Aston University Personal Statements

These UCAS personal statements have been kindly provided by students applying to Aston University. You can click on one of the links below to view the entire statement and find out if the applicant was offered a place.

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Politics and International Relations Personal Statement Example 2 ****
I believe that we are living in a time of social and political revolution. From the election of a black President to the Arab spring and more locally the London riots of 2011, people's interest into politics is becoming ever more apparent...

Politics & International Relations Personal Statement Example 1
I have always taken a keen interest in public affairs, always wanting to know what was happening in the world so studying politics and international relations is a natural attraction for me. I have been encouraged to pursue concentrated study due to my incredible fascination with the impact that political decision making has on humanity...

Biomedical Science Personal Statement Example 4 *****
Being recognised as one of the most advanced creatures on earth, as human beings we rely on intelligence and limitless curiosity to sustain our existence in such a complex society. To venture into the realm of science and medicine is to pursue a path of boundless discoveries...

Pharmacy Personal Statement Example 1 ****
I have always had a great interest in Science and Mathematics because of the impacts that both of these have on our daily lives. I have become fascinated by Pharmacy as a career because it brings together Chemistry and Maths and directly effects on the lives of people in the community...

Psychology & Education Personal Statement Example ****
What particularly captivated me towards working in the area of psychological background is when my younger brother started speaking to his 'imaginary friend'. From observation I noticed he would become aggressive, often throw temper tantrums as he was not able to express himself through neither words nor thoughts...

Business Studies Personal Statement Example 1
Business is not just about figures and charts, it would be nothing without the people driving it forward. Therefore the part of the Business Studies’ A-level that has inspired me the most has been Human Resource Management...

Business Management Personal Statement Example 5
‘A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts.’ – Richard Branson Since successful completion of my work experience at the end of Year 10, I have developed an ever-increasing interest in Business, the people involved in it and how I might use my skills to one day compete in that environment...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 58
Curiosity and amazement of the world has led me to want to understand what the reasoning is to why we learn, and why the consequence of reinforcement produces the repetition of behaviour, either positive or negative...

Finance Personal Statement Example 1 ****
Since my early childhood I was the one playing banker in the Czech equivalent of Monopoly, as my parents (both graduates of economic study) mentioned that I had special smile when I touch, count and distribute money...

Biomedical Science Personal Statement Example 12 ****
To venture into the realm of science and medicine is to pursue a path of boundless discovery; I am in awe of how much humanity has been shaped by medical advances, paving the way for new cures and better anatomical understanding...

Economics and Finance Personal Statement Example 15
Through life's experiences, I have come to realise that the economy affects almost everything in the world. Newspapers dedicate more headlines to financial issues in comparison to other topics. This has led to the realisation that without a good stable economy the world could fall to its knees, for example, the Wall Street collapse of 1929 and the more current financial crisis which started in 2007...

Accounting and Finance Personal Statement Example 7
For me Accounting is something I am incredibly passionate about. From a young age I have always enjoyed Mathematics and problem solving; fortunately for me these two interests of mine are a part of the fundamentals of Accounting and Finance...

Chemical Engineering Personal Statement Example 10
Chemical engineering is a most fascinating field of all the branches of science and engineering. To me it truly reflects human endeavour and spirit through means such as the exploration of unknown substances, and making something of worth and value out of mere raw materials...

Business Management Personal Statement Example 7
The role of a leader can be tough. Motivating people, supporting people, making decisions and learning from your mistakes are only just a few things you can expect from managing a team. However if you, your team members and your business prosper and succeed, it gives you a sense of achievement like no other...

Chemical Engineering Personal Statement Example 11
Whilst at a local canal festival, I saw a hydrogen powered barge which intrigued me. I thought that this was my first experience of chemical engineering, until I researched what this field encompassed...

Pharmacy Personal Statement Example 9
I would like to study pharmacy as I wish to play a part in providing medical assistance to the general public, but in also understanding how this process occurs. My enthusiasm in science highly interests me into learning about the production of drugs and their functions on the body...

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