Engineering Personal Statement Example 30

SpaceX’s plan to send one million people to Mars over 50 years is a thrilling prospect. It is an unprecedented project that may seem wild, yet shows how much might be achieved when engineers push the boundaries of science and technology.

Being at the forefront of advanced technologies and having an input in creating a sustainable future is my motivation for wanting to study engineering.

Following a stimulating week at the University of Birmingham’s Physics Experience Week in Year 10, I knew I wanted to study a Physics based subject. I gained invaluable insight into university life and university-level physics concepts, such as the Higgs Boson and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. I also learnt the basics of calculus.

This was the motivation that led me to take GCSE Additional Mathematics near the end of Year 11.

My interest has further been peaked by participation in the EDT Engineering Education Scheme. In this problem-solving exercise, we worked with graduates from Rolls-Royce Control Systems to develop the design of a pressure drop control valve intended for use in the Trent XWB engine.

The entire project was underpinned with robust team work and effective communication. We were awarded Gold Crest Awards upon completion.

I have enjoyed mentoring junior peers as Maths Ambassador; while with fellow sixth formers, I supported the learning of juniors within Physics and Chemistry clubs.

Beyond classroom learning, I volunteered with Acorns Children’s Hospice and also assisted EngineeringUK by volunteering for activities and engaging with the public during the Big Bang Science Fair 2017. I have achieved the Lions ‘Young Leaders in Service’ award for my contribution to service.

As co-leader of the weekly school Engineering Society, I help invite guest speakers from the University of Birmingham and from industry. For instance, a representative from Jaguar Land Rover delivered a talk on the electric car technology and the career opportunities available.

My Headstart course in aerospace engineering was at Coventry University. In a team, we designed, built and tested a semi-monocoque model glider wing. Incorporating the fundamentals of wing design, I studied the moment of inertia and bending moment in order to predict the maximum load the wing could support on its tip.

Consequently, ‘The Simple Science of Flight’ by Henk Tennekes formed part of my reading on design principles.

On a week’s placement with Siemens AGT in Warwick, I shadowed staff in the working environment. It was invaluable preparation for a career within the industry, and the responsibilities that arise from it. I learned how gas turbine engines from aviation are modified to produce aero-derivative engines for a variety of uses.

Similarly, ‘Impossible Engineering’ documentaries illustrate how research and innovation in one area can inspire momentous improvements in another. For instance, engineers developed US Navy combat ships using duralumin instead of the traditional steel, thereby making them as light and fast as possible.

This decision was inspired by the DC3 Flagship Detroit: the world’s first commercial metal airliner. For me the dynamic scope of engineering is incredibly fascinating.

In preparation for future studies, I am familiarising myself with ‘Engineering Mathematics’ by K.A. Stroud. Mostly it is accessible, although I expect to work harder to absorb the more complex topics like differential equations.
My other interests include guitar practice towards grade 6, teaching myself piano, recreational swimming, tennis and computer programming.

The professional focus of an accredited Engineering (MEng) degree will suitably equip me to pursue a career specialising in the aerospace sector. In the future, I envisage continuing my studies to research level and lecturing, as I feel the pleasures of this ever-expanding industry should be shared to inspire future generations.

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