Psychology Personal Statement Example 95

I find nothing more compelling than the complex and enigmatic nature of the human mind. The obscure internal conflicts that we go through in our everyday lives and the way we perceive reality through a subjective lens of our unique experiences: it is concepts such as these among many others which draw me to the allure of psychology.

Throughout my younger years, one thing that I remember about myself during then is that despite having fairly healthy relationships with friends, there were times where I found it difficult to integrate well into certain social groups.

As I grew older and my avoidance of some instances of social involvement grew clearer, along with my understanding that this was not coincidental, I came to become more aware of how our disposition is heavily influenced by several factors.

While interacting with others is generally not an issue for me now, the experiences and observations of myself in the past has given me some understanding of the human mind: due to the significance of nature with nurture on our thoughts and behaviour; people are all similar from the idea that we all process stimuli similarly from a nomothetic approach but at the same time we are unique to one another, so we need deep analysis of humans as individuals from an idiographic approach.

From reflection of this, I believe that studying Psychology at degree level is a path I am intent on fulfilling.

The A levels I am currently studying are Psychology, Biology and English Literature, all of them being substantially relevant to the course I am planning to take.

While I have had a subtle interest in psychology before starting the subject at A level, studying it in an educational context has reinforced my curiosity towards the human mind and shown me the importance of research methods, enabling it to be classed as a science.

A particular topic I have enjoyed is psychopathology as I have learnt how people acquire certain mental conditions and what is done to cure them.

Studying biology has let me familiarise myself with the importance of the inner structures of living organisms, which has played a vital role in my understanding of the concept of genes in combination with hormones having a significant effect on a person's behaviour as well as the processes in the human nervous system as a reductionist approach of psychology.

On the other hand, English Literature has made me aware of the use psychology in the analysis of literature since the introduction of psychoanalysis first proposed by Sigmund Freud.

An example of this is a psychoanalytic literary inference that the protagonist's behaviour from Charlotte Bronte's novel 'Jane Eyre' is a result of the absence of a secure attachment to a sensitive caregiver, leading her to form unstable romantic relationships in her later life due to the internal working model.

This subject has also granted me greater proficiency in analysing information which has subsequently improved my ability to write critical essays.

In my day-to-day life I am constantly noticing the use and effect of Psychology around me. Through consideration of context and multiple perspectives, I have applied psychology to things such as my experience working in the food industry and providing good customer service in restaurants.

Being sensitive to the needs of customers from an array of backgrounds has made me aware of the importance of giving all people equal treatment and being considerate of their personal preferences.

Understanding this in a real-life context has shown me the importance of interpreting data in experiments objectively while considering the participants' individual differences.

I can confidently say that I am eager to learn more about all the different aspects of psychology at a higher level.

That is why, although I do not have a specific job in mind, I am hoping to discover more about the subject while doing a Psychology degree and gradually ascertain which area I would like to focus my career on in the future.

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Author's Comments

Offers received:
Exeter - AAA conditional
Surrey - AAB conditional
UEA - ABB unconditional (if firmed)
Lincoln - ABB unconditional (if firmed)
Sussex (foundation year) - BCC conditional

It turns out you that what get is always equal to or greater than whatever you put in. I worked really hard on my personal statement and the end result was that my chosen universities were interested in me! If you're here looking for good examples of personal statements for somewhere to start, make sure you add your own 'personal' touch.

Good luck to everyone!


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