Cardiff University Personal Statements

These UCAS personal statements have been kindly provided by students applying to Cardiff University. You can click on one of the links below to view the entire statement and find out if the applicant was offered a place.

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Politics Personal Statement Example 1 *
Politics has always been a passion of mine since I was introduced to the course at AS Level and I have joined the Conservative party to help me understand their dramatic fall from grace in the last decade...

Accounting and Finance Personal Statement Example 1 *****
It was when I earned my first pound at the age of ten washing my mother's car that I became interested in the power of money. Over time it became clear to me that the people who understand the monetary and banking system are capable of understanding the decisions made by governments and the future of society...

Politics & International Relations Personal Statement Example 1
I have always taken a keen interest in public affairs, always wanting to know what was happening in the world so studying politics and international relations is a natural attraction for me. I have been encouraged to pursue concentrated study due to my incredible fascination with the impact that political decision making has on humanity...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 6
It was the odd behavioural traits displayed by my uncle, who has Asperger’s syndrome that first generated from a young age my questioning about why he acted so ‘differently’ to the rest of us. This was part of what led to my interest of studying psychology, as it made me question how and why humans are so disparate from one another, and what part the brain plays in running our everyday lives...

Biology Personal Statement Example 5
Outside was always my favourite place as a child, splashing in puddles, inspecting insects under magnifying glasses and having snail races with my brothers. The living world fascinated me. My enthusiasm has only increased over the years and living by the sea has inspired me further...

French and Italian Personal Statement Example 1
I see speaking a foreign language as a key to a door opening up a new world of possibilities and opportunities. As a child my mother insisted I learned another language, she told me to grab any possible open window for a life beyond my own imagination...

German and English Literature Personal Statement Example
Email correspondence with a friend in Berlin during the celebrations of the twentieth anniversary of the German reunification gave me an insight into the importance and relevance of Germany’s past both within the country itself, and throughout Europe...

Physics & Astrophysics Personal Statement Example
I have always considered Physics to be a captivating area of study, whether it is a question of how aspects of it work, or indeed why they work. As such, I have found deep fascination in studying Physics, as it is able to provide answers (as well as evidence) to such queries...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 12
We know so much for certain about the human anatomy, but when it comes to Psychology even the line between the brain and the mind is blurred. Psychology interests me because nothing is ever certain. Even when it comes to the treatment of individual illnesses, there is no set way of treating a patient, and often it is only a mix of many approaches that can solve an issue entirely...

Management Personal Statement Example 2 *****
My greatest achievement to date was when I was appointed head of the 6th form Management committee. I have turned it from a minor committee to a thriving active part of my school. Whilst maintaining the balance between academic and extra-curricular pursuits I have used my initiative in starting and managing the ‘Cafe’ at my school to raise funds for any 6th form investments...

History Personal Statement Example 12 *
I have always been interested in the study of historical idea's and interpretations. I consider myself to be highly focused on the concept of history and believe that studying this at university would further both my knowledge and interest into the subject...

History Personal Statement Example 13
Until I began my A-levels last September, I had never been to school or followed a formal syllabus. My parents homeschooled me. They guided, encouraged, and fed my interests with books, documentaries and discussions...

Civil & Architectural Engineering Personal Statement Example *****
My passion for structures began at the tender age of 7 on a trip to Nevada, USA, where I was confronted with this immense structure that has lingered at the back of my mind for over 10 years: 6.6 million tons of concrete holding back about 34 teraliters of water, the Hoover Dam, one of man’s most striking constructions, conquering what was once thought to be an impossible obstacle...

Law Personal Statement Example 9 ***
The spectre of global terrorism is prevalent. Fundamental civil liberties are under threat, not only by those who seek to destroy our society, but also by those who have been charged with the task of safeguarding it...

Geography Personal Statement Example 4
All through my academic life I have found Geography extremely interesting because of the vast range of topics involved with it and how it relates to every subject in one way or another. I have a particular interest in the physical side of Geography and especially the topics of: climate change, coasts, hazards and the environment...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 9 ***
Ever since I accidentally burnt holes in my pyjamas after experimenting with a chemistry set on my 8th birthday, I have always had a passion for science. Following several hospital visits during my teenage years to explore my interest, the idea of a career that would exploit my humanity and problem-solving abilities always made medicine a natural choice...

Economics & Politics Personal Statement Example 1 ****
My perception of the world changed on September the 11th 2001, when I returned home from school to find that a terrorist organisation had attacked the World Trade Centre. The attack destroyed my feeling of security, provoking me to probe and question the world around me in a way I hadn't before and sparking my interest in current affairs...

