Theology and English Personal Statement Example

From Marlowe to Plath, original texts to J K Rowling, English Literature has both grown in nature, and fascinated audiences. The beauty of Literature is that it is not limited by time or by reader, but transcends such boundaries and inspires passion. This is something I have discovered and loved about my Literature Education.

My own passion has manifested itself in different ways throughout the years, whether by writing a novel as a pre-teen, continual reading, writing for newspapers or blogs, or just by full participation in lessons, and this has not changed when looking to higher education. What I find most fascinating is the ability of writers to induce a particular emotional reaction in the reader- McCarthy's 'The Road' demonstrates this, manipulating the horror and protective instinct of the audience through horrific but beautifully written prose, in a similar manner to that which 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' had done many years before. Classic literature mimics this, particularly novels such as 'Pride and Prejudice' and 'Wuthering Heights' which have been able to incite romance, generations after their publication.

Such ability to find a voice in words I think truly epitomises the power of literature, and I feel I have grown personally through my love of Literature also. For instance, uncovering hidden motives in Plath's vivid and hypnotic poetry, her feminist ideology, macabre obsession with death, and ability to convey several concepts in a single poem, have allowed me to grow to decipher texts and look for further meanings, understanding far more by being able to learn independently and culture my own views. From my subjects I have learnt analytical as well as creative thinking, I have dedication and commitment to a task, and I will always perform to the best of my ability. I find all such skills are applicable to, and encouraged by, my love for learning.

Over the years, these enthusiasms have extended into my religious education also, via the attraction of the impact of words on society and how people chose and are influenced in their lives by religion. I find the many factions of religion fascinating, and whilst I have studied Philosophy, I found that my interests lay in Religious Studies instead. Upon an educational trip to Rome, delving into the religious art and context was particularly remarkable - finding misinterpretation of text had resulted in seemingly unconventional statues, Michelangelo's Moses in particular in the Basillica San Pietro.

Part of this interest allowed me to assist in running a Christian Union within my school for a year, as well as helping and organising various events at my local church, and I believe this allowed me to gain an interesting perspective. Whilst being agnostic, I was able to understand the nature of faith, and am intrigued as to where this faith applies elsewhere in other religions. Indeed, I found talking to people of other faiths the most rewarding for new knowledge, and as a result, how religion has an effect on lives in the modern era.

The extreme role of religion, whether by crusade, extremists, or the Holocaust, are examples of religious motivations, and the ability of people to retain their faith through hardship is something I have always questioned. This may perhaps be the reason I was selected to take part in a trip run by the Letters from Auschwitz association, which I found both moving and enlightening. The role of religion on the Holocaust is a difficult subject from which it is important to learn lessons, and I found it rewarding to later teach that which I had learnt to younger years. It is from this experience that I know I will peruse a career in teaching after university, and I feel the course I am applying to will suit both my skills and interests.

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