Business Studies Personal Statement Example 3

My interest in Business Studies developed when I first studied it at GCSE which I enjoyed immensely. This was proved when I was awarded Student of the Year in Business Studies. Studying Business Studies, Accounting and Communication Studies at A level is enjoyable and I have developed skills from all three of these subjects that will help me succeed at university, I also have completed an AS Level in Information and Communication Technology. My main interest is in international business and would like to work in the marketing sector.

I have gained extensive business understanding within the retail environment due to my part time job for the high street store, . One of the most important skills I have learned is communication and its importance to the success of the business. I have learnt to communicate effectively while working as a Sales Advisor and understanding the importance of communication, having gained important skills such as working in a group. Team work is an important aspect of business however, individual performance is just as important. I can work effectively in a team, but I also am motivated when it comes to individual performance. This has resulted in me being Star employee, twice. One of my many tasks that I complete at work is merchandising the shop floor and mannequins which is a challenging task. However I have gained the knowledge to merchandise which is one of the reasons why I have an interest in marketing.

I feel that my inspiration to work for an international business is partly due to my part time job which I enjoy and also my passion of culture. Therefore, in combination with my chosen Business subject I hope to combine it with a language. At the moment in my spare time I am using CD ROMS and books to understand Portuguese.

As part of my enrichment and interest in business studies, I gave assistance to a year 10 class who were studying Business at GCSE. I helped by explaining the concepts of business and giving them information on how to answer exam questions. In the classes that I attended I was able to offer business information that I leaned, to those students and this helped me explain business studies in a more logical way. I feel that younger students look up to older students as role models, and therefore I applied to be a Prefect. I found this responsibility a start to being well organised and committed. It was a valuable experience as my main duties were to help younger students feel secure from their transmission from Primary School to Secondary school.

Since before Secondary School I had always enjoyed Physical Education and I particularly enjoyed Tennis which has always been an interest of mine. I attended some after school Tennis activities in high school and still play Tennis to keep healthy and active in my spare time. One of my keen interests at the moment is reading the newspapers regularly and checking the finance sections where I keep track of the latest businesses that are doing well on the FTSE 100. I have recently gained an interest in shares due to my Accounts course studies.

I am determined and ambitious to succeed at university. In my opinion University is not just about getting a degree, it is about learning and doing what you love. What I love is Business studies and therefore I hope to be able to fulfil my ambition to study the subject at a higher level at university and work in the commercial sector.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by jeschi for application in 2008.

jeschi's Comments

It took me a while to write my personal statement. Sometimes I just sat in front of the computer having written nothing but the title!! lol. What helped me was looking at past experiences and what was good and how it helped me to decide on my future. I thought my personal statement was really good until I read other people, who had climbed Mount Everest and Stuff!!lol But don't let that put you off, just try and be yourself. I have been accepted into 3 of my universities out of 5 so far... but I guarentee I wouldn't of been accepted to some, becauase my grades werent very good, but I reckon my personal statement got me through!! Thanx for reading it if you do!! lol xx


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Interesting Personal

Interesting Personal statement. Bit long, but excellant quality.


Excellent statement.. Had no idea what to write before i seen yours. After reading yours i completed my personal statement within an hour. Thanks for being a big help :D

Hiya, thank you so much =]

Hiya, thank you so much =]
this was really helpful. congrats getting onto your uni =) and thank you, your personal statement was great, very good language and vocab. Thnx again for ur help


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