Top Rated Personal Statement Examples

Your personal statement needs to stand out from the crowd in order to be successful. Take a look at our best rated personal statements from our library of over 2,000 examples to understand how students have successfully applied for courses in the past.

I am applying for a place to study social work because I have always wanted to be able to make a difference to people's lives. With social work I believe I can do this in a caring and supportive way. I have gained some insight into mental health while caring for my grandma and the difficulties she faced on a daily basis while suffering with Alzheimer's disease this is one area I would like to gain more knowledge on...
Having been born in the UK, with parents from Delhi and Kenya, I feel my background has given me an internationally diverse outlook. In my travels, I have met with both the affluence of Europe and the poverty existing in India...
The idea of proof has always held a real fascination for me. The process of starting from a simple set of axioms and deriving almost any mathematical truth (putting Godel to one side) is what truly separates Mathematics from any other subject...
History of Art is the door to artistic, cultural, historical and personal enrichment. With motivation and effort it can also lead to truly interesting career opportunities, most notably as far as I am concerned, fine art auctioneer...
In order to explore my fascination with medicine I have undertaken varied and relevant work experience, in both a hospital and a care home.
My love of science is just one of my reasons for choosing to study medicine at university.
On a vacation to the Krak des Chevaliers and Palmyra in the Syrian Desert, I witnessed the rich culture of the Middle Eastern people. This region is generally perceived by western democracies as a constant source of political and social turmoil...
For me, a career in medicine is the perfect opportunity to stimulate my mind in a fascinating field in which I am highly motivated to succeed.
Since childhood, I have been fascinated by the constantly changing world that we live in, wanting to understand and explore the causes and effects of current and future human interactions. During my teenage years I started listening to the BBC World Service and reading internationally recognized journals and magazines...
Mathematical logic and concepts underlie functionality of practically every process from rocket science to the budget of a household. It is this diversity of application that intrigues me and makes me want to study it in depth...
I have always had a great interest in Science and Mathematics because of the impacts that both of these have on our daily lives. I have become fascinated by Pharmacy as a career because it brings together Chemistry and Maths and directly effects on the lives of people in the community...
I live in Pakistan-a country destroying itself with bombs, guns and governments' blabber to find justifications for what it is going through; a country where a former president is murdered in public,where the nation's constitution and parliament are suspended at the same time,and where the voice of a common man is unheard...
My perception of Politics changed when I read the Communist Manifesto. I began to see the world as not a collection of states but a universal society divided by relative beliefs. Humanitarian initiatives, such as Amnesty International, became a large part of my life, and my passion developed from there...
Examination of any quality newspaper will probably demonstrate that more of the headlines address economic problems than any other topic. The importance and relevance of economic related disciplines to the modern world have led me to want to pursue the study of the subject at a higher level...
My work experience has been key to my choice to study law. This in combination with my A levels, has allowed me to develop academic rigour with a strong spirit of enquiry and advocacy.
My perception of the world changed on September the 11th 2001, when I returned home from school to find that a terrorist organisation had attacked the World Trade Centre. The attack destroyed my feeling of security, provoking me to probe and question the world around me in a way I hadn't before and sparking my interest in current affairs...
For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated by all living things. Throughout my childhood travels I have encountered many natural wonders in various parts of the world, from the giant redwood forests of California, to the rich variety of aquatic life populating the coral reefs of the Caribbean Sea, which have all greatly inspired my imagination...
I wish to be recognised as someone who is open-minded and well educated. That is why I want to achieve a top degree in the rigorous, but always changing discipline of Economics. Studying this subject at university would allow me to understand how combinations of complex economical concepts can help to tackle poverty and welfare, the main issues of 21st century...
Striving for a career that embraced these virtues subliminally enticed me towards medicine. Entwined with this progressive ambition came the birth of a profound scientific curiosity.
My three major interests and passions are Computer Science, Maths and Music, and I believe that there is a creative fusion between all these disciplines. I engage wholeheartedly in these areas both in my school courses and out of school, and hope that I will be able to continue doing so on my chosen course and in the extra-curricular opportunities at university...