Biomedical Science Personal Statement Example 25

The idea of being able to improve the lives of others is simply captivating to me. My mother enjoys telling the story of when I was in pre-school and found a dead bird on the street and decided to take it home, believing that I could nurse it back to health.

It was when I received my first anatomy encyclopedia at age 11 did my passion for biology fully ignite. In High school, I discovered my keen interest in disease related topics, medical discoveries and advancements.

Through my Extended Essay, I was able to further explore my interest in depth on the influences of DNA on certain mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder which, along with inclusion of mathematics, improved my ability to analyse statistics and process large amounts of data. This investigation also gave me insight into how vast the world of science really is.

Being able to discuss with my stepmother the various cases she faced as a paramedic showed me the importance of having a holistic approach in the medical field. I constantly find myself riveted by her deep understanding in the complexities of human anatomy, leading me to endless questions that motivate me to investigate deeper, as I am aware I still have much to learn. This led me to creating my own medical blog in which I explore different case studies of diseases and recent scientific progresses.

The first aid trainings I undertook at the Berlin Red Cross association allowed me to learn the value of practical medical skills. This was further highlighted to me during my flight last year, when I was able to assist an epileptic mother into the recovery position during her seizure.

During my visit at the "Glasernes laboratory" in Berlin, the opportunity to participate in a few biomolecular experiments such as identifying the drift velocity of insulin through gel electrophoresis alongside biochemists was educational, allowing me to familiarise myself with sophisticated equipments and concepts crucial in the laboratory.

While focusing on pharmacology in my current course module is inspiring, I find my passion for other aspects of medical science unexplored. This gave me the determination to pursue a different course that will allow me to delve into my interests completely.

However, the knowledge acquired through this course was substantial. Not only was I able to improve my laboratory skills, the emphasis on good laboratory practice (GLP) further trained my sense of accountability. I was also able to use this year to acknowledge and improve on some of the flaws in the foundation of my knowledge.

Leading me to further undertake Biology and Chemistry A level exams alongside my university science courses. This gave me the chance to not only build my confidence in the core aspects of both courses, but also in the newly acquired knowledge provided to me in university.

Belonging to a highly mobile and culturally diverse family trained my ability to be independent and adaptive to new surroundings, allowing me to become fluent in Chinese, English, Taiwanese and German. I moved to Berlin on my own at the age of 16 in order to join a state school. Living and relying completely on myself was tough at first, but made me develop a strong sense of responsibility. Working part time also allowed me to learn the value of being self sustainable.

Raising funds for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation was motivated by my desire to do something to counter a disease that has affected my family personally. Being part of the school orchestra and triathlon club for 4 years showed me the importance of cooperation and communication.

I also received a certificate of achievement for climbing the Xueshan mountain in Taiwan. Participating in the University MuayThai club allowed me to balance an active lifestyle with my school and university studies.
My determination to pursue a medical career and help others has only strengthened with time. I look forward to the knowledge and challenges awaiting me in this path.

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I applied to Edinburgh, Heriot Watt and Dundee


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