Brunel University Personal Statements

These UCAS personal statements have been kindly provided by students applying to Brunel University. You can click on one of the links below to view the entire statement and find out if the applicant was offered a place.

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Accounting and Finance Personal Statement Example 1 *****
It was when I earned my first pound at the age of ten washing my mother's car that I became interested in the power of money. Over time it became clear to me that the people who understand the monetary and banking system are capable of understanding the decisions made by governments and the future of society...

Biomedical Science Personal Statement Example 4 *****
Being recognised as one of the most advanced creatures on earth, as human beings we rely on intelligence and limitless curiosity to sustain our existence in such a complex society. To venture into the realm of science and medicine is to pursue a path of boundless discoveries...

Aerospace Engineering Personal Statement Example 2
The Aeronautical industry is currently one of the most rapidly advancing and high tech industries, it fascinates me to see how the machines are being built and developed to achieve magnificent goals. I have a basic understanding of how this is achieved through documentaries and research, however I endeavor to know more about this industry and broaden my understanding as the more I know the happier and more content I will become, the thought of working within this industry and helping mankind to advance and improve really excites me and your university provides me with the key features and opportunities to achieve this...

Anthropology Personal Statement Example 1
Completing my sixth form education at a multicultural boarding school has allowed me to experience a wide social and cultural diversity that I never would have expected in a school environment, in great contrast to the subtle ethnocentrism of my previous schooling...

Financial Mathematics Personal Statement Example 1 *****
In the financial sector, decisions must be made in split seconds that can result in either vast profits or significant losses. The collapse of Lehman Brothers, demonstrated to me the vulnerability of all businesses as the size and level of profit does not matter as poor decisions can still create loss...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 12
We know so much for certain about the human anatomy, but when it comes to Psychology even the line between the brain and the mind is blurred. Psychology interests me because nothing is ever certain. Even when it comes to the treatment of individual illnesses, there is no set way of treating a patient, and often it is only a mix of many approaches that can solve an issue entirely...

Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement Example 2
The ability to apply what I have learnt in the classroom to the outside world is an aspect of physics and maths that I particularly enjoy. An example of this was being able to calculate the coefficient of friction between a book and a table, by knowing the weight and measuring the angle at which it started to move...

Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement Example 5 ****
From a very young age, I had aspirations of becoming an engineer, because I wanted to build machines that did not require direct human energy inputs to operate. I achieved this for the first time a few weeks later, designing a vehicle that carried it's energy stored in rubber-bands; it wasn't a roaring success, but the fact that it wasn't perfect only increased my desire to learn more about engineering...

Criminology Personal Statement Example 4 ****
For a number of years I have had more than a passing interest in Criminology, Psychology and Sociology; in particular Criminal Psychology, Neuropsychology, the nature versus nurture debate and the Criminal Justice System...

Aeronautical Engineering Personal Statement Example 1
The rapid progress and achievements in aircraft technologies has motivated me to follow a career in aeronautical engineering as it plays a very significant role in today's modern world. It is fascinating to see how engineers apply scientific and mathematical principles to everyday situations like the design, manufacture and operation of efficient structures, machines, processes and systems...

Law Personal Statement Example 64
Human beings can only live in comunity with others, resulting a society. Societies can function provided they are governed by principles, regulations and laws that the majority of the people agrees with...

Computer Games Programming Personal Statement Example 7
As a keen gamer, it has always been a dream to follow games programming as a career and work for a game developing company or, preferably, to run my own business. This is why I have decided to study a course in this field...

Sociology/Creative Writing Personal Statement Example *****
Prior to beginning Sixth Form, I had not considered sociology as a possible subject for studying at University, but I had decided early in year 12 that it was the subject that I definitely wanted to pursue...

Biological Sciences Personal Statement Example 2
I am interested in pursuing a career in biological sciences because I am captivated by the wonders of the components of life. There upon, I desire to understand the background of problems that are formulated by biology on a molecular level, such as cancer, diseases and genetic disorders...

Economics and Finance Personal Statement Example 15
Through life's experiences, I have come to realise that the economy affects almost everything in the world. Newspapers dedicate more headlines to financial issues in comparison to other topics. This has led to the realisation that without a good stable economy the world could fall to its knees, for example, the Wall Street collapse of 1929 and the more current financial crisis which started in 2007...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 52 ***
There is always an answer to every question; we just have to find a creative way to reach them. During the summer of last year there was a death within my family and many problems arouse, I had to travel back to Afghanistan to resolve these feuds from escalating...

Financial Mathematics Personal Statement Example 2
Studying mathematics is a pure pleasure for me and I take pride in my achievements in the subject. What makes maths so interesting is its foundations in the real world; for instance, the Fibonacci numbers that arise all through nature, the notes played by a guitar string producing standing waves at different frequencies of sound and algebra which is used to create special effects in animated films and TV shows...

English and Film Personal Statement Example
From reading my first Roald Dahl book, peppered with magic and mischief, to writing my first short story, I have always known that my drive and passion for English was destined to be more than a hobby...

Law Personal Statement Example 79 *****
A woman is legally certified to kill her cheating husband, only if she uses her bare hands.The husband's lover however may be killed in any manner desired. This is just one example of the outrageous laws that are still in continuation in Hong Kong...

Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement Example 18 ***
Engineers play an integral part in everyday life. They are at the forefront of modern technology and also are at the pinnacle of innovation. Engineering has taken major leaps in many sectors but most noticeably the aeronautics and mechanical sector...

Law Personal Statement Example 83
Currently I study English language, history and law. Out of the three I find law the most fascinating because it is the foundation of anything that occurs in society. Learning about how decisions are made in law, the constant arguments to reach a fair judgement and the on-going evolution of the law to adapt to society makes me enthusiastic to learn more...

Politics Personal Statement Example 30 *****
My drive to study politics is my desire to understand the dynamics of power: how the relationships between states and people form as the foundations of society, and ultimately how these connections shape the world we live in...

Biomedical Science Personal Statement Example 14
How one mutation can cause a malignant tumour or change the genetic material which is then passed to the next generation interests me. The challenges which are within the human body and the diseases which can change it easily are also a fascination...

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