Liverpool University Personal Statements

These UCAS personal statements have been kindly provided by students applying to The University of Liverpool. You can click on one of the links below to view the entire statement and find out if the applicant was offered a place.

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Politics & International Relations Personal Statement Example 1
I have always taken a keen interest in public affairs, always wanting to know what was happening in the world so studying politics and international relations is a natural attraction for me. I have been encouraged to pursue concentrated study due to my incredible fascination with the impact that political decision making has on humanity...

Animal Science Personal Statement Example *****
Holding a one day old kitten with a mangled leg is just one of many times when I felt certain I wanted to devote my life to animals. Through volunteering with animals and studying sciences at A-level, I realised that I am fascinated by scientific research and Bioveterinary Science...

Biomedical Science Personal Statement Example 3
I find that science subjects suit my inquisitive personality; I enjoy experimenting and understanding how the world works. For my Biology independent study module I chose to explore the process of organ transplantation, specifically the medicines that make it possible...

Astrophysics Personal Statement Example
As a child, I would often read books about space and astronomy and wonder what made it possible. This has developed into a much deeper, scientific interest in the subject. Studying Physics at GCSE and A-Level, along with Chemistry and Mathematics, has helped me further develop my interest...

Maths and Actuarial Science Personal Statement Example
Maths is a subject like no other; its complexity makes it a challenging and often frustrating area of study, however the logic behind every problem leaves a feeling of certainty about it. My devotion to the subject has grown exponentially, especially in recent years...

Biology Personal Statement Example 4 *****
I think snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef is the closest thing to magic I’ll ever have the fortune to experience. The fragile coral beneath the majestic manta rays cannot help but provoke massive curiosity into the complex ecosystems and inspire endless wonder for the natural world...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 9
There are very few things that are as interesting yet as confusing as the unique enigma that is the human brain. Our diverse behaviours and our intricate personalities that make us who we are must have a cause...

Politics Personal Statement Example 3 *****
Politics is a core part of culture and is central to a meaningful understanding of the modern world. I believe that by studying politics, I can use the analytical skills I have to comprehend the nature of the systems that make the world as it is...

History Personal Statement Example 9 ****
The opportunity to develop and broaden my knowledge attracts me to study history at university. My enthusiasm for history is driven by how past events influence today's political and economic decisions, and how human societies and cultures have gradually developed throughout the years...

Physics Personal Statement Example (International Student) 1
Some people believe there is no universal key to the mysteries of the world, but I am convinced otherwise. Since early childhood when my parents, both physicists by training, patiently answered all my why-questions and encouraged me in my fascination with astronomy, I have been thinking of Physics as the perfect science that can unveil all the secrets that fascinate humanity...

Geography and Politics Personal Statement Example *****
My interest in geography began when I visited an exhibition on maps from the 1400s up to the present day. They charted the progress of smaller kingdoms and county boundaries into the UK that we know today...

Mathematics and Economics Personal Statement Example 3 *****
In Mathematics there is no good, no evil, no tomorrow, no yesterday, no reality. I have always been attracted to Mathematics by the unquestionable symmetry that surrounds us everything being based on means of geometry...

Aerospace Engineering Personal Statement Example 12
The time I first saw an aircraft fly over our house, I was three. Out of curiosity I asked my father about it. To avoid complexity he simply explained that it was like a gigantic flying bus. I was awed...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 47
At first, it was all about the interest to know exactly what really brings the voice in to the radio speakers, then as I came across Science in my junior years at school, I started to understand what really is happening in our days, the world of technology...

Geography Personal Statement Example 12
Considering my interests and hobbies, I could have chosen one of any number of subjects as my main area of interest, but there is no other subject which captures my imagination so completely as Geography, and I see links to it in almost every aspect of my life, both within and outside of my studies...

Marine Biology Personal Statement Example 4
The biology and ecology of the world's oldest and most complex ecosystem truly fascinate me. The delicate nature of coral reefs is a particular interest of mine as they are being disrupted by our intrusive and often harmful activities such as oil spills, over fishing, coastal development and the poor buoyancy of inexperienced divers...

Law and Business Personal Statement Example (International Student)
From an early age, law has always been number one priority in my vision of the future. Probably because of my father's profession (he is Head of the Regional Criminal Police), I have always been intrigued by Criminology and the idea of analysing and solving tangled cases...

English Personal Statement Example 26
Growing up reading Roald Dahl, I saw elements of myself in Matilda, as ever since I can remember, I have loved reading. My passion for English could be seen by those around me, as a child, having taught myself to read and write by the time I was 4 years old, and there was never any doubt that I would go on to pursue a career in English...

Hispanic Studies Personal Statement Example ****
Despite all the framed photos, I have only one distinct memory of my visit to Madrid as a ten year old: the language barrier. I recall gawking at children my age playing soccer in a side street. Baffled by their freedom to frolic in roads, I was even more mesmerized by the soundsthey produced...

History Personal Statement Example 35
With such a range of different interpretations for any given era, what fascinates me most about History is the opportunity for debate and analysis. Studying the American Civil Rights Movement, it has been interesting to analyse the motives behind the efforts of Franklin Roosevelt and John F Kennedy to improve the lives of African Americans...

Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example 14
Civil engineers shape and manage the world around us for the benefit of others and being able to use my skills in mathematics, physics and design to do such tasks would be a very exciting and rewarding experience...

Physics Personal Statement Example 11
The mystery of physics has always enthralled me. Whether it is the complex physical phenomena or simple ideas intertwining to form elegant complex theories capable of explaining near all questions of the universe...

Aerospace Engineering Personal Statement Example 15
Aircraft is one of the major contributions of all time. The intricate engineering behind aircraft, space shuttle and satellite really captivates me. The work of aerospace engineers is quite challenging as they apply their acquired knowledge of Mathematics and Physics to design such major products to satisfy real world necessities...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 58
My desire to study medicine grew from a young age when my mother was diagnosed with hypertension. The regular visits to the GP gave me a glimpse into the profession but particularly the thirst to learn more about heart disease...

Neuroscience Personal Statement Example 2
The application of scientific knowledge to understanding how humans, and the creatures around us, function and react with each other has always been a source of wonder to me. The opportunity to combine a scientific understanding of processes and structure of the nervous system and brain with knowledge of applications relevant to our own behaviour, including those of a clinical kind, makes neuroscience such an attractive prospect to me...

Physics Personal Statement Example 13
Attending university has been a lifelong dream of mine; ever since my childhood, I have been told that I should, and I have always agreed with the sentiment. If I were asked to pin down an exact reason, however, I would be forced to confess that I do not know - I just enjoy learning new things and exercising my mind...

Criminology and Sociology Personal Statement Example 2
Do you never think about what your purpose in life is? Being of a British African background the statistics don't always paint a rosy picture. They display a high level of educational underachievement and criminality...

Veterinary Medicine Personal Statement Example 3 *****
From the age of three when I got my first pet, I have always held a strong passion for animals and their wellbeing. Whether I was helping to take care of my cats or visiting the local stables, I have been surrounded by animals from birth...

Archaeology Personal Statement Example 5 *****
I have had an interest in archaeology for some years which has stemmed from reading about topics such as Troy and ancient Rome. I have always found it very intriguing how the discoveries of sites and artefacts from places like these have raised awareness about the importance and value of archaeology and I am fascinated by how archaic cultures, findings and inventions have influenced our modern lives...

Computing Personal Statement Example 8
Computers, computers, computers is the passion that has always been within me ever since I first has the chance to use a computer. I just didn’t want to come of the computer; I have wanted to expand my knowledge of ICT...

Criminology and Sociology Personal Statement Example 3
Do you ever think about what your purpose in life is? Being of a British African background the statistics don't always paint a rosy picture. They display a high level of educational underachievement and criminality...

Politics Personal Statement Example 26 **
In the Oxford English Dictionary, politics is merely described as the science and art of government. I disagree; it is much more than that. Politics applies to everything we do, it is innate and has been since long before any government existed...

Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example 16
Civil engineering is a profession that is growing and evolving at a fast pace. Civil engineers play a major role in the world meeting the high demand for new buildings and improved infrastructure. I am keen to become a Civil Engineer and I believe I have the talents to be successful in this profession...

Dentistry Personal Statement Example 10
My interest in Dentistry initially arose from my own experiences with Dentists. When I was younger, I suffered from cyclic neutropenia which led to many dental problems, and was always grateful to my dentist and dental hygienist for all their help...

Aerospace Engineering Personal Statement Example 19 *****
Having grown up on an International Airport’s flight path, waking up every morning to the sound of turbofan engines squeezing out tens of thousands of pounds of thrust has sparked my passion for aviation...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 71
The mind is incredibly intriguing to me, how it differs throughout age, culture and gender and how each approach gives an equally arguable explanation for its development. My motivation to decrease the stigma surrounding mental health is what first introduced me to the adventurously knowledgeable world of psychology...

Politics and International Relations Personal Statement Example 12 ***
t was on a family holiday to Egypt, just two weeks after the Egyptian uprisings; that I learned first-hand, from those who had experienced it; the power of the people. What I did not know then, was the explosive effect this would have on the middle-eastern community and that this call for democracy would ripple through Bahrain, Libya, Yemen and multiple other countries, including Syria; which is currently in the midst of a civil war...

Mathematics & Physics Personal Statement Example 2
My enthusiasm for Mathematics and Physics comes from the fact that they are both used to further our understanding of the universe and have applications in all other areas of science. My main area of interest in Physics is particle physics as this tells us how fundamental parts of our universe interact with each other...

Law and French Personal Statement Example 5
According to the media, the United Kingdom has an extreme lack of female judges. This is made evident by the fact that Baroness Hale is the only woman justice to sit in the Supreme Court. This reality motivates me to embark upon legal study, as strong, able and powerful female...

Geology Personal Statement Example 4
Geology acts as a spyglass into the past, enabling us to understand the ancient environment and how its evolution is a key component to our survival. Through the study of Mineralogy and Palaeontology I have understood the importance of unravelling the earth's structure and mineral composition for both environmental and human benefit...

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