Students Looking For Online Bible Colleges Now Have An On-Demand Option

Whether you are a believer or not, there is no disputing the popularity of religion. Christianity is a global religion practiced by many. This religion has touched every part of the world. And it has brought faith and meaning to lives.

One study from 2010 estimates about a third of the world is Christian. This means that over 2 billion people identify as Christian. Tools such as the internet make surveys such as these easier to carry out than in the past.

And the internet allows Christians all over the world to connect and strengthen their faith. Bible colleges are taking advantage of the internet’s global reach, and offering on-demand services.

Missionaries once helped spread the word of God. Now, the internet is teaching theology students the truth about scripture.

What actually are online Bible colleges?

An online Bible college might be described as theology training on demand. An online college of this nature will aim to provide in-context teachings from the Bible to Christians or anyone who wishes to gain a better understanding of the scriptures.

Taking one Bible college example and looking at their site reveals numerous courses based around theology. These courses are taught by academics who understand the Bible better than most people can imagine.

As Christian educators adapt, more information is available through technology. An online Bible college provides education up to degree level, but in a way that is easy to take in.

For instance, younger generations are used to video content and streaming on demand. So, why not use this technology to spread a true understanding of the Bible? And that’s what on-demand Bible colleges do. They educate students of theology by streaming content on demand.

Who might be interested in online theology training?

Bible colleges will help anyone wanting to know more about Christianity. Theology training helps Christians understand the nature of God. And Students learn how faith interacts in a social context today.

Theology is an education. Therefore, theology training may be used to assist in career prospects. Many roles benefit from an understanding of theology. Pastors and ministers are obvious choices. But theology training could help many professionals carry out their roles in the community.

Theology training would help with the following:

  • NGO workers
  • Fundraisers
  • Counselors
  • Therapists
  • Law enforcement
  • Teachers
  • Community development officers
  • Social workers
  • Journalists and authors

Individuals working in the community would find their faith helps to keep themselves strong, and to assist those in need. Christianity is about community and unity and helping others.

And Bible colleges help students study and gain degrees in theology. Just because Bible colleges are providing on-demand content, shouldn’t deflect from the educational value of these sites.

What are the benefits of online theology training?

During the pandemic, millions of students had to switch to online learning. As classrooms closed, children turned on their laptops and mobile devices and studied online.

The clearest reason why online learning is beneficial is the convenience of it. Any student can carry out research, attend lectures, upload homework, and network with other students without moving. Students will learn how to write theology personal statements and get advice on college courses.

The benefits of online teaching of any kind include diversity, accessibility, technology, and affordability. Anyone with a mobile device and WiFi will be able to go beyond Bible literacy 101 and into a deeper understanding of scripture.

Online theology classes cost about the same as any monthly streaming platform. However, a subscription to theology training might provide more meaning to someone’s life than watching Hulu.

Diversity is a big benefit of online teaching. The internet increases the reach of educators. And students can benefit from mixing with different cultures and learning from Christian educators from overseas.

Isn’t Christian theology training restrictive?

Theology courses exist to explain the Bible in context. It is easy to take passages from the Bible and use them to advocate certain behaviors. Learning the Bible in context is important.

However, non-denominational theology training removes or lowers the importance of non-essentials. Christians from any denomination are free to access theology classes online. And non-Christians are welcome to expand their knowledge also.

Nathan Finochio believes that events such as Halloween should be celebrated with children. Restrictions only teach isolationism and superstitions. Through education, everyone can live in this world, and still carry their faith strongly.

No matter what a person’s religious beliefs are, everyone should have religious freedom.

What courses would you expect to see?

On-demand theology training sites must contain exhaustive materials. Therefore, expect to find a number of courses aimed at teaching the books of the Bible and God’s word. But, you will also find other learning materials based on the hot topics of today.

Spiritual gifts

This course delves into the development and deployment of spiritual gifts and the principles behind them.


Christians have faced criticism and disbelief for centuries. The early Christians who defended their faith were known as apologists. Apologetics courses help students understand Christian history and be able to defend the scriptures.

Old and new testaments

Students may gain a strong understanding of old testament history before they embark on the story of the new testament.

Living as a modern monk

This course doesn’t entail living as a monk in a cave, but rather how Christian beliefs can be used in the modern world. Some theology courses like this are aimed at teaching people to live full lives while keeping their faith rooted in ancient teachings.

Hot topics are not ignored either. Theology teachings cannot shy away from subjects because they are controversial or difficult. Divorce, remarriage, alcohol, politics, and different cultures must be explored.

What level of teaching could you expect from a Bible college?

Theology courses and discussions are held by a range of experienced Christians from many corners of life. You could expect pastors, teachers, Ph.D. holders, published authors, and even Greek scholars, to help students online.

Students could expect to learn Biblical literacy 101, be taught at the seminary level, or even get a degree. Parents may benefit from Bible college courses too, and help children with career choices.

Pastors and ministers can also gain from theology training. Live town hall events, education resources, mentorship, and different perspectives on areas such as secularism, are available for pastors.

Where can you listen, watch, and learn theology on demand?
Audience reach is one of the main gains of online education. Through mobile devices and varied platforms, billions of people can be reached. Even universities can be applied for online now.

Ways to improve your understanding of theology and the Bible are available as follows:

  • Apps
  • Social media
  • YouTube
  • Dedicated websites
  • Guest posts
  • Blogs
  • Guest interviews
  • Podcasts

Theology teachers have embraced the popularity of podcasts and are happy to create YouTube content also.

Younger teachers recognize the benefits of using TikTok and Instagram to reach Generation Z Christians. Social media is a powerful tool, and younger generations face difficult times in their formative years.

Podcasts can help guide young Christians through difficult and controversial subjects such as identity, Genesis, war and conflict, race and culture, and alcohol. Memes are even used to introduce humor but also to challenge ideas.

Without debate and challenge, the true words of God and the Bible cannot be understood.


Bible colleges online help students no matter where they are learning about the true history of the Bible. Students can attend college to further their education while using on-demand theology classes to strengthen their faith.

Alternatively, students can use Bible colleges to gain their Ph.D. and use their knowledge and belief in the community.