History Personal Statement Example 24 *****
My decision to study History was never a difficult one. Having always been captivated by the past and its relationship to the present, study at Advanced Level has served only to strengthen my interest...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 38 *****
I survived. Born 6 weeks premature, if it wasn't for medicine, I may not have lived. From the earliest stages I have had a fascination with the sciences and my first 'Encyclopaedia of Science' incited an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and understanding of these subjects...

Religious Studies Personal Statement Example 1
I find it inspiring to be in the presence of other people who are seeking understanding of themselves, and the most intense experience I can remember is when I attended a Baptism where I witnessed the transformation people would undergo...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 43
The ever-evolving nature of medical science and the certainty that we will know more about the many different healthcare practices has inspired me to pursue a career in medicine. My dedication to studying medicine has been confirmed by the experience I have gained in different hospitals and practices and I look forward to the academic discipline and challenges that will arise...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 48
Since embarking on the A level course 16 months ago I have decided to devote my life to working in psychology. I am struck by the way Psychological research has impacted all areas of life, but also how much there is yet to understand...

Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement Example 13 *****
I grew up as a boy who loves robots and motorbikes very much. Thus, I love things that move especially those that are related to engines. I started to be really passionate about mechanical engineering when I learned about the control system when I was in high school...

History and Sociology Personal Statement Example **
History enables me to see how actions and events have shaped our current society and to understand the present, one must understand the past. The broad topic areas that are involved in History and Sociology allow me to understand different perspectives on a diverse range of subjects...

Environmental Engineering Personal Statement Example
Nowadays, Environmental Engineering plays a vital role in the world as the environment is being put under constantly increasing pressure. As I am fascinated by Science and Mathematics and feel that the environment is incredibly important, I decided to study this course...

Ancient/Medieval History Personal Statement Example
My decision to study Medieval History at a higher level was never a difficult one. Having always been interested about the relationship between the past and the present, studying History at AS-Level only strengthened my decision...

Law and German Personal Statement Example
I have always been fascinated by the structures of societies and how their laws are built. Due to the constant changes of the world, the ongoing conflicts, debates, and controversies, these laws are constantly evolving...

History and English Personal Statement Example
Studying history and English concurrently has appealed to me ever since I recognised the inseparability of the two disciplines closest to my heart. Personally, I believe that the literary style of a piece of writing is as important as scholarly research and I try to make my essays as lively as possible whilst still grounded in solid historical or literary method, dulce et utile, following the example of writers such as Richard J Evans...

Biochemistry Personal Statement Example 6 *****
I wish to read biochemistry at university because I want to discover the answers to the most profound and fascinating questions about the very essence of life. Some questions are so important but, paradoxically, can be overlooked by many people, for example, why are men naturally more predisposed to genetic conditions than women? My deepening intrest in my A level subjects (and my frustration at the narrowness of the specifications) confirmed my belief that biochemistry is the subject I have to carry forward...

Biomedical Sciences Personal Statement Example 36
What I love about science is that it has yet to offer the 'best' way for anything. Man will always find ways to do things better than before, quote: "Wherever the knowledge takes us, it will empower us to do more...

Biomedical Science Personal Statement Example 12 ****
To venture into the realm of science and medicine is to pursue a path of boundless discovery; I am in awe of how much humanity has been shaped by medical advances, paving the way for new cures and better anatomical understanding...

French and Spanish Personal Statement Example 4 *****
My earliest memory of learning a language is embracing my first words of Welsh at nursery school and since then the learning of different languages has always fascinated me. I have been increasingly intrigued and captivated by their usage to the point where I love to constantly challene myself when learning a new language...

English Literature Personal Statement Example 19 ****
“I cannot live without my life, I cannot live without my soul.” Although I have always enjoyed reading, it was when my Grandmother first handed me her battered, but much loved, copy of ‘Wuthering Heights’, and I was pulled into the tragic love story of Cathy and Heathcliff, that I fell in love with the written word...

Biochemistry Personal Statement Example 8 *****
For the longest time I have been deeply interested in the mechanics of all things. Even when I was younger, I would often take apart my toys in an attempt to understand their inner workings, before attempting to put them back together...

Biomedical Science Personal Statement Example 14
How one mutation can cause a malignant tumour or change the genetic material which is then passed to the next generation interests me. The challenges which are within the human body and the diseases which can change it easily are also a fascination...

Law and French Personal Statement Example 5
According to the media, the United Kingdom has an extreme lack of female judges. This is made evident by the fact that Baroness Hale is the only woman justice to sit in the Supreme Court. This reality motivates me to embark upon legal study, as strong, able and powerful female...

Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example 18
Aged 4, my favourite question was "why?". This eventually developed into "Why is the sky blue", "Why does 2 plus 2 equal four", and after the first time I crossed the Severn Bridge, "Why does that stand up?"...

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