Edinburgh University Personal Statements

These UCAS personal statements have been kindly provided by students applying to The University of Edinburgh. You can click on one of the links below to view the entire statement and find out if the applicant was offered a place.

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Computer Science Personal Statement Example 1 ****
From an early age I’ve always been deeply interested in computing. It was my dad, introducing me to the computer systems at his work place that first sparked this interest. I can always remember the feeling of wanting to know just how computers worked, why they worked and what else they could do...

History Personal Statement Example 68 **
I have always read widely and, due to my English Exhibition at Woodbridge School and my enjoyment of writing, at one point I had hoped to read English at university. However, whilst studying World War One poetry for my English Literature GCSE, I found that I was most interested in the times and conditions in which the author was writing...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 2
Psychology surrounds us. I often observe my class mates and ask myself why they are so different, struggling with attention or eating disorders. While looking for reasons, I also want to find ways to help them and I am confident that psychology will give me the means to do so...

Politics and International Relations Personal Statement Example 4
The era in which we live goes through constant turmoil and shifting powers. Not a day goes by without a change somewhere on our planet, which in turn has an effect on yet another change to come elsewhere...

French and Arabic Personal Statement Example
In studying French and Arabic, I am eager to compare two mutually influential languages and cultures, particularly their overlapping history and its cultural representations. I decided to defer my entry to retake my Maths A2 and plan to turn this to my advantage by working and living in France, putting what I've already learnt of the French language and culture into practice...

Maths Personal Statement Example 3
I am extremely enthusiastic about my decision to read Mathematics at university as for as long as I can remember Maths has always been my main academic interest. From learning to count at primary school, to studying calculus towards my Mathematics A level, I have found this subject intriguing due to its obvious application to the real world...

Environmental Science Personal Statement Example 1
I must describe as undetermined the moment from which my compassion began to aim predominantly towards the natural environment and all the elements that compose it. With the passing of the years since my existence here on Earth, I have been able to witness behind the transparent glass of “development”, how our relationship with nature is becoming more noxious; on having assumed us with the right to take a big part of our Earth as if it was completely within our jurisdiction...

Economics and PPE Personal Statement Example
My aspiration to study economics at both advanced and degree level has stemmed from my lasting interest in current affairs and world development. These issues require an application of economics in real-life situations and can be related to many diverse subjects such as politics, philosophy and psychology...

Physics Personal Statement Example 4
The elegance of the scientific subjects, in particular physics is what has established my eagerness for a deeper insight into the subject. What sets physics apart from the other sciences, in my opinion, is that it can be practically applied to all instances of life...

Biomedical Sciences Personal Statement Example 30 *****
The human body is a miraculous creation; it is a complex organism made of many diverse systems each working to maintain the life that we too often take for granted. Furthermore everyday life relies solely upon the biomedical sciences; it is an area of expertise that is constantly advancing out of necessity and as a result has shaped the lives of countless individuals...

International Relations Personal Statement Example 1 *****
Throughout my travels, studies, and experience in the world, I have been able to attain what I hope to be a worldly and open-minded perspective. In my efforts to further broaden and improve this perspective, and fully pursue all of my academic passions, I hope to have the privilege of attending university in the United Kingdom...

Architecture Personal Statement Example 1
I believe that having a visual stimulus in your environment is important. For example, if I'm walking down the street I want to see an eclectic mix of buildings that I find exciting to look at, rather than rows of uniform houses...

Law and International Relations Personal Statement Example 1
Through my insight into the UN's work I have learned that having declarations about Human Rights does not mean they are obeyed and automatically enforced. Law is not static, but develops all the time. It is part of everyday life, as in Berlin everyone is confronted with the issue of asylum seekers...

Geography Personal Statement Example 1
At first glance, my A Level choices appear scientifically biased, but they underpin key topics studied in Geography. I enjoy investigating the theories of global economies, population and poverty. The mathematics I have studied enables me to manipulate raw data meaningfully...

Sustainable Development/Economics Personal Statement Example *****
The first time I recognised the magnitude of my passion for sustainable development was when my family visited the waste-site Smokey Mountain in Manila, Philippines. Smokey Mountain is a two million metric tonnes waste mountain and home for about 30...

Economics Personal Statement Example 5
Choosing an undergraduate degree in economics is a result of my deep seated curiosity to know why economies are they way they are; why oil prices in my country, Pakistan, rapidly fluctuate whereas economies like USA and China continue to strengthen despite recessions...

Geography Personal Statement Example 2
In a dynamic world, the study of geography is increasingly important. The diversity of the subject and the interaction between the physical environment and human population is becoming even more evident with climate change and globalisation influencing our everyday lives...

German and English Literature Personal Statement Example
Email correspondence with a friend in Berlin during the celebrations of the twentieth anniversary of the German reunification gave me an insight into the importance and relevance of Germany’s past both within the country itself, and throughout Europe...

Scottish History Personal Statement Example
“Swap Access to Degree Studies” Whenever I walk through the village where I live in Polmont, and look just beyond the Westquarter valley where the tree line of the Callendar woods are visible, I close my eyes, and I am transported back to one of the most fateful days in Scotland’s history...

Biology Personal Statement Example 8
My interest in Biology started at a very young age due to spending a lot of time outdoors. I am intrigued by the functioning of living organisms and how they are all linked; one small change in one species will affect a whole range of others...

Philosophy Personal Statement Example 2 *****
Although I love my friends dearly, I've come to realise that they don't enjoy having the meaning of their lives, or the essence of the objects around them, subjected to rigorous and logical questioning over a quiet pint in the pub! I'd like to tell you that I've read such and such a book, or met so and so, and it dawned on me that there is more to life than meets the eye...

Plant Biotechnology Personal Statement Example
I have became fascinated with Science in my early childhood. It came from the first glance through the microscope at Paramecium. Since that time I have shown a pertinacity to learn about the world imperceptible by human eyes...

Archaeology and Anthropology Personal Statement Example 1 *
For as long as I can remember, I have been skilled and deeply interested in areas of both the sciences and humanities, particularly in human evolution, history and geography. A course in Anthropology and/or Archaeology is therefore perfect for me in that the subject matter fascinates me, and that the course will utilise many of the skills I have learned and developed throughout my education...

Philosophy Personal Statement Example 5 ****
Philosophy has shaped the foundations of all human life and thought. The importance of philosophic enquiry can be traced from the beginning of civilization to the heart of modern society, and I believe that the ability to ask and attempt to answer philosophical questions is one of the key attributes we associate with being human...

Economics and Politics/Geography Personal Statement Example
My desire to study Economics in combination with the Social Sciences stems primarily from my interest in these fields but also from the fact that these two disciplines compliment each other exceptionally well...

English Language and Linguistics Personal Statement Example 1 ***
Language is common to all people. By its nature, it is something that links us all together, yet our use of language is a major factor in defining us all as individuals. For something that comes so naturally to all of us, language can hold great power and influence...

Pure Mathematics Personal Statement Example
Mathematics is beautiful to me because of the deep and meaningful ideas touched upon by it, the vastness of these ideas, the clearness and elegance of their representation. Mathematics gives me the ability to apply knowledge by approaching things logically, and thinking clearly...

Maths Personal Statement Example 6 *****
The idea of proof has always held a real fascination for me. The process of starting from a simple set of axioms and deriving almost any mathematical truth (putting Godel to one side) is what truly separates Mathematics from any other subject...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 18 ****
"The aim of Medicine is not to know the disease, but to relieve the suffering it causes." This quotation from Miguel Angel Garcia sums up why medicine is my career choice. A close relative of mine fought cancer for two years...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 19 ***
'Sorry nurse, but what's a leg bag?' I realise that this is one of the most important pieces of writing that I will have to produce and I find it exhilarating that it will hopefully aid me in my desire to become a doctor...

Government Personal Statement Example ****
On a vacation to the Krak des Chevaliers and Palmyra in the Syrian Desert, I witnessed the rich culture of the Middle Eastern people. This region is generally perceived by western democracies as a constant source of political and social turmoil...

Geography and Politics Personal Statement Example *****
My interest in geography began when I visited an exhibition on maps from the 1400s up to the present day. They charted the progress of smaller kingdoms and county boundaries into the UK that we know today...

Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example 8
From the start of my second year at high school a subject which was introduced to me was graphic communication. This immediately caught my attention as the technical drawing aspect of the course was thoroughly enjoyable To further investigate more about this subject I chose to do graphic communication at a higher level which broadened my experience in technical drawing and introduced me to computer aided drawing which inspired me to research different courses related to this subject and doing so clearly confirmed my desire to study this course...

Anthropology Personal Statement Example 4 *****
For me the appeal of anthropology is that it draws on a wide range of disciplines, and that it combines theory with empirical study. Anthropology is a useful discipline in the world, where, for example, its use in developing countries is needed to give appropriate consideration as to how to successfully aid development without harming or diluting the country's indigenous cultures...

PPE Personal Statement Example 2 ***
Lester Brown recently stated: Socialism failed because it couldn't tell the economic truth; capitalism may fail because it couldn't tell the ecological truth. My 6th form study of Economics has led me to question the ecological and social price of free market capitalism with its underlying aim for continual economic growth...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 46 *****
When a friend asked me: "Why do you like computer science?" I found myself unable to give an answer. However, from that moment on, I tried to understand what makes computer science so attractive for me...

Psychology Personal statement Example 46
Marathon, madness or pleasure? What motivates a person to run 42 195 meters under a burning sun, on a hot summer’s day with a temperature of around 40 degrees Celsius? Well, it is a justified question if you’re not a fan of long distance running or if you are a student in the field of psychology...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 43
The ever-evolving nature of medical science and the certainty that we will know more about the many different healthcare practices has inspired me to pursue a career in medicine. My dedication to studying medicine has been confirmed by the experience I have gained in different hospitals and practices and I look forward to the academic discipline and challenges that will arise...

Geography Personal Statement Example 12
Considering my interests and hobbies, I could have chosen one of any number of subjects as my main area of interest, but there is no other subject which captures my imagination so completely as Geography, and I see links to it in almost every aspect of my life, both within and outside of my studies...

Economics Personal Statement Example (International Student) 1
The subject of economics, which I seek to study in the coming years, was first introduced to me through the United States Academic Decathlon, a ten-subject team competition for high schools. Over the past two years I have devoted hundreds of hours to independent preparation for this competition...

Law and Business Personal Statement Example (International Student)
From an early age, law has always been number one priority in my vision of the future. Probably because of my father's profession (he is Head of the Regional Criminal Police), I have always been intrigued by Criminology and the idea of analysing and solving tangled cases...

Mathematics and Engineering Personal Statement Example
Questions regarding the reason for my liking of mathematics have only one answer: mathematical logic and concepts contribute to a practical approach in every aspect of life. It is the diversity and universal applicability of this subject that encourages me to delve further and study it in depth...

Languages/Linguistics Personal Statement Example
My decision to study languages at University stems from a fascination of the complexity of language and the changes which languages go through. As I am Scottish, I often speak in a regional dialect and I find myself engrossed as to why people speak in dialects and why speakers of the same language can have difficulties understanding each other...

Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example 10 *****
Engineering, the result of the equation : Scientific knowledge + Mathematics, with the purpose of creating processes from which all Earth's inventions develop. It is a concept which dates back from the early beginning...

International Relations and Law Personal Statement Example ****
Through commonly accepted law, international organizations and sovereign nations establish and enforce vital laws and moral codes of conduct such as those relating to human and civil rights. Yet, despite many ratified agreements relating to principles that are universally accepted throughout the world, human and civil rights remain threatened in industrialized nations as well as third world countries...

Hispanic Studies Personal Statement Example ****
Despite all the framed photos, I have only one distinct memory of my visit to Madrid as a ten year old: the language barrier. I recall gawking at children my age playing soccer in a side street. Baffled by their freedom to frolic in roads, I was even more mesmerized by the soundsthey produced...

Anthropology Personal Statement Example 6 *****
Witnessing Hindu worship in Old Delhi, I became drawn to the systematic study of humankind. Having viewed religion as diminishing and irrelevant, I grew receptive to the manifestations of worship that exist in my own culture, and saw that the explanation of a cultural feature should involve the entire context...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 48
Given that over ninety nine percent of the body consists of just six elements, it is hard to imagine the human body as an intricately synchronised and immensely complex machine. Yet, it has done well to puzzle even the brightest minds in history-but I am drawn to a challenge; I cannot think of anything else more fascinating to work with...

Geography Personal Statement Example (Human/Environmental)
The possibility of the human race’s days being numbered by our destructive lifestyles, as planted in my mind by Al Gore’s sensationalised and controversial ‘The Inconvenient Truth’, has fuelled my interest in the global warming phenomenon, forcing me to question society’s reluctance to tackle it and realise the worldwide impact of each of our daily lives...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 53
I have asked myself many times what it takes to be a great doctor, but like many questions there is never a straight answer. Keeping an open mind with regards to my career has meant that I have been able to pinpoint the one field which has fascinated me unlike any other, medicine...

Biology Personal Statement Example 21 ***
I can remember my childhood, playing in the garden and exploring why worms come out when it rained. With the help of my ever growing passion for learning, I have found my way into the world of biology...

International Relations/Politics Personal Statement Example 1
Earth is an ecosystem consisting of uncountable amount of substances, organisms and climatic changes, and of fragile relations between all of them. As a slight increase of global temperature causes great changes around the world, like melting of humongous ice glaciers which lead to flooding areas many miles away, as cutting of few trees may cause significant change in the population of one type of animal which destroys balance between other kinds living in the same forest, thus the human world today consists of the same political ecosystem with both fragile and strong relationships between different nations, countries and people themselves...

Archaeology and Anthropology Personal Statement Example 2
As an immigrant living in Spain, I am constantly reminded of the importance social and cultural factors have on my daily life, the language I speak, and the difference between the relationships I maintain with people from my own country and those I encounter here on a daily basis...

Interior Design Personal Statement Example 1 *****
I am anxious to become a creator. I wish to help people to live in appropriate and attractive homes. My intention is to learn to provide beauty and cosiness to their lives. And I believe I can achieve that through hard work, great effort and devoting a sufficient amount of time...

Ancient/Medieval History Personal Statement Example
My decision to study Medieval History at a higher level was never a difficult one. Having always been interested about the relationship between the past and the present, studying History at AS-Level only strengthened my decision...

Law and German Personal Statement Example
I have always been fascinated by the structures of societies and how their laws are built. Due to the constant changes of the world, the ongoing conflicts, debates, and controversies, these laws are constantly evolving...

Politics and International Relations Personal Statement Example 9 *****
My interest for international relations arose already in my childhood as I witnessed my parents working at the Finnish Ministry of Foreign affairs. In the early 90’s, after the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, Finland went through a very deep change, which also influenced my parents’ careers and our family history...

International Business Personal Statement Example 2
The motivation behind my decision to gain a Business Degree lies in my determination to better understand how the real world works. I particularly enjoy the way that business blends in with everyday issues...

English Literature and Personal Statement Example
At the war cemeteries of El Alamein in Egypt, I spent an hour or two combing through the British Commonwealth cemetery for Royal Dragoons from my Grandpa’s division and found myself struggling, from the sheer number of headstones, to choose between condemning our capacity for violence and admiring the extent of our sacrifice...

Physics Personal Statement Example 12 *****
From investigating the properties of subatomic particles to predicting the behavior of the planets, Physics fascinates me. Partly, it's the logical aspect of the subject which seems to sum up the workings of the entire universe in a series of simple statements...

Philosophy Personal Statement Example 12 ***
In a world where religious, political and ethical antagonism is what makes headlines, one wonders what might justify these seemingly irreconcilable views. After all, there seem to be many more than there could possibly be truths...

Creative Writing Personal Statement Example 2
To me, fiction is like the magic carpet of Aladdin. It takes me to travel through time and space and explore the slices of human experience. In the wonderful trips, I am guided by the author and accompanied by the characters...

Architecture Personal Statement Example 16
I vividly remember the moment when I knew I wanted to be an architect. I had been taken to Barcelona to see ‘the wavy buildings’, at the time I didn’t know anything about Gaudí or his work so I was relatively unenthusiastic...

Politics Personal Statement Example 25 ****
Current and prevailing debate and discussion has widened my views on our ever changing society. After attending the Scottish leaders’ debate this year my fascination for Politics intensified. Having studied Higher Modern Studies I gained an initial knowledge of electoral systems and after following the 2010 General Elections my interest in Politics grew tremendously...

History Personal Statement Example 37
My interest in history lies in the simple fact that I have always been fascinated by the past. At eleven I won a full academic bursary to attend my current school. This was a way into a community in which my intellectual curiosity would be valued and where I could further my enthusiasm for history...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 62
When two, I suffered a large third degree burn on my chest. Living in a small town in Romania, I was not able to get appropriate treatment, so I grew up with complexes about the aesthetical appearance of the scar...

