HND Computing Personal Statement Example

Since first being able to play on "Paint box" at lower school, I have always had a fond interest in computers. My decision to study computing at higher education level was an easy one. Firstly, I love using computers; in fact I am renowned as a bit of a computer trouble-shooter amongst my friends. Secondly it is my most successful subject. This is clearly shown from the outstanding grade B I achieved in my AS practical coursework module, which I thoroughly enjoyed completing.

Once completing my studies, I would hope to work in part of an ICT technical support team. As part of my work experience, I joined the ICT team at a local business where I was given lots of responsibility for ensuring backups were complete considering I was only a year ten student! As well as this I was also involved with the repair of computers and training some members of staff on new procedures.

Through my current studies, I have learnt many cross subject skills, as well as specific knowledge that relates to each module. For Example, I have learnt presentation skills and improved report writing skills throughout my subjects.

In design, I am currently making an office desk, which I thoroughly enjoy. During the design process of this process of this project I was able to use Pro-Desktop, a piece of software which allows you to create 3D rendered drawings. I think that using ICT in this way has lead to a significant improvement in my work. In Media Studies, I have developed my analytical skills, through comparing the view part of different films.

My current study of ICT is focused around a problem solution at the minute. From a previous job, I have decided to make a database system for ordering supplies for a pharmacy.

Through a part-time job at a local chemist, I have improved my confidence by talking to customers and helping them make a decision over their purchase. I was also given the responsibility handling cash through the operation of a till. I also have been given the responsibility of being a key holder to the shop.

In my spare time, I am involved with the scouts. I am currently working towards my Duke of Edinburgh Silver award where I am organising a 30 Mile hike for between 4-7 people. This will aid me in planning things in later life.

Overall I believe that a university education is an excellent way into the ICT industry and would love to be given the opportunity to study at your establishment.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by ianshillabeer for application in 2004.

ianshillabeer's university choices
University of Hertfordshire
The North East Wales Institute of Higher Education

Green: offer made
Red: no offer made

ianshillabeer's Comments

This personal statement got me all 6 Conditional Offers to all 6 Universities/Institutions I applied to


Statement rating:***

Related Personal Statements


it's all good

nothing wrong with this person takeing part in the scouts


I am currently looking through this website to help me with my personal statement, and am quite disappointed that their are people my age on here, being immature! personnaly just wanted to say grow up, we are not talking about school. Social discrimination, calling people loosers, if any of u who said that are going to uni then i really hope you dont get accepted as you do not deserve to.


This is a bit short, and not really what I expected. Equally, a B in your practical is really not outstanding.

amazing personal statment ,

amazing personal statment , hope u get in the uni want!!

You guys are right, this is

You guys are right, this is not an 'excellent' personal statement.

But those of you complaining that it is terrible, useless, or that putting a B was the wrong thing to do are idiots.

Look where they were applying. These are not top Unis. A 'B' is probably a high grade for them, so it should be put down. Granted, 'outstanding' is an awful way to phrase it, but like it matters.

They got all 6 conditional offers.
Clearly they were doing something right.

Key to the Chemist!

I think you lucked out there man, you need to throw a serious pill party :D

Very important question

Are you Barack Obama?

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