Software Engineering Personal Statement Example 6

I enjoy analyzing how everything technological works. Every device from the Pascal's calculator in the early 17th century to modern advances such as complex drones have something in common, they fascinate me.

Building up my computer made me wonder how it works beyond the hardware. Since I started to learn programming in Java and Python with online courses in FutureLearn and edX websites I have developed my logic and designing skills, building a base to enroll in a software engineering course to definitely upgrade my knowledge in a structured framework of working.

I have also chosen this course because I am very interested in cybersecurity, and as the well-known Spanish cybersecurity expert Chema Alonso said in a conference: "A good hacker is not necessarily a good engineer, but if you are both things I want to work with you ".

After finishing the degree I will really be interested in accessing to a postgraduate course related with information security to specialise on the topic.

I have noticed that researching is a top aspect in this field. I spend a big part of my free time reading blogs and watching conferences on the Internet, as well as discussing with teachers and friends about computing.

I am currently studying the equivalent to A-levels in science and technology in a state school what includes further mathematics, physics and electrical engineering as relevant subjects, in addition to computing and industrial technology, subjects that I studied last year.

Those have provided me with a strong understanding of scientific and technologic methods and a wide knowledge of mathematics, because of this I am a mentor, task that involves giving maths classes to novice students in my school.

About going to study to England, I see the English university lifestyle really interesting, highlighting the Students' Union support and the placement in industry opportunity during the course, several facts encouraged me to choose it, for example the opportunity for me to become bilingual, nowadays an almost mandatory requirement for non-English speakers to get into the labour market.

I am used to having big responsibilities; I belong to the Economics and Extracurricular Activities Committee of the School Council, in addition to my place of Class Representative at the Official School of Languages, where I practice my English twice a week.

I was also selected by my classmates as a mediator because of my solving problems skills, so I am now enrolled in a School Referees project where I am in charge of mediating between both students and teachers conflicts at my school.

About my hobbies, besides computing, I have also played chess since I was 5 years old, winning local competitions and achieving good positions in my province chess tables. Playing chess improve my capacity of analysis and synthesis as well as memory, balancing it with playing football and tennis, which keeps me fit.

Those activities allow me to strengthen equally my teamwork and solo effort capabilities. I also love nature; going birdwatching and trekking are two of my favourite activities to sometimes detoxify myself of the frenetic pace of student life.

Coming back to the topic at hand, I would like to point out that I am currently building my first mobile game, in this case with Android Studio, which from my point of view is a great tool to start moving freely in an Integrated Development Environment.

Finally, after researching into your university I realised that it is the perfect place for me to develop my potential and knowledge.

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Author's Comments

I am from Spain, and I applied to:

Sheffield Hallam University
Bournemouth University
Southampton Solent
University of Central Lancashire
University of East Anglia

I have received condicional offers from all of them.


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