Biosciences Personal Statement Example

“But why though?” A question I always find myself asking when trying to understand biological processes. Yet, I am always disappointed by the reply. “That is just how it is” or “you will learn about it in the future” does not really satisfy my insatiable curiosity. I cannot rely on Google forever, especially if what I want to know has not been discovered yet. This is why I have decided to pursue science at a higher level.

My interest in science evolved into love after watching the anime: Cells at Work. I was inspired by how it portrayed each cell as a “worker” working as part of the whole “company”, the body. Biological systems turned into fascinating stories and learning about said systems was like reading a good book about life. It changed my perspective and I went from merely memorising concepts to understanding them. Around then was when I began planning a future in science.

Following my plan, I took A Level maths and chemistry. They challenged me to be detail-oriented and were helpful in studying biology. Learning about chemical bonds helps me understand biological phenomena and its lab work is great practice. A Level maths has tested me more than I could ever imagine. Even so, this strenuous opportunity to heighten my abilities excites me.

After learning about the sliding filament theory, I started visualising little myosin heads moving when I consciously contract my muscles; that is, when I sing. Though I have dedicated 13 years of my life to it, I have only recently discovered that vocal production is dependent on muscle contraction. Realising that I can switch my voice from Ariana to Adele just by moving different muscles amazed me. Eager to master this technique, I studied some anatomy to pinpoint those muscles’ exact locations and started training them.

My vocals improved drastically and enabled me to win more vocal contests. Seeking to accompany my voice, I learned numerous instruments, becoming most adept at the piano and ukulele. I actively post covers online in hopes of bringing joy to those who listen to them. As a result, my musicality was known throughout the school and I became a multitasking vocalist in the school band. I was also chosen to be part of the school musical’s main cast.

Unexpectedly, I was able to learn even more about biology due to music. My vocal coach has struggled with lupus her whole life. She has taught me so much about her treatments, adapted life habits and firsthand hardships. I genuinely hope that with the resources available to me at university, I will be able to contribute to finding a cure for lupus and help people like her.

Whenever I feel stressed from studying, I find that going into hyperfocus mode calms me down most. One way I do this is by playing online strategy games. These games require extreme mouse precision and coordination of both hands, all while gathering information on 9 other people in a large, virtual environment. My knowledge and skill in these games allowed me to lead the ESports committee during the school cup. From running this operation, I acquired leadership and communication skills, gaining respect from seniors and juniors.

The countless academic majors and sophisticated facilities available at universities in the UK will definitely help find my niche in biosciences. World-renowned education and top-tier instructors can grant me an indispensable network of professional connections and career opportunities. There are also some added perks of studying in the UK: I can admire incredible architecture, appreciate the weather and immerse myself in the heart of a myriad of cultures.

I believe that with my genuine love for the subject, academic ambition and insatiable curiosity, I will thrive at your university. I would be greatly honoured to be part of a diverse community, where I am inspired by passionate students and supported by first-rate faculty.

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There is no profile associated with this personal statement, as the writer has requested to remain anonymous.

Author's Comments

I applied to:

❔University College London
❔University of Edinburgh
✅University of Exeter
✅University of Glasgow
✅University of Manchester

✅: conditional offer received
❌: rejection :(
❔: no response yet

only spent 2 days on it (and it shows lol) because i decided to apply to the UK very last minute :')
this was my 2nd and final draft, a friend helped me proofread and edit
really happy i received some offers though!


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