King's College University Personal Statements

These UCAS personal statements have been kindly provided by students applying to King's College London. You can click on one of the links below to view the entire statement and find out if the applicant was offered a place.

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English Personal Statement Example 1
Ever since I have had the ability to understand it, I have been fascinated by the English language. As a child, I would either be writing, reading or telling stories and ever sine then, have read a wide variety of both fiction and non-fiction texts from a variety of genres and eras...

International Relations and Politics Personal Statement Example 1 ****
Since childhood, I have been fascinated by the constantly changing world that we live in, wanting to understand and explore the causes and effects of current and future human interactions. During my teenage years I started listening to the BBC World Service and reading internationally recognized journals and magazines...

History and Politics Personal Statement Example 1 ***
History and politics have had a profound impact on my outlook. From childhood, the tangible history I found in castles, museums and family photographs appealed uniquely to my imagination. As I grew up my interest in the past introduced me to the political traditions and ideas of my community, and the study of politics became equally absorbing...

Mathematics and Computer Science Personal Statement Example ***
When asked why I like Mathematics, I realised that it is all down to my personality. Being a composed, explicit person, I enjoy the challenge of questions with unequivocal answers. My character’s orderly side draws me enthusiastically towards neat solutions, my creativity gives rise to my acceptance of new ideas and my positive mind results in my wish to succeed...

Linguistics Personal Statement Example 1
My most memorable Christmas came with a parcel of Harry Potter audio books and this was where my quest to understanding language began. The moment Stephen Fry started to narrate chapter one, I fell in love with words and all they could achieve...

Economics & Management Personal Statement Example ****
Being born and brought up in a country where an uneven distribution of income is a norm, the poor live on a minimum wage of Rupees 115 a day, whilst the billionaires form the sixth largest group in the world...

Biomedical Science Personal Statement Example 2 ****
Looking back to when I was studying GCSE’s I remember fondly my science classes and recall my enthusiasm to participate and absorb the knowledge being taught by my teachers. These classes exposed me to a lot of different and amazing topics, Homeostasis being one of them which held my attention and curiosity completely...

History Personal Statement Example 4 *****
Growing up in London, I have been exposed to the city’s history from a very young age. While appreciating the myriad historical eras that have shaped the development of London, it is the Victorian era that fascinates me the most...

Law and Politics Personal Statement Example 1
Laws, in my opinion, are the cogs in the machinery of society; they are guidelines and deterrents that are fundamentally essential for humanity to function. Law is the combined public conscience that tells us right from wrong...

Politics & International Relations Personal Statement Example 2
It was November 1989. My parents were rattling their keys in the main square of Bratislava with other Czechoslovak youngsters asking for the democracy that was denied by the Communist regime. They raised me in an environment, where appreciation of freedom, expressing my thoughts and being an active citizen have been essential...

History Personal Statement Example 5
As the descendant of an Auschwitz survivor, my family history allows me to understand the influences that the Second World War has had on people's families and the victims of the Nazi regime in occupied Poland...

Geography Personal Statement Example (Russell Group) 1 *****
Geography is the study of the world, and as geographers we hold the keys to the world’s problems. Geography encompasses many things from natural disasters, eco-systems, to globalisation and development, all of which are areas which fascinate me...

International Relations Personal Statement Example 1 *****
Throughout my travels, studies, and experience in the world, I have been able to attain what I hope to be a worldly and open-minded perspective. In my efforts to further broaden and improve this perspective, and fully pursue all of my academic passions, I hope to have the privilege of attending university in the United Kingdom...

Economics and Politics Personal Statement Example 1
"I killed the bank": the last words of Andrew Jackson, former president of the US, after he had vetoed to renew the charter and withdraw all federal deposits from banks causing them to bust. Real money was backed with gold shortly after, causing the greatest economic boom in history for the US where no income tax was implemented...

History Personal Statement Example 7
It isn't an exaggeration to say my devotion to History has moulded me into the diligent and ambitious person I am today. History continues to shape our contemporary world and my opinions have been formed from an intellectual curiosity about the resonances between the past and the present...

