Business Personal Statement Example

Since the start of the pandemic, Business has always been at the forefront of the news, mainly because of its ever changing nature and uncertain future. This intrigued me due to the various impacts it had on myself and how this would and drives my desire to study business further.

Earlier this year, I completed the 'Prince's Trust Enterprise Challenge' in which we had to create and sustain a small business. This project developed the idea that the way a business operates is widely reliant on their consumers. By assigning our products to the Boston Matrix, we were able to easily see which products were going to be successful and which should be removed from our portfolio or developed so they remain profitable. As well as this, I completed the 'Urban Plan Challenge' in which my group won, becoming the first in Wales to do so. It was one of the more challenging sides of Business as we had to make sure the decisions we made were both the best for the community and financially viable. By including many different housing levels, we were able to make sure there was third degree price discrimination for those who needed it. This allowed us to charge different prices for various sectors of the community. I gained valuable skills including teamwork and communication whilst completing these challenges, all of which are vital to a career in business.

After learning about the different effects that advertising can have on consumers it encouraged me to do further research. My Welsh Baccalaureate topic was entitled 'Is a Social Media Presence the Most Important Factor For a Business' Success?' for which I established the various ways that businesses use social media and the effects this has on small businesses. This project not only allowed me to improve my research and synthesising skills, but to also enhance my knowledge on a topic I thoroughly enjoyed. To enhance my knowledge on the ways businesses gain consumers, I read 'Influence, the Psychology of Persuasion' by Robert Cialdini, which helps us understand the ways that persuasion works and how this can be applied to marketing to ensure maximum sales. Researching this topic I was amazed by the various marketing techniques each business uses to target a multitude of different consumers. For example, IKEA covers all of the windows on the shop floor to make you focus more on their products rather than the outside.

My work experience with British Airways enabled me to envision what their company may be like in the next ten years. I attended talks from various company experts in Digital Marketing, Finance, and Commercial Analytics who emphasised the importance of planning for the future. With this, British Airways can plan for any possible events that may impact them, such as rapidly growing or changes in the industry - environmental or otherwise. Using decision trees, I was able to estimate the future of British Airways to evaluate the decisions the company could make and the repercussions they could cause, plus I deciphered the best ways that they could develop their use of technology to enhance their business. This work experience allowed me to develop my teamwork skills which helped me gain a diverse outlook on various issues the company was facing, which was vital when creating a suitable solution.

Outside of my studies, I work in McDonalds which has allowed me to see the working of a real business. It has enhanced the idea that companies need a variety of different people working together in order to be successful. This job has strongly developed my communication and time management skills considerably, both of which are vital for presentations. My synthesising, numerical, and organisational skills have all been developed through my education, and are all vital to a successful future.

Business with work placement
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