BTEC Results Day 2024

You’ve worked really hard; sweated and toiled over your BTEC course and now you’re nervous, excited and a little apprehensive (all at the same time!)  to know the results. Our guide will help you prepare for the big day.

When is BTEC results day?

BTEC results days for 2024 are as follows:

  • BTEC Level 3 - 15 August 2024
  • BTEC Firsts and BTEC Tech Awards - 22 August 2024
  • BTEC Level 2 Technicals - 22 August 2024.

However, the actual date might vary depending on whether your course had exams or was purely coursework and when your tutors submitted relevant paperwork to the examining board.

Some results will be published at the end of July, a few weeks before A-level results, giving you a head start on securing your university place.

Schools and colleges differ in how they supply the results to you. You may have to visit the college to pick up your results, they may be sent to you electronically or in the post.

Some schools have been known to issue them on A-level results day to tie in with A-levels.

What happens next?

If your BTEC results are for levels 1 and 2 and you pass them, this should give you the entry requirements for the next level up BTEC course, but do check the entry requirements carefully as some of the higher level BTECs at level 3 or above may require merit or distinction grades as opposed to passes.

If your results are borderline, it really is a good idea to chat with your tutor about the options available.

It’s up to you to convince them you have the skills, ability and aptitude to study the next level up. It is the individual institution’s decision as to whether they accept you on the course.

Your BTEC level 3 results, along with good GCSEs results are a very viable alternative to A-levels, to help you progress to applying to university.

BTEC course results will have pass, merit or distinction grades, worth a certain number of UCAS points which you can then match to the entry requirements needed for your university course.  

For example you may find your university course quotes DDM, or DMM as a BTEC entry requirement (ie Distinction, Distinction, Merit or Distinction, Merit, Merit).

Once your BTEC level 3 results are received, your examining board will release them in batches in July to August to UCAS.

UCAS will then match them to your application and will inform the universities you’ve been offered places with.

Sometimes you may receive your results before they are received by your university from UCAS.

If this is the case, please contact your university directly, so they can confirm your results more quickly and you can finally accept the coveted place on your dream course. 

What if my BTEC result isn't good enough for my university place?

Once you’ve received your BTEC results, if your grades don’t match your entry requirements, for your un/conditional offer, there is still both your insurance offer to check as well as applying for UCAS Clearing.

If you’ve received your results ahead of A-level results day, then you have more time to apply for Clearing, but please don’t leave it until the last minute.

Alternatively you may have received superb news and your results and grades are higher than the entry requirements you need for your university course.

This means you have the option to use the UCAS self-release tool, if you decide you want to decline your firm offer and look for a better alternative elsewhere. However, it's important to be cautious if taking this route, as it's likely to mean your original firm offer won't still be there should you change your mind or can't find something suitable at another university.

If you decide you want to look for a better course/university, it's a good idea to phone and chat with the university tutors to chat through what’s involved in the course and make sure they definitely have a place available. Our guide to UCAS Clearing will help you through the process.

However brilliant your BTEC results are, you may have decided against studying at university, although it's worth taking a look at our advice on applying to university for more details on the pros and cons of a university education.

In addition, other choices for you to consider are apprenticeships, taking a gap year, starting your own business or finding a job.
Whatever your results, you have awesome options to choose from to progress your career. 

Further information

For more tips and advice on what to do now you've completed your BTEC, please see: