Reading University Personal Statements

These UCAS personal statements have been kindly provided by students applying to The University of Reading. You can click on one of the links below to view the entire statement and find out if the applicant was offered a place.

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Law Personal Statement Example 1 ***
The subject of law fascinates me extensively. I am intrigued by developments in the law and the way that it adapts to an ever-changing society. I feel I would be suited to a law degree as I am at my best when challenged, relish the opportunity of lateral thinking and enjoy evaluating the microcosm of human relations...

Animal Science Personal Statement Example *****
Holding a one day old kitten with a mangled leg is just one of many times when I felt certain I wanted to devote my life to animals. Through volunteering with animals and studying sciences at A-level, I realised that I am fascinated by scientific research and Bioveterinary Science...

Archaeology and Anthropology Personal Statement Example 1 *
For as long as I can remember, I have been skilled and deeply interested in areas of both the sciences and humanities, particularly in human evolution, history and geography. A course in Anthropology and/or Archaeology is therefore perfect for me in that the subject matter fascinates me, and that the course will utilise many of the skills I have learned and developed throughout my education...

English Language and Linguistics Personal Statement Example 1 ***
Language is common to all people. By its nature, it is something that links us all together, yet our use of language is a major factor in defining us all as individuals. For something that comes so naturally to all of us, language can hold great power and influence...

Pharmacology and Neuroscience Personal Statement Example ****
I enjoy studying science because it is a subject that encompasses so much of life's issues and practicalities, and a subject that can be applied and made useful to everyday life. Biological science is fascinating but it is even more exciting when studying abnormal function in medical science, from the facts in pathology to the application in pharmacology...

Geography Personal Statement Example (Physical)
My choice of Geography as a degree course has stemmed from a long felt sense of awe of the natural environment and a constant curiosity concerning how natural processes operate. This has grown during my school career, particularly during sixth form, where my passion for geography has taken off...

History and Archaeology Personal Statement Example *****
The fine line that separates the present and past shows how significant each and every historical event is in shaping our future. Although I have been interested in many subjects during my education, history has always been at the forefront as it excites and motivates me the most...

Postgraduate Linguistics Personal Statement Example
My interest in linguistics was gradually shaped throughout my life by all the different ways in which I have experienced languages: as a learner, translator, and as a teacher. However, it was the times spent living in Russia and later in the UK that made me fully understand that language can be a means of conveying much more than just our thoughts...

Chemistry Personal Statement Example 15 *****
Chemistry is in my opinion the most important of the sciences today. As a science of matter and its properties, Chemistry can be applied to almost any situation from forensics through medicine to environmental sustainability...

European Studies/Modern Language Personal Statement Example ****
"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." Although Wittgenstein was in this case expounding his deterministic philosophy, one can change the context and his statement is a reminder that reaching out to a different language also opens up a different culture, a different history, a different way of thinking about things...

Pharmacy Personal Statement Example 6
Having grown up with parents that were both involved in medicine and pharmaceuticals, I developed a deep interest in their work and the effects it had on their patients and customers respectively. Seeing them at work, and witnessing the help they gave to sick people to regain their health or cope with pain, made me decide that I wanted to be part of this fascinating profession...

Geography Personal Statement Example 16
"What do you want to be when you grow up?" is an ever recurring question asked to me by many individuals, including myself. I have come to the conclusion that I will never come up with a final answer, as I have many ambitions and aspirations...

Ancient/Medieval History Personal Statement Example
My decision to study Medieval History at a higher level was never a difficult one. Having always been interested about the relationship between the past and the present, studying History at AS-Level only strengthened my decision...

Politics and Sociology Personal Statement Example 3
International relations and political science always attracted my attention and I clearly remember how impressed I was after the very first lesson on political science. Our teacher briefly explained us how political science had become an independent science and how it developed from a number of other disciplines: philosophy, history, economics, law...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 50
During the past 20 years, computing has changed dramatically which has always been a major interest of mine. The first computer I ever remember using were the old Acorn computers that were used in my primary school...

Environmental Science Personal Statement Example 3 *****
Nuclear wars, pandemics, asteroid strikes and climate change. What do they all have in common? They could all lead to human extinction. What don’t they have in common? Only one of them is an issue today...

Biological Sciences Personal Statement Example 2
I am interested in pursuing a career in biological sciences because I am captivated by the wonders of the components of life. There upon, I desire to understand the background of problems that are formulated by biology on a molecular level, such as cancer, diseases and genetic disorders...

Law Personal Statement Example 80
I have chosen a law degree because it will enable me to study criminal and human rights law in more depth. This course has a practical and theoretical basis, which I find fascinating, and will expand my knowledge; it will also help me understand legal aspects of law and their impact on society...

Biology Personal Statement Example 25 ***
Every decision I have made in the last four years has been fuelled by the one goal of pursuing my interest in Biology. I have always been a keen Biologist, wanting to know how insects move, why some trees drop their leaves every autumn and how my heart beats every second of the day...

Illustration or Art Combined Course Personal Statement Example
When the opportunity arose to combine art with some of my other subjects I leapt at the chance. English and Art being my favourite combinations. I’d illustrate stories, sketch far-too detailed storyboards than was strictly necessary for my Media project, and translate an extract of Shakespearean script into an attempt at a Frank-Miller-esque comic creation...

English Literature Personal Statement Example 20
I was once told by a writer at Bath "LitFest" that literature is "all about control". At a young age, his words seemed obscure, but years later, I am finally able to grasp his meaning. On one side of a barrier of ink and paper, a writer aims to understand and control their world, whilst a reader attempts to lose control in a boundless, imaginary world...

Philosophy Personal Statement Example (Mature Student)
Since leaving education in 2006 I have always wanted to return; a great love of learning, desire for knowledge and natural curiosity throughout my life resulted in an ambition to teach. It was with this ambition in my heart that I took the plunge and returned to education, beginning my Access course last year with the intention of applying to study for a primary education degree...

Ancient and Modern History Personal Statement Example 1
What makes history engaging and interesting to me is its interdisciplinary nature and its ability to take you on a journey to the discovery of humanity's past. History has been a constant source of captivation for me, from studying the mythology of Ancient Greece in primary school through to the study of the Russian Revolution at A Level...

Philosophy Personal Statement Example 14
What does it mean to be a person? How do we know what is right from wrong? These are questions that Philosophy seeks to answer and I want to be at the forefront of exploring these questions. I am fascinated by how Philosophy has moulded the principles of society and has provided the key foundations for all of human thought...

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