Sports & Leisure Personal Statement Examples
My ambition is to become a fully qualified Physiotherapist. I am very interested in this career and work experience I have undertaken has confirmed my interest. I recently attended an exploring physiotherapy 3 day course at Nottingham University...
Studying Sports Science at Advanced Level has confirmed that a sports related career is the path I would love to follow. At GCSE, I was able to gain an in-depth understanding of not only the physical side of PE, but also the theory, which has now been developed by my A level studies...
When I was sixteen years old, after completing my Junior Certificate, (Irish equivalent of GCSE's), I made plans to do my Leaving Certificate and go on to University. However life did not produce as planned...
Throughout my life, I have always enjoyed engaging in Physical Education and would like to pursue my career in the field of sports science. I have always had a keen interest and have felt very passionately when it comes to the practical and theoretical work concerning Physical Education...
I feel the time I have spent out of education has allowed me to mature in a way in which I didn't realise possible. Mainly due to the experiences thrown at me, which I have had to deal with, cope with and most challenging of all, learn to live with...
Success in my school studies and outside interests has given me a secure foundation to embark on a degree course in sport with confidence and excitement
I have thoroughly enjoyed studying physical education at G...
Sport has always been a massive part of my life ever since I started playing football at the age of seven. I have played at many different levels ranging from school football to playing for my league select and representing my region...
It has been fifteen years since I was molested. It has been fifteen years since I knew I wanted to be in theatre. However, once I grew older, I did not want to be an actress, I wanted to be behind the scenes and manage people...
Within the first year of secondary school, I realised that Geography and PE were by far my favourite and strongest subjects. My favourite area of PE is contemporary issues such as the role that government and media play in sport and the way that tribal societies have used sport as an everyday means of survival...
Today within our society, the wide sport sector is expanding and developing and is becoming more influential in our lives. This increase in popularity and accessibility has had an affect on my interest and involvement in this subject and the different aspects involved in sport...
When I was eight years old my life took a turn when, in the class where I was studying appeared a sport teacher who was looking for girls to play in a softball team. I was one of girls selected and I accepted, because there was something new and I took into consideration the possibility of meeting new people and making a lot of friends...
At age ten I had been to 12 different countries, across 3 continents, getting a taste of a multiculturalism that would taint my life to the present day.
The experience of a nomadic upbringing It inspired analysis from a young age...
Studying sports science would give me a broad knowledge base covering three aspects in sport, physiology, biomechanics and psychology. During my years of studying I have gained a particular interest in physiology; the study of function and understanding the mechanical, physical, and biomechanic functions of humans in good health...
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