Sheffield University Personal Statements

These UCAS personal statements have been kindly provided by students applying to The University of Sheffield. You can click on one of the links below to view the entire statement and find out if the applicant was offered a place.

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Politics Personal Statement Example 1 *
Politics has always been a passion of mine since I was introduced to the course at AS Level and I have joined the Conservative party to help me understand their dramatic fall from grace in the last decade...

Politics and International Relations Personal Statement Example 1 *****
Politics can be seen as essentially a convention inextricably linked to the birth of diversityand conflict,but it can also be seen as a willingness to co-operate and act collectively.Mypassion to study politics further is unrelenting...

History and Economic History Personal Statement Example
Studying History at degree level has been my interest since my first ever history lesson in High School, for it is a subject that invites debate and feeds my inquisitive side. I have always been intrigued by what has happened before us and how it has led to where we are now...

History Personal Statement Example 5
As the descendant of an Auschwitz survivor, my family history allows me to understand the influences that the Second World War has had on people's families and the victims of the Nazi regime in occupied Poland...

International Relations Personal Statement Example 1 *****
Throughout my travels, studies, and experience in the world, I have been able to attain what I hope to be a worldly and open-minded perspective. In my efforts to further broaden and improve this perspective, and fully pursue all of my academic passions, I hope to have the privilege of attending university in the United Kingdom...

Maths and Spanish Personal Statement Example
For as long as I have recognised words and numbers, I have seen a connection between the two. As I progressed in the AS Mathematics course I realised how drawn I was to the subject, motivating me to spend 2 weeks at school over the summer holidays learning 2 entire AS Further Maths modules, in order to take the full A-level course in one year...

Electrical and Electronic Engineering Personal Statement Example 1
I have always had a creative ability and a fascination with how things work. The challenge of solving practical problems inherent in the field of engineering appeals directly to these traits. I am particularly interested in electrical and electronic engineering (EEE) because it is such a rapidly evolving discipline...

Economics & International Relations Personal Statement Example
Growing up in a deteriorating global economic climate I have come to appreciate the extent to which economics influences the relationships between nations, and the importance of competent macroeconomic management...

Architecture Personal Statement Example 1
I believe that having a visual stimulus in your environment is important. For example, if I'm walking down the street I want to see an eclectic mix of buildings that I find exciting to look at, rather than rows of uniform houses...

Chemistry Personal Statement Example 2
Science is not just a subject taken in school, or a body of knowledge; it is a state of mind as well – always inquisitive and wondering. As a child, the world around me constantly captivated me and inspired questions, and I found delight in having my questions answered, always wanting to learn more, from fundamental particles, to atoms and molecules, to organisms, planets, and the universe...

Geography Personal Statement Example 1
At first glance, my A Level choices appear scientifically biased, but they underpin key topics studied in Geography. I enjoy investigating the theories of global economies, population and poverty. The mathematics I have studied enables me to manipulate raw data meaningfully...

Biochemistry Personal Statement Example 1
The need to survive is a remarkable thing, for it has allowed evolution to equip organisms with a range of extraordinary capabilities in order to stay alive. Since reading 'Why Geese Don't Get Obese' by Widmaier, my interests have developed in the molecular adaptations of animals; for example, the antifreeze protein that prevents the blood of Antarctic Notothenioid fishes from turning into ice...

Politics Personal Statement Example 3 *****
Politics is a core part of culture and is central to a meaningful understanding of the modern world. I believe that by studying politics, I can use the analytical skills I have to comprehend the nature of the systems that make the world as it is...

Pharmacy Personal Statement Example 1 ****
I have always had a great interest in Science and Mathematics because of the impacts that both of these have on our daily lives. I have become fascinated by Pharmacy as a career because it brings together Chemistry and Maths and directly effects on the lives of people in the community...

Biology Personal Statement Example 8
My interest in Biology started at a very young age due to spending a lot of time outdoors. I am intrigued by the functioning of living organisms and how they are all linked; one small change in one species will affect a whole range of others...

Physics & Astrophysics Personal Statement Example
I have always considered Physics to be a captivating area of study, whether it is a question of how aspects of it work, or indeed why they work. As such, I have found deep fascination in studying Physics, as it is able to provide answers (as well as evidence) to such queries...

Politics Personal Statement Example 4 ****
I have always been passionate about the study of history and more recently international relations. I feel that to understand what is happening in the present requires an understanding of what has happened in the past...

Archaeology Personal Statement Example 2 *****
I have held an interest in archaeology for some years which has stemmed from reading about topics such as ancient Greece and Troy as well as ancient Rome and Egypt at primary school. I have always found it intriguing how the discoveries of information and artefacts from sites such as this have raised awareness about the importance and value of archaeology and I am fascinated by how archaic cultures, findings and inventions have influenced our modern lives...