Biomedical Science Personal Statement Example 7 *****
As human beings we rely on intelligence and limitless curiosity to sustain our existence in such a complex society. Yet this existence is fragile, threatened by disease and the ticking time bomb of age, amongst other things, and yet seemingly held together by the principles and applications of biomedical science...

Philosophy Personal Statement Example 1 *****
“The first and simplest emotion which we discover in the human mind is curiosity”. I believe that when the mind is allowed to think outside the pre-defined constraints of society, the different directions in which it can travel are infinite...

Chemistry/Chemistry with Biomedicine Personal Statement Example
I was told I couldn’t have the opening paragraph I had originally written, so to begin I’ll to describe the scientific processes in my own words as this is what will underlie my degree and hopefully my foreseeable future...

History Personal Statement Example 10 ****
Visits to the national museums of Knightsbridge and the Smithsonian ignited my interest in history. My desire to study history was nurtured following visits to the Normandy beaches which prompted me to research the Second World War and its origins...

English Literature & Creative Writing Personal Statement Example 1
'I write for the same reason I breathe- because if I didn't, I would die.' I believe that Isaac Asimov sums up writing particularly aptly. Whilst it could be classed as hyperbole, I feel my sentiments are similar...

Philosophy Personal Statement Example 3 ****
One area of philosophy I find particularly exciting is the philosophy of mind, which I was first introduced to while reading Descartes' 'Meditations'. I was fascinated by the problem regarding how interaction can take place between the mind and body without some sort of supernatural "spirit", which opens up great questions...

Maths Personal Statement Example 5 ****
Mathematical logic and concepts underlie functionality of practically every process from rocket science to the budget of a household. It is this diversity of application that intrigues me and makes me want to study it in depth...

Law Personal Statement Example 11
My desire to study law at university is firmly rooted in my interest in world events and also with helping others. Law effects our everyday lives almost without us noticing. If we look at the news, there is always an aspect of law up for debate...

Natural and Biological Sciences Personal Statement Example
Experiencing first-hand life as a human in the natural world, I have the authority to confirm that regardless of previous knowledge, unexplained phenomena still exist. As a scientist, I adore observing the unknown, analysing the known and making decisions accordingly...

Mathematics and Economics Personal Statement Example 3 *****
In Mathematics there is no good, no evil, no tomorrow, no yesterday, no reality. I have always been attracted to Mathematics by the unquestionable symmetry that surrounds us everything being based on means of geometry...

English Personal Statement Example 23
My love of literature is rooted in the connection it gives us to centuries of ideas, giving us the ability to converse with ghosts, linking us with the greatest and most eloquent minds in history; as Bovee puts it, “books are embalmed minds”...

Pharmacology and Human Sciences Personal Statement Example
From the race to find a vaccine for the H1N1 virus to the almost daily reports of breakthroughs in the field of cancer research, science has always fascinated me.On a more personal note, my interest has largely stemmed from school, work experiences, and science in the news...

Physiotherapy Personal Statement Example 3
My fascination with the body and understanding how it functions has fuelled my desire to pursue a career in physiotherapy as it incorporates science, sports and medicine which are all areas of specific interest to me...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 40
I graduated from the University of Southampton in July 2008 with an upper second class honours degree in podiatry. Since leaving university I have worked as a locum podiatrist. The majority of my role involves working independently in the community providing a high standard of quality clinical care to patients who self present or are referred to the service...

Business & Management Personal Statement Example
There is no limit to what you can learn and how much you can earn from it. Instilled with this belief by my father, I have since the beginning learnt to approach the world differently. I view that knowledge can be applied practically not only to earn a living, but also to earn wisdom...

English Literature Personal Statement Example 16
I believe that to read English is to read the human being itself: after all, we are all writers. Even in the very act of choosing our words - thinking them, speaking them, physically writing them down - we create something meaningful...

European Social & Political Studies Personal Statement Example
In my opinion, the problems societies face today deserve an in-depth analysis which draws on different disciplines of thought for its relevance; furthermore the implementations of strategies to combat problems must take into account more than one academic approach if they are going to be positively effective...

