Mechatronic Engineering Personal Statement Example

Doorbells were infuriating when I was young; towers I couldn't hope to reach. I became angry each time an adult had to press those alluring buttons for me. I was ten then and in a child's eyes, world war three had started with my enemies, the doorbells, advancing into my territory.

Under my supervisor's gaze, I spent days working tirelessly in my school's technical lab till I found a solution. A doorbell triggered by my weight, one that sang when I stepped on it. It was encased in a rug-covered box that represented a makeshift porch; a rough product but I had won the war.

Though mediocre in comparison to the plethora of technological discoveries people have made, this childhood victory shaped my mind irrevocably. I realised that in my hands lay the key to make this world a place I would want generations after me to be happy to inhabit.

The various problems that hadn't been solved seemed to become blaring beacons seeking me out and I aim to answer every call. I am no doctor-in-training but machinations have enough sway to save lives if not as much as medications do.

It occurred to me that I didn't need an understanding of the human anatomy to save a man's life. I just needed the ability to identify a problem and solve it using practical knowledge that can be gained through engineering.

However, there are various forms of engineering. I don't want to make sturdy duplexes or speedy cars, at least not all my life. Having an innate talent in Technical Drawing, everyone proposed Civil or Architectural engineering. I tried both out.

During my time as an intern at my father's building companies, I explored other branches of engineering. The buildings never captivated me as well as the machines used to erect them. The bolts and nuts holding our universe together were what kept me working there not the houses or offices.

I needed an in-depth form of engineering that took apart the machinations that run our world; an understanding of how things around me worked. To start on the broad base this personal quest requires, a firm foundation in a wide range of principles revolving around electricity and mechanics is necessary.

This is why I chose Mechatronic Engineering. It is a well-crafted course that satisfies my passion better than any other.

My school clubs contributed to and trained me for my decision. Through them, I discovered my love for STEM subjects. I was an influential member of my school's JETS club and Maths club which both won numerous awards.

I took on leadership roles where I trained junior and senior members to succeed and clinch the top places in various exams, supervised tests and in the maths club, even invented formulas that could shorten the time taken to answer certain questions.

Through these activities, I not only learnt how to take on managerial positions, but also learnt how to handle many topics I couldn't with our syllabi. The failures we encountered gave me the zeal to persevere through academic disappointments.

Working in teams developed my team spirit, an essential skill for group projects in colleges. The competitions I participated in granted me valuable insight into topics beyond my grade which helped me build a flexible mentality to think ahead.

In addition, I learnt to withstand a stressful load of work with classes for eleven hours five days a week due to the extra training sessions I signed up for. As a result, I have the resilience I have been told many engineering aspirants need to persevere through my chosen course.

Following my graduation three years prior to this writeup which I spent working to raise my tuition fees, I decided to do a foundation program since my country's qualifications are unacceptable. I believe your program is the best for me as I'm very eager to start learning core engineering principles instead of subjects I treated in high school.

The modules listed on your website intrigued me as did the positive student feedback I received. I'm quite certain your school will give me the exposure and sufficient preparation I need for my preferred degree.

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Author's Comments

I don't know how to write a personal statement. I wasn't granted the opportunity to garner stellar extra-curricular activities so I don't have much sway in that region. This is my first trial and I will appreciate all the feedback and corrections I can get. Thank you.


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