Sociology Personal Statement Example 17

Girl meets world. Girl questions world. World says, "stop asking so many questions!".

With a penchant for asking 'why?' and without, in my eyes, satisfactory answers - such as why I wasn't allowed to climb trees as a child while my male peers were - Sociology at A level has reawakened my hunger for answers about aspects of society that are too often left unquestioned. For me, the most enjoyable aspect of studying our relationship with society is the scope for debate and the range of perspectives contributing to our understanding; my newfound affinity for gender studies and Feminism in particular has prompted me to independently read works such as Firestone's 'The Dialectic of Sex', which contributed to a mark of 23/24 in an essay discussing conjugal roles, arguing that despite the emergence of the symmetrical family, the concepts of dual burden and triple shift suggest that gender roles are still segregated.

A level Psychology has taught me to look critically at the causes of certain behaviours. Analysing qualitative data collated while conducting covert observational research on the factors affecting obedience emphasised the parallels between Psychology and Sociology. On interpreting my findings, I identified not only psychological explanations, such as the presence of an authority figure, but also sociological ones, such as potential differences in socialisation and the internalisation of experiences in individuals of varying ethnicities.

In A level English Literature, I have used my knowledge of Feminist and Marxist theories when studying texts. Furthermore, covering a variety of texts has helped me understand social change over time, and the insight I have gained into historical, religious and political contexts - and thereby possible causes of reluctance to transcend social norms - has allowed me to incorporate my knowledge of the influence of society on the individual in my essays.

To complement my studies of A level French, I read De Beauvoir's 'The Second Sex' in French; the range of angles from which De Beauvoir tackles gender inequality stressed to me just how pervasive it is in society. Additionally, analysing aspects of French culture, such as views on the family in its various forms, was intriguing as I instinctively compared these views to my own. Moreover, studying French has developed my teamwork and communication skills as I have led group work and presentations in lessons.

Working with younger pupils has greatly improved my confidence and ability to effectively communicate with people of different ages and backgrounds. As a Peer Mentor for a Year 7 pupil, my role was to support them in their transition into high school, meeting with them fortnightly and liaising with the school's Lead Learning Mentor to tackle any issues facing my mentee. I balanced this role, as well as leading fundraising for charities, with my studies. Outside of school, I am also a self-taught guitar player and I play sports regularly.

Most people scoff when I tell them I want to study Sociology so I can do my bit in saving the world. Perhaps they are right to sneer; in the macro sense, my actions are unlikely to change anything. However, studying Sociology constantly reminds me that someone has to question the things that others mindlessly accept. Nelson Mandela. Rosa Parks. Marsha P. Johnson. Countless first and second-wave feminists. Some would even say Jeremy Corbyn. One person is all it takes to start something, and I will never stop questioning.

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A lot of work went into this personal statement, and it paid off! I received offers from all five of my university choices.


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