Civil & Architectural Engineering Personal Statement Example *****
My passion for structures began at the tender age of 7 on a trip to Nevada, USA, where I was confronted with this immense structure that has lingered at the back of my mind for over 10 years: 6.6 million tons of concrete holding back about 34 teraliters of water, the Hoover Dam, one of man’s most striking constructions, conquering what was once thought to be an impossible obstacle...

Law Personal Statement Example 9 ***
The spectre of global terrorism is prevalent. Fundamental civil liberties are under threat, not only by those who seek to destroy our society, but also by those who have been charged with the task of safeguarding it...

English and History Personal Statement Example 1
I believe history inspires optimism. With the state being cut and our economy weakening we could easily fall to pessimism. I just have to look within history to see that just over 400 years ago Queen Mary I killed 'rebels' for heresy when they protested, whereas Modern freedoms have allowed me to protest openly in several Unite marches...

Biology Personal Statement Example 9 *
Ever since I was very young, I have been fascinated by and have had a keen interest in many aspects of Biology. The areas of Biology in which I am particularly interested are living organisms, the environment and human Biology...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 9 ***
Ever since I accidentally burnt holes in my pyjamas after experimenting with a chemistry set on my 8th birthday, I have always had a passion for science. Following several hospital visits during my teenage years to explore my interest, the idea of a career that would exploit my humanity and problem-solving abilities always made medicine a natural choice...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 18 ****
"The aim of Medicine is not to know the disease, but to relieve the suffering it causes." This quotation from Miguel Angel Garcia sums up why medicine is my career choice. A close relative of mine fought cancer for two years...

Chemistry Personal Statement Example (IB background)
Few aspects of life fall outside the scope of chemistry and this is what fascinates me about this dynamic and fundamental science subject. From a young age I have enjoyed and excelled in mathematics which reflects my logical and enquiring mind...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 38 *****
I survived. Born 6 weeks premature, if it wasn't for medicine, I may not have lived. From the earliest stages I have had a fascination with the sciences and my first 'Encyclopaedia of Science' incited an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and understanding of these subjects...

Nanotechnology Personal Statement Example ****
Nowadays, science and technology play a vital role in people's lives. They have become a dominant factor in the development of society. Therefore, many countries are striving to diversify their economies through the development and application of new and advanced technologies like the ones that operate on nanoscale...

Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example 9
Civil engineering is a discipline which is essential in the modern world: roads, bridges, airports, railways, sewage works and power stations all provide the fabric of today's society, and without them the world would be a very different place...

English Literature and Creative Writing Personal Statement Example 1
I once aspired to be a visual artist, a photographer or painter. However, I later discovered the unique ability of poetry and the written word to maintain its power and resonance in a world saturated with images and messages...

Electrical & Electronics Engineering Personal Statement Example *****
Flirting with electrons has worked wonders. Electronics engineers have manipulated these positron antiparticles to revolutionise fields as diverse as acoustics, medicine and robotics. Impressed by these phenomenal advancements, I am ambitious to join the wonderful people who relentlessly strive to change our lives for the better...

Biology Personal Statement Example 20 *
Throughout my education, Biology has been the subject which I have been most engaged and enthralled by. My passion for the subject has been developed alongside my knowledge and level of understanding my A-Level studies...

Geography Personal Statement Example 12
Considering my interests and hobbies, I could have chosen one of any number of subjects as my main area of interest, but there is no other subject which captures my imagination so completely as Geography, and I see links to it in almost every aspect of my life, both within and outside of my studies...

Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement Example 11 ***
My interest in technology began at a young age when I became curious about how the television worked. I didn't believe there were tiny people inside, as explained by my father, and with other appliances like the radio, I found myself eager to understand how they functioned...

Mathematics and Engineering Personal Statement Example
Questions regarding the reason for my liking of mathematics have only one answer: mathematical logic and concepts contribute to a practical approach in every aspect of life. It is the diversity and universal applicability of this subject that encourages me to delve further and study it in depth...

Maths and Science Personal Statement Example
Maths and science, in particular physics, have always been my favourite subjects in school. I have an inquisitive mind and am always asking "how?" and "why?" to find out how things work. I chose maths, physics and biology for my A levels, yet only realised I wanted to do engineering when I started studying topics such as mechanics...

Chemical Engineering Personal Statement Example 8
From the very first day of college I’ve been gradually developing a great interest in all aspects of Chemistry and Maths. Having recently read, “Beyond the Molecular Frontier: Challenges for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering” I have discovered what an imperative role chemists and chemical engineers play in industry and how, by working together, they contribute to an improved future...

