Electrical and Electronic Engineering Personal Statement

Captivated by the works of famed science fiction writers like Kim Stanley Robinson and Robert Heinlein, nothing has fascinated me more than the concept of the future as it could be. Their imagined worlds of technological abundance brought forth by industrial automation and nuclear fusion sparked a deep interest in electronics and energy systems as a means of transforming future societies.

Being the son of a Nigerian computer scientist and engineer within the energy sector, I was exposed to computing and electrical systems from a young age. Their work and passion galvanised me to pursue a career in engineering. One of my most rewarding experiences was building a PC with parts from an old Lenovo ThinkCentre where I learned about the inner workings of a computer and gained valuable technical experience. I was later intrigued by DIY laptops, constructing one on a Raspberry Pi, and developed a passion for Linux distributions like Arch, and am currently learning coding in Python through FreeCodeCamp.

Driven by the desire to understand the challenge of transitioning towards renewable energy, I opted to read Vaclav Smil's "How The World Really Works" during the 2022 energy crisis. I became keenly aware of the crucial role energy plays in sustaining everything from food production to industrial processes. These insights inspired me to become a part of the new generation of engineers at its forefront. Spurred by reviewing reactor schematics on "Atomic Rockets", I became intrigued by next-generation nuclear power proposals such as SMRs and Pebble Bed reactors as cost-effective safer alternatives to traditional power plants.

Economics strengthened my ability to analyse complex systems such as energy grids and consider the environmental impact of the sector. Seeking to explore the intersection of automation and green energy through smart grids, I enrolled in a MOOC on integrated energy systems. I discovered the revolutionary potential of microgrids to empower remote communities with locally-generated power and promote sustainable development. I am particularly interested in the use of HVDC cables in creating robust distribution networks across borders.

My concern for the impact of climate change on the infrastructure of the Global South drives my desire to extend these innovations to improve the lives of those affected and uplift impoverished regions. I pursued education in the UK despite schooling under an American curriculum because of its diverse environment and world-leading research. I achieved all A's in IGCSEs, except for Maths. Being placed in an Honours Maths class at the time, I knew my grade did not accurately reflect my abilities and I prepared for an accelerated A-level course alongside my AP exams. My success in the AP exams and predicted grades are indicative of my resilience and strong work ethic.

Throughout my studies I have also sought opportunities to develop my leadership skills, taking part in the AISA Model UN while in Grade 12 and leading two science fairs. I am currently a member of my college's student committee and Afro-Caribbean club. Additionally, I have a strong passion for creative writing and aspire to publish a book in the future. Guided by a passion for sustainability, I am eager to contribute to fostering innovations that will shape the world of tomorrow.

Electrical and Electronic Engineering
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Author's Comments

Extremely rushed but it got the job done.

Applied to Manchester, Bristol, Swansea, Nottingham and Sheffield initially, got offers from all of them but ended up going to Leeds via clearing.


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