Law Personal Statement Example 43

The decision to study law lies deeper than a mere career choice, it has stemmed from my great belief that every individual in society deserves justice, and it is my genuine desire to help those individuals achieve it.

Completing a degree in business studies has widened my knowledge on the theoretical and sociological aspects of law, as well as developing my interpersonal skills as a confident individual.

Since I am a very determined and studious individual, I knew that a degree within law would be the definitive next step.

Due to my interest in both law and business, I was faced with the difficult decision to complete a degree in either law or business.

I chose business; the reasoning behind my choice is the complex and intriguing nature of the subject and had been greatly familiar with the subject in college.

Completing a business degree has developed my ability to analyse, reason, negotiate and communicate with people from all walks of life, and the knowledge and skills gained from this degree has provided me with a solid foundation to a degree in law.

After graduating I started working within the recruitment industry, which has proved to be an invaluable experience. Whilst at work I was exposed to employment laws and contractual regulations, expanding my knowledge in the field of law.

I also worked as an advisor to long-term unemployed people, where I gave advice to individuals in difficult situations and informed them on what benefits they are entitled to. I also referred people to various organisations like homeless shelters and charities.

It has been this experience that made me much aware of the trials and tribulations one faces in everyday life, working within the employment and recruitment industry for the past two years has made me realise the importance of the judicial system and its impact on everyday life.

In my spare time, I indulge myself in reading about ethical issues and have developed a growing fascination to world events. My interest in law was sparked when recently reading about the American senator Barack Obama.

The way in which he started off as community organiser who helped individuals from his local community to find work this eventually led him to become a lawyer in Chicago. I find my current work as a work access tutor in Newham similar to Obama's journey and has helped to appreciate the importance of the journey one succumbs to become a successful lawyer.

I feel that the study of law will develop my determination, commitment, intellect and stamina. I really enjoy reading about different cases related to fraud and unfair dismissals, and my curiosity has made me determined to pursue my passion for the subject.

The fact that law involves understanding regulations that are susceptible to change will mean that a career in this field would be of a constant learning curve, which I feel is an exciting element to this course as it will relentlessly rejuvenate my passion for the subject.

I feel I have the maturity and disciple to succeed at studying law, at 26 I need a new challenge in life, I often taken the easy choices in my career and life, my own way was a problem which often led to not fulfilling my maximum potential in my younger days. However I do not have any regrets and I want to look forward and challenge myself.

Overall I consider myself to hardworking and creative person. I think it would be a challenge and ultimately a very rewarding degree, I am mature enough and responsible enough to be given this chance, having experienced university life before. I feel I can really excel in this field.

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This personal statement was written by ia535 for application in 2008.


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