Geography Personal Statement Example 14
If I said ‘I’ve loved geography since an early age’, I’d be lying. Although I loved our family holidays, which have always been seen as expeditions, I didn’t think it was ‘geography’ until I started using places I’d been to as examples in geography lessons...

Business Management Personal Statement Example 5
‘A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts.’ – Richard Branson Since successful completion of my work experience at the end of Year 10, I have developed an ever-increasing interest in Business, the people involved in it and how I might use my skills to one day compete in that environment...

International Relations Personal Statement Example 12 *****
The Middle East has always been a political hot zone, at the center of international disputes which gain worldwide attention. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the region has acted as a battlefield for other nations, making stability in the area an impossible feat...

Chemistry Personal Statement Example 13 *****
My passion for science became apparent when I had a 'light bulb' moment during my time at college. Throughout school it wasn't really clear which career path I should take as I have an aptitude for most subjects creative as well as the scientific aspects of the curriculum...

Engineering Personal Statement Example 19
Physics is that branch of science without which science is just like a beautiful lamp with no light. For centuries, mathematicians and physicists have made plenty of scientific contributions thus helping the world make a better place to live...

English Language Personal Statement Example 2 ****
My decision to study English Language is based firmly on my desire to understand and study comprehensively the language that I and my peers encounter daily. This will give me an insight to society and enrich me personally...

Physics Personal Statement Example 10
My fascination for how things work is something that has always been a part of me. Why am I pulled back towards the ground when I jump? How can an airplane that weighs so much fly? In later years I learned that these questions, these as I thought to be unexplainable phenomena, could all be answered through Physics...

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 12
Mathematics is at the root of many academic subjects, such as mechanics in Physics, organic Chemistry and even Music and this is why I find it so fascinating. The process of starting from a simple set of formulae and deriving nearly all mathematical truth from these is what makes Mathematics a leading academic subject...

Politics and International Studies Personal Statement Example 2 *****
According to Aristotle “If liberty and equality, are chiefly thought to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost”. Reflection on the disparity between the philosopher’s idealised maxim of democracy and my own dissatisfaction with the actual, gave cause to my decision to become an academic in political science...

Politics and International Relations Personal Statement Example 8 *****
My great grandfather volunteered in the 1948 War of Independence and became the first Inspector General of the Israeli Navy, ensuring I was brought up in a strongly political family. However I am broad minded, as I attend a conservative school yet am part of a liberal youth movement so I have been exposed to many diverse opinions, encouraging me to be an informed decision-maker...

Biology Personal Statement Example 22 *****
Although my fascination with Biology is rooted in my academic study, its seeds were planted long before. I still recall the simple childhood awe I felt travelling down the River Nile, or the exhilaration of passing through valleys of dipterocarp forests in my father's native Malaysia...

Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example 15
From a young age, I have been fascinated by engineering, the built environment and the way machines work to aid everyday life. The concept of combining maths, physics and logic to find innovative solutions to problems really interests me and this is what attracts me to engineering...

Biochemistry Personal Statement Example 6 *****
I wish to read biochemistry at university because I want to discover the answers to the most profound and fascinating questions about the very essence of life. Some questions are so important but, paradoxically, can be overlooked by many people, for example, why are men naturally more predisposed to genetic conditions than women? My deepening intrest in my A level subjects (and my frustration at the narrowness of the specifications) confirmed my belief that biochemistry is the subject I have to carry forward...

Business/Human Resources Personal Statement Example
In a turbulent economic and social climate, business remains of core importance. It is a crucial element of our lives, working as a catalyst for innovation, which is why I wish to study it at undergraduate level...

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 13 ***
Mathematics is the fundamental basis of science. I want to understand just how the world hangs together, and maths seems to provide me with a solid foundation for my understanding of many other fields of knowledge...

Chemical Engineering Personal Statement Example 10
Chemical engineering is a most fascinating field of all the branches of science and engineering. To me it truly reflects human endeavour and spirit through means such as the exploration of unknown substances, and making something of worth and value out of mere raw materials...

Biology Personal Statement Example 24 ****
Biology is a subject which fills me with wonder and awe but it was not until I started college to continue my studies that I was introduced to the vast complexity of our world. Realising intricate mechanisms are involved in what I had thought to be simple parts of life amazed me, inspiring me to want to learn as much as I could...

Computing Personal Statement Example 8
Computers, computers, computers is the passion that has always been within me ever since I first has the chance to use a computer. I just didn’t want to come of the computer; I have wanted to expand my knowledge of ICT...

History Personal Statement Example 40
History has always fascinated me because of what it can tell us about humanity; the decisions taken, the actions chosen and the mistakes made can all make us reflect on what it means to be human. I firmly believe history is not simply a case of learning facts and dates but rather a chance to analyse the past, enhancing our understanding of how we interact with each other today...

