History BA Personal Statement Example

Studying history at degree level is an exciting opportunity for me to explore the past to investigate how it has shaped the world today. The plethora of culture I immersed in as a child was the progressive impetus to my interest in history.

An aspect of modern history I am particularly interested in is World War One and Two. Throughout my education I have studied several aspects of these wars from a British perspective. I have found learning about World War Two further when analysing the dictatorships of Hitler and Mussolini fascinating. Their rise to power was rapid yet brief, however, I find the aspects of life for German and Italian citizens most compelling. Ever since being a young child I was made aware of the impact Hitler and the Holocaust had on the world. When I was seven, I visited my previous au pair in Poland as she grew up in Krakow and I can still recall being told stories about the Holocaust by her family. I believe learning about such an event which has changed the course of history is essential to inform our knowledge about the world we live in at the present. I also enjoy listening to the Dan Snow History Hit podcast. This enables me to find out more about historical events I would not usually pursue, such as the Cold War.

History is the fundamental link between my two other A-Levels. Psychology has enlightened me about human behaviour and subsequently made for a wider scope of thought when considering the actions of historical figures. In addition, I feel my essay writing has been improved to a high standard across all three of my subjects. I have found that my historical knowledge informs my practical and written work in art just as much as studying art has helped give context to time periods that we study in history. I also find art is a fundamental element in history as prior to cameras, information was visually recorded in paintings, drawings and etchings. An important aspect of Fine Art is the study of art history and how cultural movements have influenced artists. I have learnt about artists throughout history from Rembrandt who was influenced by the Italian Renaissance to Anselm Keifer who has produced artworks relating to the Holocaust.

Throughout the summer between my A-levels I worked as a room cleaner in a hotel in the mornings and as a waitress for a catering company in the evenings. Having two jobs was physically challenging, however, I feel it has prepared me for the hard work which comes with completing a degree. At present I am a member of the Sixth Form council where I was elected Head of Fundraising for events because of my organisation and communication skills. After studying Fascist Italy in Year 12 I have a desire to travel to Italy which I plan to do in the summer after I have completed my A-levels to work with children. Outside of school I have volunteered in a pre-school children’s centre and I have worked in the library during the summer on the Big Reading Challenge. In my school and sixth form I was chosen to be a prefect, I have been a paired reader with year 7’s and a peer mentor for the lower school as well as a mentor in psychology. From my experiences working with children I have decided after university I would like to complete a PGCE to teach.

In years to come I want to help bring history to life for more people and inspire future generations to take interest in our intrinsic history. Most importantly I know I have the capacity to work hard as well as the enthusiasm to fuel my success in completing a history degree.

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I applied to: St Marys Twickenham London (Conditional), Oxford Brookes (Conditional), Derby (Unconditional), Canterbury Christchurch (Unconditional) and Staffordshire (Unconditional)

I really struggled with my personal statement but Studential.com helped me massively and I hope I can help you! :)


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