 *****
Questioning "why" or "how" people behave in certain ways is a passion of mine. I remember questioning human behaviour whilst watching a documentary on Nazi Germany. I found myself trying to comprehend how seemingly good German citizens were supportive of Hitler's monstrosities and appeared to be so indifferent to the cruelty towards the Jews...

Spanish and Chinese Personal Statement Example
My passion for Modern Foreign Languages is what drives me to pursue a degree in Chinese and Spanish; my fascination and curiosity to explore the cultures of not only China and East Asia, but also of the Hispanic world, motivate me to learn and discover the languages of these regions...

Pharmacy Personal Statement Example 9
I would like to study pharmacy as I wish to play a part in providing medical assistance to the general public, but in also understanding how this process occurs. My enthusiasm in science highly interests me into learning about the production of drugs and their functions on the body...

Law Personal Statement Example 84
The reason I want to study law, is that it has always intrigued me; there’s never been any other option for me it has always been law. I am captivated in the development of the law as it interests me the way the law is changing around the needs of civilisation...

Engineering Personal Statement Example 23
As I triggered the release mechanism and watched two pounds of rock hurtle skywards I thought to myself, "trebuchets are awesome!". Years passed before I realised that this was my first engineering project...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 56
Computer Science - the most exciting insight into humanity's mission to conquer the future. It has been my favourite and most fascinating preoccupation since childhood, though back then I did not even know it...

History & International Relations Personal Statement Example 2 *****
The study of history is a lens through which political developments can be viewed, enabling us to see how past policies between nations have sculpted western society today. The intertwinement of history and political relations was best epitomised through my discovery of historical revisionism and negationism; how the realities of history can be altered and distorted in the name of political gain...

Chemistry Personal Statement Example 18
Chemistry explores the properties of all matter and energy in our universe, which eventually leads to breakthroughs that benefit mankind, ranging from how to prevent food from decomposing to understanding what chemicals can help or harm you...

Anthropology Personal Statement Example 7
Coming from a mixed religious background, the comparison between cultural practices has touched me deeply, personally and profoundly. I have been able to observe the influence of culture on people's perspectives and world views...

Philosophy & Politics Personal Statement Example 4 *****
For the past 15 years I have lived in Dubai a cosmopolitan metropolis so perfect and yet so flawed that not even the residents truly understand its inner workings. A city built on the backs of poorly treated labourers and ruled by a monarchy that seems to disregard the values of ethics and morality...

Geology Personal Statement Example 4
Geology acts as a spyglass into the past, enabling us to understand the ancient environment and how its evolution is a key component to our survival. Through the study of Mineralogy and Palaeontology I have understood the importance of unravelling the earth's structure and mineral composition for both environmental and human benefit...

Electrical and Electronic Engineering Personal Statement Example 3
Curiosity has always been my nature since I was young and I was never afraid to know more as I really like challenges. This is why I have a keen interest in science ever since I started formal education, it explains the hows and whys in almost anything and everything...

Earth Science/Geology Personal Statement Example 1
Everyone wakes up in the morning hoping to achieve something in life. That ‘something’ is what keeps them going every day. For me, it is my strong desire to contribute to society. I believe the best way to do that is by helping them understand the earth’s mechanism and how to maximise its potential to not just complement our lives but to make it better...

Philosophy Personal Statement Example 15
The way philosophy can challenge our assumptions will never cease to astound me. I particularly remember my first lesson on Descartes, where I was asked to prove that I knew the room around me was real...

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