Languages and Maths Personal Statement Example ****
I am a versatile individual with a passion and flair for both Languages and Maths. I am applying to a variety of courses to pursue my combined interest. My love for languages began when I moved to Switzerland in 2006...

Law and History Personal Statement Example 4
Louis de Bernières writes in ‘Captain Corelli’s Mandolin' that history is fascinating 'because everything [is] connected to everything else in the most elaborate, devious and elegant ways'. Perhaps this explains the importance of history in understanding the modern world; it governs the way in which we view society, dictates our actions and, perhaps most importantly, provides guidance to those who establish law...

Psychology Personal Statement Example (Mature Student) 2 ****
As a childcare worker looking after 3-4 year olds, I'm constantly being asked "why" and, although I love the times when I can give an answer, I especially love the times when I can't. I'm a person whose motto is "learn one new thing everyday", which makes every new "why" another adventure, a new journey of discovery - both for me and the children in my care...

Law Personal Statement Example 74 ****
In terms of academic study, I have always been passionate about two subjects, law and Japanese language/culture. For the past year I have been pursuing the latter as an English teacher in Japan. At first, my life was quite difficult; however, as my Japanese improved, so did my comfort...

Medieval History/History Personal Statement Example
My grandmother’s maiden name is Marx. Her uncle, the world-renowned landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx, was Karl Marx’s great-nephew. This fact, while seemingly trivial, has worked to strengthen the spark history has ignited within me since I was old enough to read...

Geography Personal Statement Example 17 *****
Having reached the incredible 7 billion mark it is clear that the world population and the planet we live on will have to develop a more harmonious relationship if both are to survive. I want to be one of the people helping to develop and build that relationship...

Biotechnology Personal Statement Example 2 ***
The possibilities of biotechnology first intrigued me when I watched Jurassic park. I ran around my house asking if it was possible to bring back dinosaurs, and spent the rest of my childhood imagining that it was...

Economics & Politics Personal Statement Example 2 *****
My perception of economics and politics changed when in 2008 I became involved in the city council’s budgetary committee as a student representative, which gave me an insight how a political decision can have an impact on the whole city’s future on both social and economic scales...

History Personal Statement Example 42 *****
Throughout my life, through reading and the mass media, I have developed the inquisitive mind for researching areas of interest within historical subjects. The universally artistic and philosophical crusade, which is the era of Romanticism, has been one of the focal areas of interest for me...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 66 *****
Psychology can be applied at any level or aspect of society. This excites me. An insight into how people's minds work and how they work together is invaluable in just about every field. I was interested in psychology from the moment I saw the iceberg diagram which shows our consciousness and subconscious...

Engineering Personal Statement Example 21
The world of engineering is so complex, yet so inspiring. Incredibly, engineers are discovering more ingenious and inventive solutions to complicated problems, whilst continually maximising efficiency...

English Literature & History Personal Statement Example 1
Throughout my education, I have constantly been captivated and inspired by my History and English studies. I have recognised how the two disciplines entwine and coexist to create an invaluable tool with which to explore the past and future...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 54
Since my first years of school, my life has gravitated around the questions starting with “Why” and “How”. In the 7th grade I was introduced to physics, which answered some of my questions but also generated more...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 67
I first became interested in psychology whilst discussing the underlying causes of criminal behaviour and non-conformity with my father. The nature-nurture debate gave me a huge desire to increase my knowledge and understanding of the human condition...

Illustration or Art Combined Course Personal Statement Example
When the opportunity arose to combine art with some of my other subjects I leapt at the chance. English and Art being my favourite combinations. I’d illustrate stories, sketch far-too detailed storyboards than was strictly necessary for my Media project, and translate an extract of Shakespearean script into an attempt at a Frank-Miller-esque comic creation...

Electrical Engineering Personal Statement Example 2
The defining wonder of today’s age is electricity. In just two centuries, we have come from Faraday’s crude but prophetic experiments to devices just a square inch that can calculate in seconds what the most gifted of human minds might take days...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 72 *****
Questioning "why" or "how" people behave in certain ways is a passion of mine. I remember questioning human behaviour whilst watching a documentary on Nazi Germany. I found myself trying to comprehend how seemingly good German citizens were supportive of Hitler's monstrosities and appeared to be so indifferent to the cruelty towards the Jews...

