Sociology Personal Statement Example 16

Since I took Sociology at GCSE level my curiosity for the subject has grown. I have become more interested in the way in which society works within and between different cultures as well as what influences people to behave certain ways; for example, when committing crimes such as the murder James Bulgar. The way our behaviour can be restricted due to set norms and values and how it affects our daily lives drives my interest, motivating me to take my learning of Sociology further than A level.

My AS level subjects have complemented my understanding of the subject. Sociology has helped to broaden my knowledge of everyday life and events whilst allowing me to understand how social policies implemented by previous governments influence and change our ever evolving society, such as gay marriage in the UK becoming legalised in March 2014, as well as more recently in all the states in the US - a great step towards equality and accepting diversity within society. I’m also inspired as to how future social policies will affect our society and how it will adapt and change in the future. English Literature allows me to examine different societies from different periods of time such as in ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ and how Oscar Wilde mocks the upper class society he portrays in the Victorian era. History allows me to appreciate the roles of women from 100 years ago as well as how the political party system has changed; creating today’s political system which dictates our current social policies. Psychology has contributed to my understanding through famous studies I have researched independently such as Milgram’s Obedience study – he wanted to know why Germans were killing Jews during the Holocaust, was it out of evilness or something else? In my opinion they were simply obeying authority. Therefore psychology reinforces my understanding as to how aspects of society such as authority impact our daily lives as well as giving a slightly different perspective on these. From these subjects I have vastly improved my analytical, evaluative and essay writing skills.

Other independent research has also allowed me to develop my skills further. For Sociology I researched around globalisation using the flip flop trail as a basis, a famous study by Caroline Knowles, which I enjoyed thoroughly. In Psychology I chose to research conformity as a type of Social Influence with a small group, carrying out our own experiment to test our hypothesis which worked well. Other skills which I have acquired include the responsibility of being a mentor to younger students. As well as working in a team I would assist individuals with educational support, sometimes personal. The role allowed me to gain confidence whilst managing students transitioning from primary to secondary school and being a role model to them whilst using my initiative also. This role also gave me a sense of independence alongside leadership qualities.

My work experience placements have also been rewarding experiences. I spent two weeks as a nursery assistant and I assisted a charity both within the shop and with admin work in an office. Assisting at a nursery gave me an insight into working with children of a young age and allowed me to question how they develop and grow individually. In assisting a charity more recently it allowed me to broaden my knowledge and think more about the health and wellbeing of vulnerable women within society today alongside helping me gain experience working in a shop. Both work experiences have helped me to come into contact with people from diverse backgrounds.

Overall, I believe that I am a confident person with the commitment, willingness and eagerness take my studying to the next level. Studying Sociology at university will give me the opportunity to expand my knowledge on everyday life events as well as those on a more global level and I am excited to take the next step towards my future career path.

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Author's Comments

This was the last version of my personal statement before I sent my UCAS application off. It got me offers from all the universities I applied for (I applied for 4 rather than 5). I applied to University of York, Lancaster, Edge Hill and Keele. Reading other personal statements definitely helps!


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