SEO Career Path: Pros, Cons & Perspectives

38% of people report quitting their jobs because of workplace toxicity. At the same time, a significant part of those employed worry about job security. Recent years have seen a sharp increase in inflation which has left many young people worried about work prospects for their future. For them, the idea of a promising career is more than just one that pays enough to meet their basic needs. It must also give them a sense of purpose and stability.

While there are many exciting choices, SEO is one of the most promising right now. The high demand in the niche has experts predicting its value will grow to over $103 billion in the next two years. But starting a new career from scratch can be challenging. You have to know where to begin, what challenges to expect, and what opportunities there are for growth, if any. This article will explore all these aspects and help you decide if an SEO career path is right for you.

SEO Career Opportunities: Where to Start 

There are many positive things to say about SEO career opportunities and why it’s a good choice for students and long-time graduates. A good place to start will be by learning all you can about the basics of search engine optimisation. Then work on your communication skills, critical thinking abilities, and consistency. These skills alone are enough to get you an entry-level position. But you need more to become a specialist.

You can expand your skillset by acquiring more knowledge in SEO tools and software such as Google Search Console (GSC). Then work on mastering keyword research and content writing. Another essential part of SEO is link building. That’s why try to check several guest posting services, like Adsy, to understand how the process works in practice. After you gain basic knowledge, start practising as much as you can to create a portfolio for yourself.

SEO Career Path: Growth Perspectives

An SEO career path offers many growth opportunities. If you are determined and consistent, you can quickly move from an entry-level position to the next seniority level. According to the experts at Glassdoor, it only takes two years of experience at each level to advance to the next one. This timeframe can depend on the organisation you work for, your competence, and your location. A big part of SEO is learning contention optimisation strategies. To be effective at this, you must be on the lookout for more info on tactics that help content rank. The better you are at this, the more your chances of progressing quickly through the career ladder.

This means you can progress from an SEO Specialist to an SEO Team Lead relatively fast with great work ethics and consistency. As you demonstrate your skills in analytics and strategising, getting promoted to manager or director in almost no time is possible. Remember that the more reliability you show, the easier it is to entrust you with other responsibilities like handling guest posting. This means that you oversee every part of the process, including how to find websites for guest blogging and meeting the required KPIs. Naturally, the growth trajectory also comes with increased income and other perks.

Pros and Cons of A Career in SEO

There are tons of good tips for finding a job after graduation. Some suggest signing up for an agency or expanding your network. Yet, most do not cover the pros and cons you can expect from different jobs. So here we’ve collected some perks and drawbacks of choosing a career in SEO.  

Advantages of a Career in SEO

1. Compatible with all niches. This is, perhaps, the best part about an SEO career path. There are billions of websites on the internet, cutting across all industries and niches. Whether it is gaming, construction, fashion, or finance, they must consistently apply search engine optimisation tactics to rank for their niche. Also, the same applies to you. Regardless of your interests, there is a place for you in the SEO industry, making it one of the most inclusive options.

2. Increasing demand. It’s not news that some industries have declined recently. Some of them have had to lay off workers too. But this is not the case with the SEO niche. In 2022, the number of entry-level jobs increased by over 27%. But that’s not all. In 2023, over 90% of organisations utilise SEO, and this number is growing rapidly. This means the demand for specialists will keep increasing, which translates to more job opportunities. 

3. High income. Let’s face it. Income is a huge factor when choosing any job. If you are considering a career in SEO, there’s good news. The average salary of an SEO professional in the US is around $58,000 annually. In the UK, the wages are slightly lower at about £42,500. This rate can vary based on location, experience, etc., yet there is better pay across the board.    

4. Room for constant growth. SEO is constantly evolving, so there is always room for growth. You could start in one area (e.g., content marketing) and then switch to link building as you acquire more skills and experience. With enough expertise, you can become a manager in a few years. Even if you stick to the same speciality within SEO, there are always new adjustments and changes that keep it fresh and challenging.

5. Flexible arrangement. Over half of the working population wants to work from home. More people are gravitating towards the SEO career path because of its flexibility. You can work from anywhere in the world, adjust your schedule, be a part of a global team, or work independently as a freelancer. 

Disadvantages of a Career in SEO

1. Requires constant adjustment and learning. A successful career in SEO requires you to be adaptable. It evolves constantly. So you will face updates regularly that will influence your workflow. You need to be able to learn and unlearn things quickly. For example, Google’s search algorithms can better detect manipulative tactics like keyword stuffing, so you must be cautious to avoid violating the rules. And there are numerous rules like this.

2. Time-consuming. Learning SEO can take time. And practising requires you to be patient as well. If you are a link builder, some processes, like outreaches, can take weeks to plan and complete. But there is more to it. You will need time before you begin to see results; even then, there are no guarantees of achieving initial goals.


An SEO career path has a lot of appeal for anyone seeking a better work-life balance in the modern world. It comes with flexibility, great pay, and room for growth. As the demand for SEO professionals grows, the industry will expand even more in the coming years. Whether students or those who want to change their careers, everyone has equal opportunities. This is one of the most rewarding paths if you focus on using your skills to deliver value and put people first.