Travel and Tourism Personal Statement Examples
The pilot profession is one of the most fascinating professions that exist.
To have the knowledge, the ability as well as the responsibility of an aircraft;
To have the passengers trusting you their lives is what attract me the most in this profession...
To fly an aeroplane full of people who have entrusted their souls upon your bare hands would be for me the most fulfilling and satisfying feeling I could ever hope to imagine. Ever since the age of four when I first flew on an aeroplane I have been captivated as to how these behemoths can glide at ease...
My interest in the inner workings of the tourism industry began when my father introduced me to the process of organizing our family holiday at a very young age. As a result of this, I completed an internship at a local musical agency where I got the first glance at different organizational tasks around hotel bookings as well as marketing...
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Getting Into Hospitality & Tourism
Getting Into Hospitality & Tourism

Discover more about getting into the hospitality and tourism industry with our in-depth guide.