Advertising with Studential receives around 2,000,000 page views a month made by 600,000 unique visitors per month, around 90% of which comes from within the UK. We don't track the age or gender of our visits, but web monitoring services indicate the majority of our audience is under the age of 24 and attract a roughly even number of male and female visitors.

We have advertising opportunities available across all areas of starting at £20 a month. A selection of sample adverts and prices are available in our advertising brochure along with additional details about our audience figures and online presence.

Our brochure represents just a small sample of the types and prices of advertising we offer, and we are happy to discuss other partnerships such as sponsorship, content sharing or any other creative ideas which may engage our audience above and beyond the standard advertising spots we offer. We’re also looking for prizes for competitions, so if you’re looking to kick off a marketing campaign and have a product which may be of interest to students, get in touch and we can set you up with a custom campaign.

To place an advert or find out more download our advertising brochure or email

Guest posts

We offer the opportunity for our advertisers to post articles of interest to students in our student guides and advice area.

For a cost of £245 we will host your article on for a minimum period of one year within this section. Guest posts must be written exclusively for, be directly relevant to our visitors and contain a maximum of one external dofollow links to content you're looking to promote.

To place a guest post or if you have any further queries on our guest posts please email