Sport and Exercise Science Personal Statement Example

I am currently a student at UWE Bristol studying geography achieving a 2:2 in this first year. However,during the past year it has become clear that sports science is the direction I wish to pursue, whilst I enjoy my current degree my passion lies in the field of Sports and Exercise Science, reflected by achieving a distinction in BTEC Sport Exercise Subsidiary Diploma in Sixth Form.

Experience gained this academic year can be applied to a sports science degree having acquired independent learning skills enabling me to critically evaluate academic journals and hone my academic writing which are all transferable to a Sports Science Degree. By working hard at university level, developing new skills I feel excited about the opportunity to study sports science at degree level.

I have consistently had a passion for sport and exercise throughout my life, having a keen interest in nutrition, physiology, injury prevention with a specific interest in applying the benefits of exercise and correct nutrition to the public. I feel there is great scope for the public to further understand nutrition. Particularly as the UK like many developed countries are struggling with increasing rates of obesity.

For the past two years I have invested much time and effort to applying scientific knowledge and research toward my own resistance training at the gym, also enjoying researching scientific journals in areas such as muscle protein synthesis and optimal training for hypertrophy; incorporating the scientific research into my training programs and devising them for friends. For example, my recent research into Dr Mike Israetel's concept of volume in resistance training has been an important addition to my most recent training program.

During the past eight years I have been a keen rugby player at local, school level and most recently for UWE University, enjoying success in these teams winning the u18's Kent Bowl at my local rugby team Whitstable Rugby Club and winning the Kent Schools Cup at The Archbishop's School. I am looking forward to continuing playing at Gloucestershire University utilising the skills and knowledge I will gain from a Sports Science Degree further enhancing my performance. Rugby has developed my focus, respect, discipline and teamwork which is applied to all aspects of my life and sport. My enthusiasm and passion has passed onto other young rugby players at my local team through running a host of training sessions in the 2016 summer pre-season as I received very positive feedback from the players and coaches following the sessions.

Following on from graduation I plan to continue studying at a post-graduate level, whilst also gaining relevant work experience. There are two courses I will choose from that I am interested in taking at Postgraduate Degree level which are either Physician Associate studies MSc or a Sports Medicine MSc. I find helping, advising and working with people highly rewarding, thus these two potential post-graduate courses are exciting options to work toward to again further my education and enhance my future career direction.

A Sports Science Degree will provide a thorough understanding of physiology and anatomy, equipping me with relevant knowledge and skills for either post-graduate course. In turn this will further enable me to utilise the experiences and life-skills gained from the varied academic and social aspects of the course that will be transferrable when dealing with patients/clients, which are critical to either post-graduate course I chose to pursue.

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Author's Comments

Applied for Sports science at University of Gloucestershire in clearing and received an unconditional offer.


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