International Business Personal Statement Example 4

Being born in Thailand, the recent death of the longest reigning monarch has had a big impact on me. What will this mean for the Thai economy? Will his death mean more political and economic instability?

These questions spark a deep curiosity about the way in which the world works and how people in power create policies to tackle such problems. Moving to the UK at 4 years old, I had to quickly adapt to the different and diverse culture that encompassed me.

With the ever-increasing demand for multi-linguists in the business world, it has truly ignited and fueled my drive to pursue my goals of working in international spheres, mixing with people from all walks of life.

As part of the Realising Opportunities programme, I am researching economic theories that underlie business decisions. I chose to write an essay on this topic given my curiosity for strategic decision-making within firms, which has been increased by Game Theory and the Dividend Relevance/Irrelevance Theory.

They have developed my understanding of the complex implications of the Nash equilibrium and the situations faced by Oligopolies. In addition to how they relate to the decisions a business takes when choosing whether to pay dividends or retain earnings. This has given me a real taste of the university experience and improved my research skills.

Being a keen reader of The Economist, I like to keep up with the latest current affairs. The outcome of the recent presidential election could impact me as well as other businesses across the globe if Trump’s promise to raise import taxes on Chinese goods by 45% goes through.

This would increase costs and therefore reduce profits for businesses. How one decision can cause impacts across the world shows how countries are all interconnected in some way or another and that truly interests me.

I also enjoy reading books such as the ‘Entrepreneur Revolution’ which inspired me to develop my own website ( selling products from China, demonstrating my passion for entrepreneurship.

Outside of my academic life, I have done work experience at Skipton Building Society where I shadowed financial advisers and consultants, seeing how the building society worked. I learned the ways in which markets work and their constant movement. I saw by what means people choose to invest their money, through low, medium and high-risk investments.

Especially because I intend to go into the world of Business with my degree, I felt as if this taught me commercial awareness and persuasive skills. I like to be proactive when it comes to things that can benefit me and my future:I attended a 3-day workshop called ‘The Amazon Millionaire Masterclass’.

Being the youngest attendee and getting to network with people 3 times my age shows my mature and entrepreneurial mindset. I used the techniques I learnt from the course to set up my own e-commerce store online which I am currently working on.

Gymnastics is a passion of mine and becoming British champion at 9, putting in over 25 hours a week in the gym shows my dedication to being the best at whatever it is that I do. As I got older school became a priority for me but I am still in touch with my gymnastic roots, coaching as my part-time job, passing on my knowledge to children of all ages.

Last year I was also involved with NCS where we raised over £800 for the 'Hope Foundation' through cake sales, which goes to show my business acumen and team work. I am also currently Treasurer of the Sixth-Form. This has taught me to be accountable for large sums of money, record and reconcile.

For as long as I can remember, it has always been a great ambition of mine to go into a Business related career and be able to travel the world with my job. I look forward to the academic and personal challenges that this course will bring me, undoubtedly equipping me well with the skills and knowledge I need to broaden my horizons for a successful business future.

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Author's Comments

Places Applied:
Bath (Business Administration) - Accepted
Leeds (International Business) - Accepted
Loughborough (International Economics) - Accepted
Surrey (International Business Management) - Accepted
Birmingham (International Business) - Accepted

Here are where I applied to, I have received offers from all, not sure how good my personal statement was in contributing to the offers but thought I would share it as this website has helped me a lot when preparing to write mine. I think I am going to end up Firming Bath and Insuring Leeds.

Thanks for reading and I hope it helps someone.


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