Forensic Computing Personal Statement Example

From a very young age i’ve been interested in computers. I can remember how exciting it was to unbox our 1st computer in 97, as young as i was and as much as I knew nothing about computers I was able to assemble it in correct order. Since then I have furthered something that was an interest to not only a hobby but a lifestyle.

I am so fascinated by computers and the continuous changes it brings to our modern society and I would like to add to the changes in which can help tackle digital crime.

For my foundation degree i chose to do forensic and bioscience. That year was a very insightful year, i learnt a lot from the course it gave me a basic understanding to the forensic world and also bioscience.

Subjects I had to do were Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Math which I had fun doing I learnt how to construct reports and how to make good use of a laboratory and also how to analyze certain behaviors.

Doing this foundation degree didn’t only help me on an intellectual level but also gave me an insight and prepare me for life as a student in a University.

Currently I work for a top fashion company as a software tester. I have gained lots of experience within the computing industry from this company and it has made me more eager to learn more and do more for computing. As they are a company based on sales made on the internet, they suffer some loss from fraudulent activities which gives me an urge to do something to make a stop to digital crime.

This job has also matured me and given me sense of responsibility and taught me how to prioritize my time through managing projects and typing up reports. i really hope to back my work experience with a degree because this will help me move further to a bright career.

Apart from working i have a few hobbies; i love making 3D animations using maxon cinema 4D and also creating digital shorts to upload on to my youtube account.

Apart from that every year i love to make a new custom pc build. All these skills i have acquired are through following tutorials on youtube and applying them to reality, studying within this field i’m sure will boost my knowledge and suit me.

Studying forensic computing is a dream I have and It will be an honor to be accepted onto a course at your University. I look forward to the challenges i may face.

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This personal statement was written by AtTa-MaN for application in 2012.


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