Politics Personal Statement Example 23 ****
World History has shown, mankind’s pursuit of a utopian society has led to its experimentation with various forms of government. The ingrained desire in man to have a social system where a select few rule over the majority, makes politics one of the most essential areas of study...

Government/Politics Personal Statement Example *****
The power and influence of Governments around the world has always intrigued me. That the decisions of a handful of people should have such enormous effects across the globe is a concept by which I am both excited and terrified...

Pharmacy Personal Statement Example 6
Having grown up with parents that were both involved in medicine and pharmaceuticals, I developed a deep interest in their work and the effects it had on their patients and customers respectively. Seeing them at work, and witnessing the help they gave to sick people to regain their health or cope with pain, made me decide that I wanted to be part of this fascinating profession...

Law Personal Statement Example 63 ***
I cannot remember a person in my life who has had a more significant influence on me than my father. Everything I have achieved with regard to academics, sports, or life in general, I am indebted to him for...

Geography Personal Statement Example 16
"What do you want to be when you grow up?" is an ever recurring question asked to me by many individuals, including myself. I have come to the conclusion that I will never come up with a final answer, as I have many ambitions and aspirations...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 49
My views about computing changed considerably when I heard about Linux. In the late nineties it was a newer operating system and tasks like installing and configuring were considered to be quite challenging in India...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 56 ****
The human body is undoubtedly one of the greatest natural phenomena known to man, and in its sheer complexity and intricacy is the inevitability of something going wrong, thus highlighting the tremendous role that doctors play in ensuring that the many diverse systems of the body are working flawlessly...

International Relations Personal Statement Example 13 ***
I have been ambitious in studying International Studies since when I was in secondary school. I have been fascinated by the constantly changing world that we live in, wanting to understand and exploring the causes and effects of current and future human interactions...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 57
My enthusiasm for the advances of medical science, understanding and technology drive me towards medicine. I yearn to discover further the wonder and complexities of science, and have a greater understanding of the illness' and diseases we face...

Biological Sciences Personal Statement Example 2
I am interested in pursuing a career in biological sciences because I am captivated by the wonders of the components of life. There upon, I desire to understand the background of problems that are formulated by biology on a molecular level, such as cancer, diseases and genetic disorders...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 58
My desire to study medicine grew from a young age when my mother was diagnosed with hypertension. The regular visits to the GP gave me a glimpse into the profession but particularly the thirst to learn more about heart disease...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 51
Building my first computer was an experience I will never forget. Looking over what seemed to be a city of silicone, I marveled at how elegantly the components were arranged on the motherboard. Yet I did not feel fully satisfied, as I knew there was a whole other world of computing, which could only be explored by completing a degree in computer science...

Geography Personal Statement Example (Gap Year) 2 *****
A trip to the capital city of Iceland; Reykjavík, shaped distinctively by its earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, I noticed how fundamental tourism and investment in geothermal energy had resulted in a strong correlation of economic growth for the country...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 62
When two, I suffered a large third degree burn on my chest. Living in a small town in Romania, I was not able to get appropriate treatment, so I grew up with complexes about the aesthetical appearance of the scar...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 52 ***
There is always an answer to every question; we just have to find a creative way to reach them. During the summer of last year there was a death within my family and many problems arouse, I had to travel back to Afghanistan to resolve these feuds from escalating...

German Personal Statement Example 7
The study of language has always been appealing and is the focus of much of my time and energy, but the study of the German language is what mesmerises me most. Before understanding German I was first intrigued by its sound, and as I began to learn it, I became fascinated by its complexity...

Biotechnology Personal Statement Example 2 ***
The possibilities of biotechnology first intrigued me when I watched Jurassic park. I ran around my house asking if it was possible to bring back dinosaurs, and spent the rest of my childhood imagining that it was...

French and Spanish Personal Statement Example 4 *****
My earliest memory of learning a language is embracing my first words of Welsh at nursery school and since then the learning of different languages has always fascinated me. I have been increasingly intrigued and captivated by their usage to the point where I love to constantly challene myself when learning a new language...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 66
White coats, stethoscopes hung around necks and the sense of playing hero were popular amongst childhood dreams. However, unlike others around me, this dream was not lost when I realised reality paved a much tougher road- instead, it grew to become a fierce ambition...

