Marketing Personal Statement Examples
"Hollie, why do you always look at what people are wearing?" was something my mother said to me in my early teens, and she was right.
To me, fashion is body language. It is a non-verbal form of communication showing a lot about the wearer to the observer...
I am fascinated with the way the Fashion Marketing industry has such a strong influence over society’s choice of styling, and how it can influence current and future trends through different channels...
A degree in marketing is something which interests me; it's exciting and stimulating and will provide me with the key requirements to begin a successful career in the field. The marketing profession requires individuals with good interpersonal skills, who are dedicated, quick thinking, robust, diplomatic, articulate and have a competitive flare, all of which are skills and attributes that I recognise in myself.
When I envisage my life 10 years from now I see my self being very successful in my career as a construction manager.
A new breed has arrived! Crafted in imagination, intelligence and creativity, I am the ultimate accessory for the modern day Marketing. I know that this is a fast growing industry that is highly competitive; but I am guided by my dreams, instinct and my desires and these encourage me to aim for higher academic achievements...
Marketing appeals to me as it is argueably the most important department of any business.
I understand the importance of marketing for all companies, whether it be small, medium or a blue chip company...
There is no denying that the world is experiencing profound changes in economics and constant perfection of marketing mechanism and system. China is emerging as an active participant of world marketing system and is developing itself with an ever accelerating speed in recent years...
Everything about PR fascinates and intrigues me. I particularly like the idea of a collaborating team effort, in which the pooling of imaginative ideas and resources create a vision capable of capturing the minds of the public...
Ever since an early stage in my life, I have always worked hard to overcome challenges. This in turn influenced my passion for business. Business can be a risky and competitive industry, but having considered my most desired skills and interests, I know that I am ready to step into the world of business...
Fashion is creative, seductive, always changing and a form of art, to others it is a religion. To me I use fashion to express myself and also to show my personality but also look glamorous.
I mostly like the 1920s style because it's the time when women were more liberated to wear what they wanted, the freedom was expressed through simple but yet elegant designs that were beautifully co-ordinated that were accessorised with jewellery and represented the style and elegance of that time...
The reason I chose the UK as the country I want to study in is that I have always admired its long-established traditions not only in education but also in politics, religion, sport, etc. To me it is most fascinating how Britain has succeeded in preserving its culture, customs and traditions despite the crucial historical events it's been through...
Recognizing relationships and making connections, this is an ability I acquired at an early age. Poor communication where ideas are not completely understood or expressed, have irritated me for as long as I can recall...
As I peered over the edge of the plane and looked down 14,000 feet to the ground ready to jump. As I took my first SCUBA dive and experienced the surreal and exciting feeling of breathing under water. As I trekked for 2 days and stayed with a Thai village tribe feeding elephants and helping local families I thought and smiled ' Dreams really can be achievable'...
When you ask somebody what they think of when you say ‘Phones4u’, most people will probably reply with a hand gesture which vaguely resembles a phone, the number four and the letter ‘u’. The power of marketing and the way it can manipulate a person’s view of a company or brand is something which has fascinated me for several years...
Since studying marketing during my business studies a level my interest in the subject has grown rapidly, in my opinion marketing is the most influential division of a business.
Not only does it provide information for key business decisions but it also contributes to giving businesses clear direction and targets...
After graduating from a bilingual business school it was clear to me that I would like to study in English. Soon after I started to inform myself about potential places to study I found that the UK is the perfect choice as it is well known for its higher educational system...
I have chosen to apply for the course in finance and business because I'm particularly interested in the subject, and I also believe great career choices come with it. There are several reasons why I am so enthusiastic about the subject, one of them being the fact, that it's one of the most important sectors, and its overall good condition is necessary for every society to flourish and prosper...
I became interested in marketing while studying economics last year. Now I believe marketing is an essential activity for any kind of company, whether big or small. Companies should be familiar with their customers and know which are the best ways to offer their products...
My appeal for business has generated from being brought up into a family-run retail store, which unfortunately reached a decline forcing the business to cease operation. The decline of the business had later influenced me into studying a Level 3 OCR Cambridge Technical Extended Diploma in Business at the (my school)...
“Business has only two functions- marketing and innovation”. This famous quote by Peter Drunker points out the essential role that marketing plays in any economics entity. It holds such power that can greatly influence the view of consumers towards a brand without their notice...
Businesses are woven into every part of our lives and marketing plays a key role in influencing our decisions. By understanding and developing relationships with consumers, businesses can be less obtrusive and more enriching to our lives; this in turn will grow more sustainable businesses...
I enjoy all my subjects on international business communication, but have found marketing and advertising particularly interesting and would like to study it further in a postgraduate program.
It is a pivotal subject on which so many others depend (such as economics and business administration)...
My enthusiasm for Business Management and Marketing flourished from my enjoyment of English, and the communicative, interactive and media-related elements within the subject. This inspired me to take up Media
Studies as one of my key A-Level subjects, which I feel I have progressively excelled in...
I have always been an ardent reader. From Great Expectations and To Kill A Mockingbird to Stephen King's entire collection. I find a great comfort in reading and consuming information but it wasn't until I found the book ‘The Fashion Strategy’ that I became completely engaged and absorbed by the progression of Fashion through innovative strategies and creative presentation...
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