Mathematics Personal Statement Example 8

It all started with my first multiplication. I had already learned addition and substraction, and my teacher introduced me to a new way of manipulating numbers. I was 6 years old, pretending that it was at that exact moment that I decided to study pure mathematics would be a lie.Throughout my school years I have appreciated mathematics and economics, because I found they were complementary. That was until I was introduced to a mathematical theory about how intuition is actually an unconscious calculation of probability. This highlighted the true beauty of mathematics, its ability to be rational and abstract at the same time. What I particularly appreciate in this subject is the constant quest for answers, the challenges our brain has to put up with to solve a problem. When the solution is found it is undeniable and mathematical laws prove it, which makes it undebatable whereas other subjects need to be questioned.

I do not claim to possess a scientific mind, but I hope ,with advanced studies in the mathematical field, I will acquire a logical, disciplined and rational mind. That's why I chose to do advanced mathematics, with chemistry as my complementary option in the Federal Swiss Maturity .On the other hand, I also believe that to be accomplished in one area, the knowledge of other subjects such as economics and law (my specific option), philosphy and history are essential. My curiosity led me to read The Universe In A Nutshell which I found fascinating because of the way the author applies scientific theories to everyday life . To me exact sciences are used to that effect, unravelling the mysteries of our universe, and mathematically answering philosophical questions . After reading this book, I challenged myself by attempting A Brief History of Time and Surely, You're Joking Mr Feynman . Mr Feynman, in addition to illustrating his intelligence knew how to remain an intriguing personality. It was exciting to see that such a brilliant mathematician, had an interest in many other things, such as playing the banjo or making jokes. In the same way, I have a fascination for the financial world, in particular foreign currency exchange. Using all the variables offers an explanation of what makes the world go round.

I'm extremely fascinated by Impressionism and Ancient Greece, so I chose to write my extended essay on how the political infrastructure of Sparta influenced its society through the agela, honour and traditions. It's an exercice on establishing conclusions from multiple facts drawn from history, politics and philosophy. Sports have had and continue to have an important place in my daily life tennis, competitive skiing, waterskiing, ballet, competitive swimming and judo. I also enjoy painting, drawing and reading.

I have chosen to study in the United Kingdom since it offers the ideal balance among past, present and future, for it blends traditional values with the evolution and progress of society. My Morrocan, South African and Jewish heritage have opened my mind to other cultures whilst teaching the importance of traditonal values which protect and preserve our society. Having lived in Morocco, Florida, Paris and Geneva has endowed me with the ability to assimilate easily in various situations.

My young age and subsequent lack of experience have encouraged me to take a gap year. I want to study mathematics at The Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne for a semester, to work in a hospital in Meknes and at St Albans in London as well as to teach young children in a village in South Africa and to finish the year with a summer course of mathematics in a demanding US university.

I admire in others loyalty, integrity and determination and aspire to these qualities myself: they will permit me to be assiduous in my further studies.

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This personal statement was written by morgan0 for application in 2010.


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Thks, but I'm still very

Thks, but I'm still very scared of not getting any offers back. !
Still , I appreciate your comment !

you sound like a female

you sound like a female version of me!
thats mad

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