Fine Art/History of Art Personal Statement Example

I have often found that, what drives me to achieve anything is purely down to my questioning nature, I love the exploration of the unknown and to visualise things in a different perspective from others, art is one of those unique and diverse subjects that allows ones ideas to be expressed via a number of mediums, one is not restricted to just pencil and paint. Art is not only an expression of ones self but a gateway into our human society, giving us a glimpse into our own selves.

Art to me is about freedom, within this field I am liberated to do as I please without being bounded down by any intellectual shackles. I can freely explore numerous ideas leading from ancient mythology to quantum physics, such as in my first foundation unit; I was assigned to complete a personal project, which allowed me to explore anything I wished, I chose to look at cymatics which is the art and science of visualising sound, this project not only allowed me to study the physics of sound but also its artistic beauty as well.

As children we are all artist, but we have a tendency to forget that as we grow up, in that case I can clearly state I never grew up, I am still a child observing the world as new. My passion for this subject grew even more when I was introduced to masters of the renascence period, who combined the creativity of art with the beauty of science, especially the works of Leonardo Da Vinci, he seamlessly combined his own interest of the human anatomy, into magnificent works of art, it was his knowledge of physiology and geometry that allowed him to create such accurate recreations of our world, to me creativity is nothing without the knowledge, the work will lack a fundamental meaning , so I intend to develop a much deeper understand of sciences in order to produce much move vivid pieces of works, even Salvador Dali work The Persistence of Memory was inspired initially by Einstein’s special theory of relativity which sates that time is not universal but rather relative to each and every point in the universe.

I have been quite fortunate enough to visit some very prestigious museums, including the Guggenheim, Metropolitan, The Russell-Cotes museum, The V&A and The National History Museum, these have furthered expanded my horizon upon the nature of art.

Drawing and visualising the world in pictures is universal phenomena built into our DNA, we all think in pictures, all I’ am doing is allowing for that imagery to seep out into the real world, therefore exploring numerous techniques of art and design will allow me to create a much more refined vision of what I have in my mind and my foundation art and design course has allowed me to explore these different disciplines, I especially found the collaboration of different mediums to create a piece to be a very stimulating part of this course, but I do still feel that I am quite ignorant and still have much more to learn.

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This personal statement was written by fbhatty89 for application in 2010.

fbhatty89's Comments

hay guys, well this is kind of a draft stement at the moment, please feel free to comment upon it or how can i improve it thank you very much.


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