Event Management Personal Statement Example 2

There is a demand out there for qualified and capable people to organise all kind of Events. Event managers needed for a variety of events, inc business team building, concerts, sports, exhibits, fundraisers, fashion shows, award ceremonies. The list is endless.

From a very early age I have taken a keen interest in the running of things, school plays were always exciting for me, not because of the auditions for the lead part, but because I could yet again help organise and run the play. Planning and seeing through a successful project is what I buzz off.

My most recent event has been through my current job a Betting Office Manager, where I have organised a trip to the races for the customers. I managed to do this under budget, very successfully and to everyone's satisfaction. It was a very successful day, and I made new contacts which I can hopefully utilize in the future.

I believe the skills I have gained in my life experience during my 10 years since school will benefit me in becoming a student Glamorgan University and I will be very proud of. Skills including; honesty, integrity, maturity, respect, and above all, a desire to achieve everything that I can, and be the best at what I do.

In my personal life, I thrive from organising days out and parties for friends and family. Whether it is sporting events on the TV, or trips to the zoo/theme park for example, I take pride in helping getting everyone together to enjoy a wonderful day. I am the father of two gorgeous children and husband to a beautiful wife, my main goal in life now is to achieve a qualification for Event Management and become active in this field. Over the three years during the course I would also like to learn another language, as I believe this will benefit me further in my future as an Event Manager.

In my spare time I enjoy playing golf, watching sports, walking, spending time with the family, and have a keen interest to one day travel the world.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by dpritchard for application in 2009.

dpritchard's Comments

This is just my first draft of my statement. Haven't been in education for a while and would like any opinions on this. Is it long enough? Do I need to elaborate more on my personal life?....Anything else please comment. Thank you.


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Dont know whether you got

Dont know whether you got into university or if you decided to defer, but i really like the structure, and is in fact similar to my own events management personal statement which i am in the process of writing. I have a more lengthy version however, more on my personal life and skills. But your upload has really provided me with some confident that im going along the right sort of line so thanks!

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