The University of Salford Personal Statements

These UCAS personal statements have been kindly provided by students applying to The University of Salford. You can click on one of the links below to view the entire statement and find out if the applicant was offered a place.

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Law and Politics Personal Statement Example 4 *****
Human rights infringements, widespread poverty, economic dependence on advanced states, unstable governments, high rates of illiteracy, disease, population growth, but still wealthy ruling elites. All these are the common traits of the Third World Countries...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 43 ****
My interest in computers and technology started when I was given a computer as a present, at the age of ten. Since there was nobody to teach me how to use it, I had to teach myself, experimenting with different options...

Postgraduate Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Personal Statement Example ***
With the international and local business market expansion in Nigeria and the large structural changes ongoing in the various states, an astute businessman would become relevant in this changing times...

Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example 15
From a young age, I have been fascinated by engineering, the built environment and the way machines work to aid everyday life. The concept of combining maths, physics and logic to find innovative solutions to problems really interests me and this is what attracts me to engineering...

English with Education Personal Statement Example *****
The best decision I ever made was to leave sixth form for a place in college to complete my A Levels. Here I had the opportunity to study English Language and Literature - the subject area for which I have the most desire and aspiration and wish to take to degree level...

Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example 16
Civil engineering is a profession that is growing and evolving at a fast pace. Civil engineers play a major role in the world meeting the high demand for new buildings and improved infrastructure. I am keen to become a Civil Engineer and I believe I have the talents to be successful in this profession...

Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement Example 18 ***
Engineers play an integral part in everyday life. They are at the forefront of modern technology and also are at the pinnacle of innovation. Engineering has taken major leaps in many sectors but most noticeably the aeronautics and mechanical sector...

Aeronautical Engineering Personal Statement Example 2
I come from a family with a history in engineering. My father spent 22 years in the army, namely The Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, and my grandfather worked for a small plumbing company. This has filtered down to me and I have a huge enthusiasm for the subject...

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