Politics and Sociology Personal Statement Example 4 *****
Everyone wants to 'change the world' when they are young. I was no exception, but it is only as I have matured and watched events unfold that I realised the importance of politics and sociology within society...

French and Spanish Personal Statement Example 4 *****
My earliest memory of learning a language is embracing my first words of Welsh at nursery school and since then the learning of different languages has always fascinated me. I have been increasingly intrigued and captivated by their usage to the point where I love to constantly challene myself when learning a new language...

Aerospace Engineering Personal Statement Example 19 *****
Having grown up on an International Airport’s flight path, waking up every morning to the sound of turbofan engines squeezing out tens of thousands of pounds of thrust has sparked my passion for aviation...

Mathematics & Computer Science Personal Statement Example
I have found mathematics a fascinating subject since my early years. I enjoy it as it is challenging and logical. I am particularly interested in decision mathematics as it is a field that is directly related to real-life applications of mathematics and can be used to solve problems, such as finding the optimal solution for transporting materials from one place to another while minimising the cost...

Japanese & Politics/Religious Studies Personal Statement Example *****
England and Japan are two immensely contrasting worlds: this distinctiveness is why the undeniable magic of Japanese culture has always attracted me to study its oriental societies and traditions. I have been enthralled by the Japanese language since I was a young teenager; reading 'Japanese for Busy People' at school and trying to note down homework reminders in Kanji, anything to incorporate Japanese into my daily life...

Biology Personal Statement Example 25 ***
Every decision I have made in the last four years has been fuelled by the one goal of pursuing my interest in Biology. I have always been a keen Biologist, wanting to know how insects move, why some trees drop their leaves every autumn and how my heart beats every second of the day...

PPE/Politics and Economics Personal Statement Example 1
I have a strong interest in the close relationship between political events and economic developments, highlighted by a study of Russia in the lead up to the 1917 revolution. I was grabbed by the film adaptation of Ten Days That Shook the World, with its emphasis on its power of the masses...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 68
For me human beings have always been fascinating, and even mysterious, because, though we are all humans, we all think differently and behave so differently. I wonder why those impoverished people who live with little can have a happy life, whereas some millionaires who have status, reputation and money choose to commit suicide...

Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement Example 18 ***
Engineers play an integral part in everyday life. They are at the forefront of modern technology and also are at the pinnacle of innovation. Engineering has taken major leaps in many sectors but most noticeably the aeronautics and mechanical sector...

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 16
I have always had a passion and a thorough understanding of the subject of Mathematics. This helped me to progress academically because, unlike a lot of people, I have not had to worry about passing my GCSE Maths exams...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 72 *****
Questioning "why" or "how" people behave in certain ways is a passion of mine. I remember questioning human behaviour whilst watching a documentary on Nazi Germany. I found myself trying to comprehend how seemingly good German citizens were supportive of Hitler's monstrosities and appeared to be so indifferent to the cruelty towards the Jews...

Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement Example 20
Having spent most of my early childhood abroad and the rest in an international school, English has become my primary language. Despite being fluent in my native language, Vietnamese, I prefer using English most of the time, especially when it comes to studying...

Sociology Personal Statement Example 13
Being able to engage and immerse myself in a thought-provoking subject such as Sociology has allowed me to develop a desire to delve even deeper into it at an advanced level. As unpredictable liberated beings, having a means of examining the connections between humans and social organization through Sociology has enabled me to comprehend human behaviour and social stratification; to question rather than accept; allowing me to appreciate the inquisitiveness nature, which I believe is the essence of this subject...

Politics and International Relations Personal Statement Example 11
Throughout my life, I have been fascinated but also deeply fearful of the power that politicians around the world possess. Having grown up in the years following Lithuania's departure from the Soviet Union and joining the European Union, I have observed how imperative it is that political decisions should be made responsibly...

Politics and International Relations Personal Statement Example 12 ***
t was on a family holiday to Egypt, just two weeks after the Egyptian uprisings; that I learned first-hand, from those who had experienced it; the power of the people. What I did not know then, was the explosive effect this would have on the middle-eastern community and that this call for democracy would ripple through Bahrain, Libya, Yemen and multiple other countries, including Syria; which is currently in the midst of a civil war...

Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example 18
Aged 4, my favourite question was "why?". This eventually developed into "Why is the sky blue", "Why does 2 plus 2 equal four", and after the first time I crossed the Severn Bridge, "Why does that stand up?"...

Electrical and Electronic Engineering Personal Statement Example 3
Curiosity has always been my nature since I was young and I was never afraid to know more as I really like challenges. This is why I have a keen interest in science ever since I started formal education, it explains the hows and whys in almost anything and everything...

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