Economics Personal Statement Example 30
The ever-changing nature of the human science intrigues me. Newton’s laws of motion will never change, from wherever ‘the ball is dropped’. However, different strategies and policies have to be framed and implemented for each economic problem...

Management Personal Statement Example 6 *****
Lack of management can lead to disastrous outcomes, and my home country, Russia, has suffered from these in dramatic proportions for decades. Its business inefficiency has led to people being devastated by unemployment and poverty, including my own family...

PPE/Politics and Economics Personal Statement Example 1
I have a strong interest in the close relationship between political events and economic developments, highlighted by a study of Russia in the lead up to the 1917 revolution. I was grabbed by the film adaptation of Ten Days That Shook the World, with its emphasis on its power of the masses...

Biomedical Engineering Personal Statement Example 3 *****
Being nicknamed after sheep isn't something to be proud of, but the fact that most people in my neighbourhood know me as "Dolly" reveals my passion for genetic engineering. My fascination with science began in primary school and thanks to a desire to delve deeper into the scientific principles that govern this world and use them to develop technology that can resolve our problems, it gradually developed into a career choice...

Dietetics Personal Statement Example 2
“Can I have the sirloin steak served with the oven dried tomatoes and pizzaiola sauce? This was the order of a girl between the ages of 10-14yrs. This choice of dish made me evaluate people’s reasons behind the food they eat and whether these choices are influenced by the people around them or their own individual decision...

Physics Personal Statement Example 15
I have always been intrigued by the world of physics. From everyday experiences to the most extreme boundaries of today's knowledge, I have always voraciously searched for answers to my questions. As I grew up, the elegance of mathematical demonstrations and of physical theorems fascinated me, and I have often dreamt of making contributions to the unification theory and of improving and simplifying the Navier-Stokes equations...

Pharmacy Personal Statement Example 9
I would like to study pharmacy as I wish to play a part in providing medical assistance to the general public, but in also understanding how this process occurs. My enthusiasm in science highly interests me into learning about the production of drugs and their functions on the body...

Law and German Law Personal Statement Example ***
Since I lived in the Republic of Korea for 2 years, where I was able to witness a culture that is in depth very different from ours, I have been trying to see the world as an interdependent whole instead of occupying myself with only my native country...

Political Science Personal Statement Example 2 *****
From Darwin's Theory of Evolution to the French ideologies during the revolution of 1789 to Karl Marx's theory on communism to Hitler's Nazi ideology, all are famous historical ideologies that have contributed to today's world...

Biochemistry Personal Statement Example 8 *****
For the longest time I have been deeply interested in the mechanics of all things. Even when I was younger, I would often take apart my toys in an attempt to understand their inner workings, before attempting to put them back together...

Philosophy, Economics and Politics Personal Statement Example ****
The emotional state of human existence is propelled by economic, and political revolutions that arise throughout history. It is only through practices of observance and purposeful inquisitions that humanity is able to truly understand the delicate emotional state of society...

Politics Personal Statement Example 30 *****
My drive to study politics is my desire to understand the dynamics of power: how the relationships between states and people form as the foundations of society, and ultimately how these connections shape the world we live in...

PPE/Economics Personal Statement Example
Humanity today stands at the intersection of the most significant questions facing the world today: if democracy leads to political infighting, should it be sacrificed in the interest of economic well-being? Does religious fundamentalism provide a way for countries in the developing world to assert their identity in the face of Western hegemony? Does the entry of Western consumer goods threaten a country’s economic self-sufficiency? The answers of these questions will determine what the nature of our world is in the twenty-first century...

History Personal Statement Example (Oxbridge) 2
Whether considering the real world applications of Bentham's utilitarianism in Religious Studies, analysing the context of a changing Victorian society in English Literature, or debating the evolving ideology of the Labour Party in Politics, there is one common thread connecting what I enjoy most about my studies: history...

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