The Manchester Metropolitan University Personal Statements

These UCAS personal statements have been kindly provided by students applying to The Manchester Metropolitan University. You can click on one of the links below to view the entire statement and find out if the applicant was offered a place.

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Computer Games Programming Personal Statement Example 1 ****
I find the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Games Physics interesting and so I have decided to study a course to include these areas. I am currently studying an A level in Information Technology in which I have used Visual Basic in Microsoft Excel and Access...

Biomedical Sciences Personal Statement Example 31
Ever since the early years of my scholastic life I have been hugely fascinated by the biology of the human body and how the world we live in has been changed and reshaped by the discovery of new medicines...

English, Education & Sociology Personal Statement Example ***
I have always been enthusiastic about English. I spent a lot of time reading when I was younger and feel that this benefited me by encouraging me to develop and learn quickly. I had a vivid imagination as a child, possibly influenced by my interest in the captivating work of such authors as Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl and Charles Kingsley...

Physiotherapy Personal Statement Example 3
My fascination with the body and understanding how it functions has fuelled my desire to pursue a career in physiotherapy as it incorporates science, sports and medicine which are all areas of specific interest to me...

Biology Personal Statement Example 20 *
Throughout my education, Biology has been the subject which I have been most engaged and enthralled by. My passion for the subject has been developed alongside my knowledge and level of understanding my A-Level studies...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 47
At first, it was all about the interest to know exactly what really brings the voice in to the radio speakers, then as I came across Science in my junior years at school, I started to understand what really is happening in our days, the world of technology...

History and International Relations Personal Statement Example 1 *****
'If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.' - Pearl Buck. This quote illustrates my enthusiasm and interest in history; you can be enlightened of the events of the past, while furthering your understanding of the present...

Sports Science Personal Statement Example 7 *****
Studying sports science would give me a broad knowledge base covering three aspects in sport, physiology, biomechanics and psychology. During my years of studying I have gained a particular interest in physiology; the study of function and understanding the mechanical, physical, and biomechanic functions of humans in good health...

Computer Forensics Personal Statement Example 3 ****
My goal is to work for the police in the computer forensic department. Computers are used in everyday life and are becoming more and more popular with criminals. I would like to work in the computer forensic department as I would like a career were I analyze information and use that information to help provide evidence to prove someone innocent or guilty...

Computing Personal Statement Example 8
Computers, computers, computers is the passion that has always been within me ever since I first has the chance to use a computer. I just didn’t want to come of the computer; I have wanted to expand my knowledge of ICT...

Law Personal Statement Example 77 *****
I am deeply committed to a profession in the legal system, as I pay much interest to issues that affect today's society. Law has many rules for citizens to follow, law shapes economics, politics and society and acts like a third party to resolve conflict between individuals...

History Personal Statement Example 42 *****
Throughout my life, through reading and the mass media, I have developed the inquisitive mind for researching areas of interest within historical subjects. The universally artistic and philosophical crusade, which is the era of Romanticism, has been one of the focal areas of interest for me...

Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement Example 18 ***
Engineers play an integral part in everyday life. They are at the forefront of modern technology and also are at the pinnacle of innovation. Engineering has taken major leaps in many sectors but most noticeably the aeronautics and mechanical sector...

Accounting and Finance Personal Statement Example 8 ****
For me Accounting is something that I've been incredibly passionate about for the last few years. From quite a young age I have always had a passion towards Mathematics and problem solving; which has led me on towards Accounting and Finance as these subjects interlink massively...

Geography Personal Statement Example 20
Geography is an all-encompassing subject where the geography of the past helps us to understand the present and forecast the future. I am particularly interested in the inter-relationships between physical and human Geography...

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