Liverpool John Moores University Personal Statements

These UCAS personal statements have been kindly provided by students applying to Liverpool John Moores University. You can click on one of the links below to view the entire statement and find out if the applicant was offered a place.

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Computer Games Programming Personal Statement Example 1 ****
I find the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Games Physics interesting and so I have decided to study a course to include these areas. I am currently studying an A level in Information Technology in which I have used Visual Basic in Microsoft Excel and Access...

Biology Personal Statement Example 2 *****
Being born in the shadow of Sellafield, and growing up near the home of Unilever Research & Development, my interest in Science was, in my eyes, inevitable. My fascination with Biology began to develop at a young age...

Biomedical Sciences Personal Statement Example 31
Ever since the early years of my scholastic life I have been hugely fascinated by the biology of the human body and how the world we live in has been changed and reshaped by the discovery of new medicines...

Pharmacy Personal Statement Example 1 ****
I have always had a great interest in Science and Mathematics because of the impacts that both of these have on our daily lives. I have become fascinated by Pharmacy as a career because it brings together Chemistry and Maths and directly effects on the lives of people in the community...

Marketing Personal Statement Example 4
When you ask somebody what they think of when you say ‘Phones4u’, most people will probably reply with a hand gesture which vaguely resembles a phone, the number four and the letter ‘u’. The power of marketing and the way it can manipulate a person’s view of a company or brand is something which has fascinated me for several years...

Sports Science Personal Statement Example 7 *****
Studying sports science would give me a broad knowledge base covering three aspects in sport, physiology, biomechanics and psychology. During my years of studying I have gained a particular interest in physiology; the study of function and understanding the mechanical, physical, and biomechanic functions of humans in good health...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 58
Curiosity and amazement of the world has led me to want to understand what the reasoning is to why we learn, and why the consequence of reinforcement produces the repetition of behaviour, either positive or negative...

Computer Forensics Personal Statement Example 3 ****
My goal is to work for the police in the computer forensic department. Computers are used in everyday life and are becoming more and more popular with criminals. I would like to work in the computer forensic department as I would like a career were I analyze information and use that information to help provide evidence to prove someone innocent or guilty...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 71
The mind is incredibly intriguing to me, how it differs throughout age, culture and gender and how each approach gives an equally arguable explanation for its development. My motivation to decrease the stigma surrounding mental health is what first introduced me to the adventurously knowledgeable world of psychology...

Pharmacy Personal Statement Example 9
I would like to study pharmacy as I wish to play a part in providing medical assistance to the general public, but in also understanding how this process occurs. My enthusiasm in science highly interests me into learning about the production of drugs and their functions on the body...

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