Radiotherapy Personal Statement Example 2

50% of the world’s population will soon be threatened by Cancer, I want to help. Studying Radiotherapy, combining my knowledge of physics, with my warm, caring attitude would provide me with the opportunity to help others. Studying A Level Physics and Maths has developed my problem-solving skills and theoretical understanding.

Volunteering in an Alzheimer’s Centre developed my communication skills which was invaluable. It has taught me the value of patience and empathy. From this, I came to realise that in my future career I want to combine my love of science with human interaction.

The book “Your Life in Your Hands,” by Prof Jane Plant revealed to me the extraordinary life changing affects that Cancer has on so many people. It showed the results of treating patients as individuals and taught a range of preventative factors, by taking simple changes to our lifestyle habits, including; eating and stress relief, useful for patient interactions.

Having read an article on Ashya King, with such emotional content; I couldn’t understand why proton therapy had not yet been widely introduced within the NHS?

As a result, my EPQ asks “To what extent is the introduction of proton therapy to the NHS beneficial?” My report allowed me to research the theory of proton therapy and the effectiveness of the phenomenon, Braggs Peak. My EPQ also discusses the NHS budget, Paediatrics and the risks of secondary malignancies.

Carrying out this research has given me an insight into the associated areas of radiotherapy and has allowed me to develop my essay writing and analytical skills which will be invaluable for university. As one of the top performing GCSE physics students I was invited to visit the Hadron Collider in CERN.

This gave me an insight into the world of particle acceleration; the partial basis of the physics of radiotherapy. At the end of A2 Physics I have chosen a medical physics module where I am eager to study areas including; x-ray production, fluoroscopy, CT and MRI with their associated advantages and disadvantages.

I have undertaken 3 separate NHS placements. Initially, I spent a day in Radiotherapy, followed by a day in Acute Oncology. I observed CT scans and the methods of treatment planning, developing my understanding of radiotherapy. I also focused on the problems surrounding core compression and shadowed professionals on ward rounds.

Witnessing patient - doctor interactions revealed to me the intensity and challenges that being a radiotherapist would hold. I spent a further 2 days in Radiology where I observed CT, MRI, DEXA and Ultrasound Imaging. I witnessed a patient whose returning liver cancer tumour was detected, possibly one of their worst experiences.

This reinforced my desire to help and support through such a fulfilling profession.

I completed a Teaching English as a Foreign Language qualification, and in summer 2017 voluenteered in a children’s orphanage and school in Cambodia. This will help me to develop the ability to perform in challenging and high pressure situations.

Running the café at my local library, unsupervised, developed my independence and confidence in making my own decisions. Working both at the Museum Café and at Glastonbury Festival, enhanced my team work and communication skills under demanding situations.

These qualities are necessary within radiotherapy where efficiency and interpersonal skills are vital. I also undertook a placement at a cosmetics company where I created samples in their laboratories, and learnt about the technical aspects of a scientific workplace.

Alongside academics, I thrive off playing hockey. In 2016 I represented the South West at the AOC National Championships. I currently play 1st team club hockey.

Participating in Bronze and Silver DofE has given me the confidence to tackle high mental and physical endurance challenges. I am a hardworking and compassionate student and I believe I will thrive in the benevolent career that is radiotherapy.

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