Anthropology Personal Statement Example 9

When visiting Goa, I was struck by the way that cultural, social, environmental and language differences can change the way people perceive the world and their role in it. Seeing people lead a different way of life from mine and those around me, I became inquisitive in understanding how we are all human yet so different. Through studying Anthropology at A-Level I have come to learn that our perceptions of the world are controlled by our own experiences so no individual or culture can experience everything. Anthropology is extremely relevant to economics; it looks at how different communities use different currencies and what attracts people to interact and obtain goods. This relates to the modern capitalist system where one can analyse what the most and least effective areas of the economy are and how they can be improved to a growing globalised society. Sociology has encouraged me to carry out arguments from a specific viewpoint whilst taking ethnocentrism into consideration. Both Sociology and Anthropology seek to comprehend social and cultural forces which influence human behaviour. Photography has enabled me to acquire analytical skills and enhance my practical capability whilst presenting research and techniques logically and being attentive to detail.

Last summer, I undertook a six-week internship with IBM – an American multinational technology company. My role involved working on a project for Vodafone as the PMCA (project management capability assessment). I learnt the importance of communication and planning whilst coping with time constraints and resource allocation which enabled me to be critical in my work. I learnt more of Anthropology when a colleague informed me of what her Anthropology degree consisted of and how it has helped her flourish in a multinational technology company. She suggested I read the Nacirema paper and I came to apprehend that our way of thinking and our beliefs are not the only ways to think and believe.

During my most recent visit to Kenya, I went to Masai Mara and witnessed a Masai woman carry out the entomononi ritual. This intrigued me to study the Masai and other tribes around the world. Visiting the Polynesian Cultural centre in Hawaii allowed me to learn about the cultural experiences that take place in the Polynesian villages on the different islands. I met the Orang Asli people at the Orang Asli Museum in Malaysia where I learnt of indigenous people I was previously unaware of. This made me realise there are people around the world whose experiences and beliefs are unheard of. Reading Anthropology will allow me to learn of other belief systems which exist in the one world in which we all live. Reading Sarah Winkler-Reid’s book (Friendship, Bitching, and The Making of Ethical Selves) intrigued me as to how relevant it is to my generation. Currently, I am reading Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond. One of the many lectures I attended that enthralled me was Anthropology of Health in Africa held by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine as I could relate to the reality of the topic having visited East Africa many times. London Anthropology Day gave me an insight into the career paths I can follow with an Anthropology degree where the array of skills developed are increasingly sought after by local and international organisations. 

Aside from academia, I am a Sixth Form learning mentor and assist local primary school students with reading. Encouraging young people to advance in their academics and all other aspects has dedicated my time rewardingly whilst influencing behavioural skills in a dynamic environment to build my confidence as a team-player and a leader. Within completing the National Citizen Service award, I undertook volunteering at a local nursing home and veterans home on a weekly basis whilst developing a charity of my own: “Chance 2 Change”. Analysing problematic situations and working towards a solution enabled me to exhibit a pro-active attitude under pressure. In my quiet moments, I relish the chance to read and express my creativity through photography; a hobby of mine prior to studying it at GCSE and A-Level.

My natural curiosity makes me want to understand the ever-evolving world around us, leading me to read Anthropology. This will give me the chance to build a future that applies lifelong learning and my commitment to serving humanitarian needs.

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Author's Comments

I have edited my personal statement far too many times and have struggled to cut down to the character limit of 4000. This edit is the closest I have reached yet still need assistance in editting and cutting further so that I can finally submit it!


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