International Business Management Personal Statement Example 2

"Why don't they hire somebody locally?" I was asking myself reading the newspaper article about the assignment of an expatriate to a position of general manager in an international company.

At that time I lived in Moldova and dreamed of becoming a manager in a TNC. Despite the fact that a large number of universities in my motherland provide the opportunity to study management, many foreign and local companies continue to employ expatriate managers, with the view that they are more responsible, credible and the level of their professional training is significantly higher.

How can they achieve better results working in a foreign environment? Do they experience difficulties related to national, social or cultural differences? And how can they adopt these differences positively for business development? These questions became a starting point for the development of my interest in business management in an international context.

The study 'Can Central and Eastern European management compete?' by TARGET International Executive Search and Henley Business School encouraged me to consider that maybe these companies had a point. I realized that companies are importing knowledge, expertise, perhaps even better and stronger management traits, with the sole aim of outing the needs of the business first, which they could not find locally. It got me thinking about the importance of obtaining a quality education, one that can be transferred across a range of business types and levels.

Such books as Lee Iacocca's autobiography and 'Blue Ocean Strategy' enhanced my interest in building a career as a manager. S. Finkelstein's book 'Why Smart Executives Fail' introduced me to the concept of synergy, which helped me to successfully combine several businesses under one umbrella during a school business project.

The suggestion to apply Kaizen process technique known as '5 Whys' led to a decrease in costs in my parents' manufacturing business. Deeper knowledge in the field of management I have gained from P. Drucker's book 'The Practice of Management', where the first sentence "The manager is the dynamic, life-giving element in every business" is absolutely in tune with my understanding of the manager's role in the modern world.

Being a very adaptable person I easily integrated into an unfamiliar environment and different educational system when I moved to the UK. I was impressed with the level of teamwork in college and this helped me to understand the difference between responsibility and accountability.

I immersed myself in business as a subject, and also try to embrace other related aspects too, through part-time Introduction to Accounting and A-level in Economics. The international economy module introduced me to the world of multinational corporations and allowed me to explore the advantages and disadvantages, which they can give to individual countries.

I feel that my experiences from volunteering, being a member of school senate and debate club will help me to become a good team member. Participation in SPARE International School Project not only showed me ways of cutting the energy consumption, but also convinced me in the ability to carry it out in Romanian, Russian and English languages.

A bi-cultural background and knowledge of four languages allowed me to develop skills, which are necessary for working with people of different nationalities and to be mindful to cultural nuances. Work experience in a recruiting agency helped to train myself in a real business environment, where I observed management styles of English and Portuguese teams working on a common project.

This is a great opportunity and honour for me to study in the UK, the home of the language that is lingua franca of the international business and diplomatic world. The degree in International Business Management will transfer me from the division of expatriate managers to the category of local managers with global vision and a new approach to business.

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Author's Comments

Applied to: Lancaster, Loughborough, Surrey, Bath and Reading University
Accepted at: Lancaster, Loughborough, Surrey, Reading University
Rejected from: Bath


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