Philosophy, Economics and Politics Personal Statement Example ****
The emotional state of human existence is propelled by economic, and political revolutions that arise throughout history. It is only through practices of observance and purposeful inquisitions that humanity is able to truly understand the delicate emotional state of society...

International Relations Personal Statement Example 17 *****
Since visiting Cairo in 2009 and hearing first-hand of the contempt towards the police force and government I have held an enduring interest in the politics of other nations. This is why I was struck to see my twitter feed overrun with updates on the Arab Spring and later the global Occupy movements...

English Personal Statement Example 31 *****
As a burgeoning writer, hopeful author, and long-time reader, the power of words has held a pull for me since a time when my vocabulary consisted of the contents of “Harry Potter”, and “The Chronicles of Narnia”...

Linguistics Personal Statement Example 3
Have you ever heard the Tuvan throat singing technique? Beautiful and intriguing at the same time. The question that's bound to accompany a throat singing performance is how the human voice could possibly produce such a sound...

Mathematics & Physics Personal Statement Example 2
My enthusiasm for Mathematics and Physics comes from the fact that they are both used to further our understanding of the universe and have applications in all other areas of science. My main area of interest in Physics is particle physics as this tells us how fundamental parts of our universe interact with each other...

Anthropology Personal Statement Example 7
Coming from a mixed religious background, the comparison between cultural practices has touched me deeply, personally and profoundly. I have been able to observe the influence of culture on people's perspectives and world views...

Philosophy & Politics Personal Statement Example 4 *****
For the past 15 years I have lived in Dubai a cosmopolitan metropolis so perfect and yet so flawed that not even the residents truly understand its inner workings. A city built on the backs of poorly treated labourers and ruled by a monarchy that seems to disregard the values of ethics and morality...

Geology Personal Statement Example 4
Geology acts as a spyglass into the past, enabling us to understand the ancient environment and how its evolution is a key component to our survival. Through the study of Mineralogy and Palaeontology I have understood the importance of unravelling the earth's structure and mineral composition for both environmental and human benefit...

Accounting Personal Statement Example 4
At the heart of a successful business is a passion to achieve. A clear mindset and the ability to collaborate well with people is what makes profit; this is vital in the field of accounting. After looking further into the structure of firms, one thing in common to each is that at it's centre is a good accountant who makes clear and well thought out decisions...

German Personal Statement Example 8
Studying German at an advanced level strikes me as a very natural choice due to my cultural heritage and my strong interest in the subject. I have been brought up in the French-speaking part of Switzerland in a very multicultural family with an Italian father and a German-Iranian mother...

Earth Science/Geology Personal Statement Example 1
Everyone wakes up in the morning hoping to achieve something in life. That ‘something’ is what keeps them going every day. For me, it is my strong desire to contribute to society. I believe the best way to do that is by helping them understand the earth’s mechanism and how to maximise its potential to not just complement our lives but to make it better...

Law and International Relations Personal Statement Example 3
Our entire system is based on law, making it the essential foundation of stability in societies; the emergence of UN, NATO, and EU made the world more cordial. International cooperation is one of the chief elements of the functionality of the modern world; thus a combination of law and foreign affairs is the base of international prosperity...

Politics & Social Policy Personal Statement Example
The ever-changing nature and diversity of politics is fascinating. The rapid social and political development in Russia in the early 2000s, still surrounded by the left-overs, if not quite the toppled statues of the previous socialist regime, kindled my interest in politics...

PPE/Economics Personal Statement Example
Humanity today stands at the intersection of the most significant questions facing the world today: if democracy leads to political infighting, should it be sacrificed in the interest of economic well-being? Does religious fundamentalism provide a way for countries in the developing world to assert their identity in the face of Western hegemony? Does the entry of Western consumer goods threaten a country’s economic self-sufficiency? The answers of these questions will determine what the nature of our world is in the twenty-first century...

Law Personal Statement Example 90
Law is the cornerstone of our society, the piece of the puzzle that makes the world we live in work. It sparked my interest a few years ago, when I decided it was time to take a closer look at potential university courses...

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